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Join our Beginner’s Book Club here!
For the Chapter 10 discussion thread, click here!
Starting date: May 20th
Finishing date: June 9th
Start of the Repeat Club Discussion
- キキ - a young witch
- ジジ - Kiki’s black cat (黒猫)
Discussion guidelines:
Please use spoiler tags - [spoiler]like this![/spoiler] - where appropriate; anything from later chapters or the anime, and any major or interesting information from this chapter.
When asking for help, search the thread before posting to see if your question has already been asked, and write out the relevant text so that others can find your question (don’t hide Japanese text behind spoiler tags).
Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
Have fun
We’re discussing grammar, vocab usage and its context, checking if our reading comprehension is right, interesting plot/character development, etc.