Hi, WK family!
I’ve been off and on with WK (and Japanese, frankly) for many years now. I studied hard in university, graduated, panicked because I wasn’t fluent, then ran face-first into the infamous “intermediate plateau”, only to slide back down the scale. I’ve gone through a ton of those “Heck, this just isn’t for me; I’m not going to study anymore” moments, but also those “I miss Japanese so much!” moments. So I do want to continue my study- and maybe someday pass the terrifying JLPT N1. But so far I haven’t been able to build a routine for studying that works for me.
When COVID-19 first started spreading, I found myself with a little bit more time stuck at home, so I dove into WK full-throttle. However, I think I burned too hot too fast because my practice lasted for probably two months before I fell off the proverbial wagon…
So my question to all of you lovely language learners is: what does your routine look like for Japanese study? If you’ve reached Level 60 Enlightenment, what tips or tricks do you have for appeasing the Crabigator? What resources and habits have helped y’all get through that dreaded intermediate plateau?
Thank you for the help! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy, and digging through their piles of Reviews effectively (definitely not me; I have HUNDREDS backed up now bahaha).