This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.
Just like a No-Typo script – Anyone else uses Shake When Not Exact? (No Cigar). However, it does accept silly variants, like having space or not, or plural or singular or not.
Since it’s just a set of rules, I could be doing it wrong. The repo is here and open to PR. (Or just discuss here.)
Technically, I edited from Okurigana Matcher. This script only works with the modded Okurigana Matcher.
I also made several hotkeys.
- Press Ctrl + Enter to force native checking.
- Press Esc for I Don’t Know.
- Press Esc twice to clear the input box.
Double Check isn’t required for this script.