Feature Request: "Mark For Review"


Sometimes during a review, I recall meaning / reading, but just barely. It would be nice if right there on the “yay, you got it!” screen, there was a checkbox called “mark for review”. As it stands, I have to manually keep a list.

Yes, this probably violates the Sacred Principal of the SRS™, but I betcha that 98.3644% of WK users are doing something like this. Of course, that’s just an estimate. It could be as high as 99.27737%, or as low as 98.3133%, but either way it’s a big percentage. :grinning:


Any item that is burned was earned, so don’t worry. Of course, it helps if you’re exposing yourself to kanji in the wild world too.

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If I think I don’t deserve to have burned an item, I just undo it with the double check script and then fail it on purpose. For the other items, I trust in the Power Of SRS to get it back to its rightful place. If I pass it then, I clearly deserved it.


Yeah, I do the same. If it’s a burn item and I don’t feel confident about it, I’ll use doublecheck to fail it (unless it’s baseball term :stuck_out_tongue: ) For me doublecheck script is perhaps greatest invention since sliced bread :wink:


It’s not about burning them. It’s about marking them during a review, generating a list that I can use when the review is complete, to study up.

I guess the feature request should be amended; items marked for review would be set off from the others on the page that shows me how many I got right and wrong. Another category on the summary page, “marked for review”.

Or I could just not be lazy, and keep making my little list by hand.

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Maybe this script could help? It at least has filters so you don’t have to do everything by hand.
Btw I think studying items right after a review is probably fine, just don’t study them right before the SRS review.


What Pep said
You can also try bishbashbosh

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