Finally got to 0 reviews after a long break

For now at least. Tips appreciated after a long break. How to remember old enlightened/burned items? Yes I know my forecast and amount of apprentice looks awful but I’m determined to work through them.


Thats…a lot of apprentice items…yikes. I cant seem to do very well above 150! Good luck my guy.

Are you using Kame same?

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I did use it before yes but at the moment nope. I should pick it up but I don’t know if I have time…

I think you can use this script or one like it to review whatever you want including burned items.


Thank you!

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When you’re feeling down, go to this thread for inspiration. I especially like watching that it is OK to occasionally have some days off due to being busy or feeling unwell. What matters is consistency overall, and you’ll be chipping the numbers off slowly but surely.


Woah, that’s insane. I remember only having like a pile of 1000 items and it was already pain. But if that person didn’t give up neither will I! Though I’m considering resetting down like a 5-10 levels.

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Why do you have so many undone lessons? Do you ignore vocab and do only kanji?
One advice would be to get to 0/0 for each level, not a a fast pace, just clear one level before you get to the next one. The vocab reinforces a lot the kanji learning

Good question, I’m wondering about that myself since learning the vocab is the main focus. I’m going to drop down some levels now and start fresh.

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From 34 to 27! Still a lot of apprentices… but I’ll work through them


i’d recommend sorting reviews by SRS level, if Smouldering Durtles supports that.

as for maintaining language skills (and therefore remembering all those burned items), by far the best method is to actually use the language. which for most people on WK probably mostly means reading.

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Also just returned…

Uhhhh… this might take me a while :sweat_smile:


Omg, it’s not even your first time doing that :joy: :sweat_smile:

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Yup. I’m hopeless.
Well, hopefully I WAS hopeless lol :face_with_head_bandage:

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