Big one for me is bureau
No, because it seems you can smash out anything that closely resembles the word and it comes up green.
Bureaucrat. Still don’t know how to, failed it more times than I can count, but I just let it pass now. It’s not english that I’m learning after all.
filial piety…not exactly a term i was terribly familiar with prior to wanikani in all honesty
except clearly not
Not really. I feel I am like a half-visual type, who can imagine alphabets in my head, even if it is pronounced differently.
Bureau is indeed an exception, but at some point, I started to focus on exceptions.
But it might the case for new words, e.g. Troupe (I only know of Trope), Ratification
I discovered I was spelling calendar wrong…
Not really… it’s just highlighted how bad my spelling is based on how often I see the ‘your answer was a bit off’ message.
I am dysgraphic (type of dyslexia), so I can’t spell English words to save myself. They have the answer input set with a spellcheck=“false” attribute so I can’t even tell my words are misspelled, because they look fine to me. I wish they left spellcheck on for the English answers so I could see before I click submit that I’ve fudged it, then maybe I could correct it and learn how to spell the word properly.
Luckily it’s pretty loose with what it accepts but I still manage to mangle some completely. I add simpler synonyms to get around some of then, sorry Wani but I am not learning how to spell narwhal!
It usually goes like this: I see 入り口, I type enterance, it says my answer is a bit off, I look and see it’s actually spelled entrance, I learn nothing and make the same mistake next time.
I did learn that you can spell moustache as mustache in the US, that was new knowledge for me!
narwhal, and I dont even know why ナ uses narwhal as the mnemonic
Presumably it’s mostly because it’s a funny word that starts with “na”, which makes it a bit more vivid that some other possibilities, but the mnemonic also says you can imagine the shape as a narwhal as well.
Yea I cant deny that it works, cause here i am remembering it.
No but I was forced to learn that Wanikani thinks that vermilion is spelled with two Ls.
Hahaha, same energy. Also bureau, but that one I sometimes managed to wing somehow. I blame French in this case, tho. In other languages it’s buro .
Both work, but two L is less common or outdated? Maybe @wanikani really should list vermilion as primary, and hide vermillion? (And I also used No Cigar)
Fine, but if I answer it with one L it says I have a typo. Maybe I took it too personally
Honestly, separate. >> Oh god and feudal. Takes me two tries every time. >< Recently I’ve been using the swipe keyboard and sometimes even it doesn’t know where I’ve gone wrong.
Not really. If I’m unsure of the spelling of a longer word, and I know it’s off by one or two letters, I just leave it as is. It still gets accepted as a correct answer. Work smart, not hard, lol I’m generally good at spelling, I think.