oh, nice chart!
I’m now on Lesson 22. I plan to be done with Lesson 22 and 23 (and therefore the book…?) by this Sunday! After that my plan of attack for now is just to go through the JLPT levels’ grammar and learn them using grammar dictionaries, though I should probably pick either とびら or Intermediate Japanese to tackle so I get some more guidance. I have yet to decide which I want.
I suddenly picked up the pace because I decided to try to get into graduate school for Japanese, but I need to pass the N2 first… which means learning the rest of N4 all the way through N2 before December this year
I don’t really have access to the July exam, unfortunately.
I might be insane. I’m not sure about that yet, either. 

No such thing. Want me to add you to the schedule? If so, how often are you trying to compete a lesson?
I can do nothing more for you my son. Congratulations!
[quote=“AnimeCanuck, post:135, topic:16582, full:true”]
I’m thinking of trying the N5 test (from the jlpt bootcamp website’s downloads) either between book I and II or after book II… Maybe the N4 one right after (if I do them both at the end of II).
Anyone else have similar goals?
[/quote]@AnimeCanuck, I passed N5 (last December 2016). From what I can tell (from your posts here), your listening skills are better than mine. You have most of the necessary kanji. You must complete all of Genki Volume 1 before N5. Genki Volume 2 would be overkill and prepare your for N4.
You should prepare for the test by doing sample questions. You have to practice JLPT questions so that you don’t sit in the exam trying to work out what they want you to do. If you want more info about N5 preparation, I posted a list of the resources I used.
You could do N5 in July and N4 in December. You cannot do both N5 and N4 in December (not permitted by JLPT administrators).
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Just finished chapter 6!
Including all textbook and workbook exercises, glossary and making an anki grammar deck of everything up until now!
Chapter 7 here I come!!! 
Oh, well, @wunderbunny I’m talking about taking the 2011 or something (older) JLPT N5 (and then N4) that are linked somewhere from jlpt bootcamp. I’m not paying for the actual tests or certificates, because I don’t need them for anything.
If I was going to pay to get certified, I’d wait until the N2, I think. But I’m not really in any hurry for that. This is really more as a method to gauge my own skills, so I can say “I’m at that level” to other people around here, and have some sort of reference point.
But thanks for the list of resources! If I fall short, it’ll be good for extra practice. Taking the test itself is possibly meant to be extra practice, if I decide not to observe the time frame. I still haven’t decided yet, as I have a few chapters of Genki I left to go.
Oh, Alex… because of certain events, I do not think I’ll be getting to lesson 10 for the next couple of weeks.
Definitely not this next week.
So I’m like… on hiatus. I’m strongly considering Vacation mode here too.
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If you need some time, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. Don’t burn yourself out.
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Well, I did my reviews though and had 92%. So yay. Japanese. I won’t be doing any new items though, that’s for sure.
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Ah! I was supposed to take the J-cat three days ago, but my browser kept screwing with me during the test and I couldn’t continue. I don’t understand why this is happening. I’d taken it before, over six months ago, but now I can’t seem to. 
Any tips on learning Genki vocab with SRS similar to WK? What should I use? I feel overwhelmed. 
Welp, I failed my scheduled studying. Was unwell all week, so only managed to read Lesson 1 but not to do all the exercises
And also put WK on vacation mid-week because of this.
Maybe you need to update your version of Flash or something? It uses Flash. Did the whole “website/browser” test work first? Or maybe your internet connection was spotty? Very weird.
Yep! Look at my link to hinekidori’s Anki Genki Deck. Not only is it skinned to look like WK (use the WK eninny version, 2nd or third link in the OP there), but it’s also timed to work like WK. Just be careful which button you press… (I think you can never click EASY if I’m correct, or it goes back to Anki’s default timings by mistake.) Hine-先輩 explains everything further within the thread.

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@alexbeldan Thanks for the reminders you are working to give. Unfortunately my bad luck has continued this week, and I had to find a new place/pack for moving, so I haven’t really the time to do my lesson the way I planned, so I’ll probably be moving a bit slower than I want, hopefully I can get some time this week to catch things up, its been a crazy week.
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I finished it.
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Here’s a handy page you can bookmark for reference when you forget your kosoados Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives - Free Japanese Lessons
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Not really, but I use Memrise at first and then go on to Renshuu to take it to a higher level. I guess they both use some kind of SRS but I don’t pay too much attention to that. I just go back to Memrise on a random basis and rattle off 50. The Memrise course I use is Genki I - by Johan86 - Memrise. The Renshuu one is the main vocab one for Genki. I put the relevant chapters in a Schedule. This tests me on vocab including the kanji I’ve learned on here. I ignore other kanji.
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Well ている can mean habitual actions, see page 170 of Genki 1.