First buuuuuuuurn, yay

… well so yeah, my first burned items. Happeeh!

… bit gutted that I got a couple wrong though. For “Enter” I put in “Entrance” and for “Barb” I entered “Hook”. I did add hook as a synonym now bit it does suck having to do it again.

Been waiting for my first burned items for a good while, didn’t want to “cheat” and check when they’re going to appear. :slight_smile:





P.S. Oh god, 11 more levels for me to get the first burn

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Well done! User synonyms will definitely become your friend as you go through or this will happen A LOT. It’s rare I go completely blank on what a Kanji or a word means but often struggle to hit on exactly which english word WK wants me to input.

Not necessarily. Burning is not a matter of levels, but of time (and of correct answers). You burn your first item 4 months after you have enlightened it. The fastest burn would be about 6 months after learning an item.


Congratulations! I have burned my first one a couple days ago and remember you can resurrect things that you have burned! If you haven’t started reading yet, start reading and reinforce your memory on stuff that you have learned (and burned) or you could even learn more vocab!

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I use the Double Check script ([Userscript]: Double-Check (Version 2.x)) for that purpose.

I also burned my first just a couple days ago! I wasn’t aware you could resurrect them. How do you do that, if you don’t mind me asking?

Okay, so it is not that hard of a process. First off go to the URL of the words

Through here ^ or

clicking on the see more burned item…

Once you have found the term open it and you should be in a page somwhat similar like this.

Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on Resurrect

and you have resurrected it.

There is also this post Revive burned Items?

It shows other people talking about it. You can get scripts such as Burn Manager or Burn Reviews like Leebo mentioned in that post.


That’s awesome :sunglasses:

These days I’m happy to get over 60% on my burn reviews so don’t worry about it too much. :wink:


Thanks everyone!

I do tend to be somewhat liberal with my radical synonyms - as long as it helps me get to the right thing and remember it it’s all good. For Kanjis, I think I’ve only added one so far (evil for 悪).

Oh okay, thank you!

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Yayyy. I had mine recently too! Felt good!
Congrats :slight_smile:

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Any reading you can recommend if your grammar isn’t quite up to speed with your kanji?

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Hearty congratulations on the wonderful milestone @pasi san :grin:



I’m level 6 and got my first burned items… I am very slow… ;;;;


Yeah, I was weirdly nervous when burn Items started coming up last week. It was all going smoothly until I got my first burn failures today: 上手 and 下手, though frankly I’m not sure how they got to enlightened anyway, I can never remember them.

The main problem for me is that for the first month or two I was doing all the lessons as they came up, and now I’m getting 30+ extra review items every couple of days.


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If you’re just starting to read:

You should recognise most of the Kanji, the grammar is simple, and you can switch the furigana on/off. Being a web thing, you can also use Yomichan, Google translate, and Jisho, easily if you need to.

Reading on paper is tricky (for my old eyes anyway) and even on kindle looking stuff up takes ages - I end up just cut’n’pasting pages into google docs so I can use proper tools.


Being underhand is bad, so 下手 Under hand = bad (at)=
上手 Above hand = good (at)

Thanks, but it’s the readings I can’t remember.

<thinks very hard>

Bad at = hater = へた = 下手.

Good at taking Joe to the zoo = joe-zoo = じょうず = 上手.

Slowly getting there. Just have to remember that in 13 days…