For me it’s forty. Never realized before wanikani it’s not spelled fourty
(I’m not a native English speaker)
I realised there were a few words I didn’t understand perfectly, like subjugate and superfluous. It taught me how to spell “chrysanthemum”. I had to apply all my childhood spelling memorisation skills to get it.
Another vote for chrysanthemum here. I’m always amazed whenever I enter it and the crabigator doesn’t look me in the eye.
Calisthenics, which is a word I’ve vaguely known since I was a kid but think I’ve never actually written ever before WaniKani.
It’s a simple one for me, Burglar. I used to think it was spelled burgular.
I had to discover that I’d been spelling “pronunciation” wrongly for my whole life. I used to have “pronounciation” in my head.
Why don’t you add vermilion with one L as a synonym if it bothers you? God knows I’ve turned a lot of -or into -our for the same reason.
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll pass this on to the content team.
I never learnt. Now that I think about it, I might have added a native language synonym for that one. Or I just relied on the forgiveness of the WK system when it comes to the English words. XD
Oh dear lord please don’t tell me the later levels of wanikani include flower related kanji…
That sounds like hell.
yonder, esa no la sabia antes
quiza tambien “reverberation”, siempre es dificil recordar como escribirla bien
Well, not all flowers. Chrysanthemum just happens to be a flower that is used as a symbol of the Japanese emperor.
daffodil 水仙 is the one that i have to pause on for the vocab. the kanji combo and the english spelling can trip me up sometimes. though…now that i think about it i guess it’s kind of a reference to Narcissus (the genus name of the daffodil flowers) and how he dies alone in water (ie water hermit?) after falling in love with his water reflection…
bureau and decision (i actaully have a problem with spelling this word haha i can never seem to get the s and c in the right place).
“Wisteria” (藤) from level 22 send its regards
(But don’t run yet, it’s a surprisingly useful kanji)
This thread has made me feel so much better about my recent review sessions.
Pounding out meaning after meaning and reading after reading in milliseconds. At one with the keyboard, zero latency, effortless conscious thought to written expression. Then …
kik ^h ^h ^h
crys ^h ^h ^h ^h
chryst ^h ^h ^h ^h ^h ^h ^h ^h
While I’m here, I’d also like to complain to whoever is responsible for しらぎく and しろくま — that inconsistency should be prohibited by the Geneva conventions.
Oh: one more. “Tariff” sometimes gives me pause for some reason.
also bureaucrat
I thought vermillion was spelled with 2 Ls?
i have a friend from the middle east name taraf so that makes that one even trickier lol
diarrhea (cha cha cha)