All scripts disapperaed in Firefox after break?

Just tried to start WaniKani again after a long break and it seems all my scripts are gone for some reason. I use Firefox pretty much for only Wanikani so have barely used this browser during the break. Does anyone have any idea what might’ve happened and if it’s possible to recover them?

I would first check your Tampermonkey, if that is affected everything else will be down. Try to update your scribts as well.

What is “A long break”? Was it before April 23? There was a big change in the API and it continuously is getting worse.

Either way, update your scripts and they should resume working more or less. Since some data is stored on your system directly it isnt really clear what could be lost though.


Are they gone or are they just non-functional? There have been website updates that broke most scripts last year, make sure you’re running the updated version of is the scripts.

If it’s before 2023, you might check this list first.

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Another possibility is web browser update. Since the latter half of 2024, you may need to enable Developer Mode for extensions, for Tampermonkey to work.

I haven’t used Wanikani since around August 2024. There aren’t any scripts to update - it says ‘no script is installed’ in the Tampermonkey dashboard.

They’re all gone.

How do I do this? Is this the setting you’re referring to? “Developer Tools: Service Worker debugging”

It seems to be only a problem Chrome-based browsers, so not Firefox.