結婚しても恋してる Home Thread (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

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Discussion Threads

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Volume 2
Volume 3

Reading Schedule

Week Pages Chapters
Week 1 9 ルート分岐 [5+1], 撮れるかな [1], 交際直後 [2]
Week 2 8 ドンッ [1], もう一回 [1], よくあること [2], 夏の終わりに [4] (End of Ch 1)
Week 3 10 朝の決めごと [2+1] , ババの弱点 [2], 大人の階段 [1], 真似っこ [2], 涙の夜 [1], 休日出勤 [1]
Week 4 10 かぜの日曜日 [5] (End of Ch 2), 会談#とは [1+2], 大人の対応 [2]
Week 5 12 ルンバ先輩爆弾 [1], いつもそばに [1], ギリギリアウト [1], 君に会いたい [1], 後輩指導 [1], この夏一番のホラー [2], 特別な日 [5] (End of Ch 3)
Week 6 12 クリスマスはいつも [1+4], 私のサンタさん [2] (End of Ch 4), それってつもり [1+1], それってつもり2 [1], 有無といわさない笑顔 [2]
Week 7 10 新ネタ [1], 凍てつく波動 [1], 正月ポケ [1], 君のぬくもり [2] (End of Ch 5), 本命はずっと [5] (End of Ch 6)
Week 8 12 見えないところで [1+2+1], ケンカするほど [1], 遺伝かな? [1], おかたづけ [1], 脳内審議 [1], 3人遊びました [1], 11月22日 [3] (End of Ch 7)
Week 9 11 双子育児あるある [2+9] (End of Ch 8)

Vocabulary List

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter(s) and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun! :two_hearts:

Member List

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Are you planning to read 結婚しても恋してる with us?

  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • No
  • Not sure

0 voters

If so, what version are you planning to read?

  • Physical book
  • eBook

0 voters



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I made a thread, yay! /o/ I read through the manga quickly omg I will probably cry out of cuteness, but I can’t really decide on the schedule :thinking: It has 8 major chapters, ~20 pages each, is that the slow schedule then? Sorry, I’m still a bit sick, but I wanted to do something today :blush:

Edit: Also, again, I would appreciate if someone would make a vocab list doc:3 I will add it to the main post /o/


I think I might be even lower than a beginner. ;__; Maybe I can join when I feel more confident? It will probably be a different manga or novel, right?

I hope you feel better soon. ^^


Join whenever you like:3 The discussion threads will still be there, so you can start reading later and ask questions if you have any, people will sure answer you.
And thank you!:3 :yellow_heart:


I’ve made the file (just used the template from the shirokuma file), but no vocab yet since my copy is in in the mail.

Please tell me if the link above doesn’t work!

I’ve seem some samples online and it seems a little easier than シロクマカフェ, so I hope things go more smoothly with this one!

Ps: I’ve included a little sample of the vocab, just to give an idea how it goes, in case anyone else want to give it a try, but the pages are probably all wrong since it’s from the online sample.


Do you mind, if I copy your post for the 10分 thread?

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@FlamySerpent you are very productive despite being ill! Thanks for setting up this up. Having an ebook available is such a bonus, bought and downloaded my copy in five minutes rather than a month wait for delivery plus crazy shipping charges!

Can we figure out the page numbers? The contents list says this:

This page is 3 pages before the contents page and is page 3 of 129 on my ebook

And this one comes straight after the contents. It looks like the start of chapter 1, and is page 9 of 129 on my ebook:

Does anyone have the physical book so we can clarify the page numbers for the vocab sheet?


This book is also going to be running at the same time: Absolute Beginners Book Club // Now reading: Hunter × Hunter - #125 by Saruko

Not sure whether it’s any easier than this manga, but there are some sample pages at tje link you could take a look at to see :slightly_smiling_face:

Of course not, I’m also copying other book clubs’ pattern, so :eyes:

Aww thank you:3 I’m feeling much better, but not for reviews:DD I’m conserving my strength for jlpt tomorrow:D

And also yes! I also got the ebook, although I think it has a second page for contents too, so… 8 chapters? I think it has a quite a lot of text, so maybe 1 chapter a week is a bit too much for absolute beginners? :thinking: I don’t know, what do you all think?


I’ve added the other contents page to my post above. The pages are very variable, the pages I posted above I think should be about a day’s reading, but there are other pages which are very light. Maybe 2 weeks per chapter to start and see how we get on?

Its probably easier to split it by stories rather than chapters. So a certain amount of pages per week (10ish?) and then split where a story ends. I’m away from my laptop but i can give more concrete examples when i get home

Edit: since some people don’t read every day, so intead they could read each story in one sitting, and read 3 or something stories per week

I’ll join! I just got the ebook from Yahoo (and with a sweet 50% discount) (^^♪

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I think it’s basically a rule for me to say “I’m really looking forward to this one!” in every home thread at this point.
Even though I already read the entire first volume the other week. I’m keen to read again. So cute!


Thank you!

@Radish8 Ah, I feel embarrassed. I thought that was something about cheese at first. A Cheese’s Sweet Home… =-= It’s sad because I actually watched Chi’s Sweet Home. ^^; It might be easier, so I will try. Thank you!


Yeah, thank you:3 I will look into pages a bit more later, now I’m tired after jlpt:D If anyone has any other suggestions, you’re welcome to help me please tell:D /o/ :yellow_heart:


How did it go?


It’s probably easier to divide the readings by stories rather than chapters, so here are the lengths of the individual short stories:
(the chapters contain stories that fit a certain theme, but otherwise don’t mean anything)


Each chapter has a prologue, so I included the pages in the following story
[number of pages in brackets]

  1. ハート分岐 [4+1]
  2. 撮れるかな [1]
  3. 交際直後 [2]
  4. ドンッ[1]
  5. もう一回 [1]
  6. よくあること [2]
  7. 夏の終わりに [4] (end ch 1)
  8. 朝の決めごと[2+1]
  9. ババの弱点 [2]
  10. 大人の階段 [1]
  11. 真似っこ [2]
  12. 涙の夜 [1]
  13. 休日出勤 [1]
  14. かぜの日曜日 [5] (end ch 2)
  15. 会談#とは [1+2]
  16. 大人の対応 [2]
  17. ルンバ先輩爆弾 [1]
  18. いつもそばに [1]
  19. ギリギリアウト [1]
  20. 君に会いたい [1]
  21. 後輩指導 [1]
  22. この夏一番のホラー [2]
  23. 特別な日 [5] (end ch 3)
  24. クリスマスはいつも [1+4]
  25. 私のサンタさん [2] (end ch 4)
  26. それってつもり [1+1]
  27. それってつもり2 [1]
  28. 有無といわさない笑顔 [2]
  29. 新ネタ [1]
  30. 凍てつく波動 [1]
  31. 正月ポケ [1]
  32. 君のぬくもり [2] (end ch 5)
  33. 本命はずっと [5] (end ch 6)
  34. 見えないところで [1+2+1]
  35. ケンカするほど [1]
  36. 遺伝かな? [1]
  37. おかたづけ [1]
  38. 脳内審議 [1]
  39. 3人遊びました [1]
  40. 11月22日 [3] (end ch 7)
  41. 双子育児あるある [2+9] (end ch 8)

Omg, you’re a life saver, thank you!! :bowing_woman: :yellow_heart: Is something around 10-12 pages a week would be okay, or should we go slower for this club?