ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon 🐲 Week 4

Week 4 Mar 11 2023
Pages 36-49
Chapter 1
Previous week Week 3
Next week Week 5
Home Thread ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon
Last frame of of this week's part (page 49)


We’re reading volume 1 of this manga as part of the Absolute Beginner Book Club.


Vocabulary Sheet

The base for this vocab sheet was prepared using a fair amount of OCR/parsing, automated by @ChristopherFritz.

Some notes for using/improving it:

  • Pages are physical page numbers (they are printed on some pages). Ebook reader pages might be off by a bit.
  • Some words might have been recognized or parsed incorrectly, e.g. they are split even though they belong together, or they are simply wrong and aren’t even in the manga. Feel free to correct/remove those if you see them!
  • Words might be missing. Feel free to add them!
  • By default, translations in grey are auto-filled with a list of possible meanings (from a Wiktionary database). If you know what the actual specific meaning in this context is, feel free to fill it in! (It’ll turn black then.)

Grammar Sheet

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur / hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s: [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number, and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked
  • Join the conversation — it’s fun!

The page numbers for ebook readers might be off by one or two. Some pages have physical page numbers on them, and you can use that to find out much off it is for you!

Participation Poll

  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m still reading but I haven’t reached this part yet
  • I’m no longer reading the book
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished

0 voters

For our new readers: How are you doing so far?

  • It’s going really well
  • It’s going well
  • I’m struggling, but I manage
  • I’m struggling so much I’m thinking of dropping the book
  • I’m no longer reading the book
  • I have read harder manga/books than this one but I still need to click a poll option

0 voters

(This poll is anonymous.)


You can find some general advice, useful resources for reading and the FAQ here.

Voice-over Video

If you also want to listen to Ruri’s adventures - there’s an official voice-over video!

This week’s part: 1:23 - 4:30


Welcome to Week 4, everybody!

Congratulations to our new readers: If you are reading this post, and you are still in the club, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll make it to the end. The first weeks are rough and you see a lot of people dropping out, but by week 4 the numbers are starting to stabilize. Hopefully you’re also slowly getting used to the casual grammar, or you are at least not as confused as you were in the first chapter? Either way, I’m glad you’re still reading with us, and I’m sure you’ll improve even more!

Also, thanks to everybody who is helping out answering questions and writing corrections! I know how much work that is, and I’m really thankful that so many people are jumping in.

I have one suggestion to make there: Could you try to mark the answers/corrections with [details=“Page ??”][/details]? I know this is more work, especially if you are writing lots of them, but especially then it is important. If you wrap it that way, it’s much easier to see if an answer/correction has been provided, both for people who are looking for answers and for other people who are trying to find out if there’s anything left to adress. Thanks!


First time I haven’t already read ahead, even if I’m not far off :smile:


So how many pages are left from the week’s section? 2? :joy:


Hey now, I’ve shown remarkable self-control!

It’s 5 :joy:


Wait, I thought you said you already read the whole thing? Or was that in English?


Oh no, I read the whole thing in Japanese once already. It’s just been a while so I’m re-reading :slight_smile: Gonna have to re-read bits to be part of the discussion anyway, so I might as well re-read the whole thing, plus it’s hilarious and adorable so why not


Ah, fair enough! That also explains how you can stop 5 pages before the end of the current reading, because I wouldn’t expect anybody to be able to stop there.


Honestly I just got distracted while reading and didn’t pick it back up again :smile: It’s always a bit of a toss-up for me. Either I binge-read the whole thing or I get distracted every other page.

But yeah, of all the stopping points… :joy: Probably would’ve jumped right back in if I didn’t already know what was coming


Spoiler tags for that last paragraph, please :wink:


Gotcha! Sorry :slight_smile:


…Aaand that’s week 5 done too :rofl:

So much for self-control I guess


So, these are the last of the pre-made transcriptions/translations I’ve made, and unfortunately my last post for quite some time. Things have taken a bit of a turn in my personal life, so I’ll only be able to make time for my reviews and that’s about it for the next two weeks at least. Hopefully that’ll change, but I just have to make time for myself. I’m really bummed out, I loved the first two weeks so much, and this story in general is so nice. But, that’s just how it be sometimes in life. Anyways, all the best guys.

Page 36

今日一日で話したことない= “Today is the one day where I didn’t want to talk”. Talk is in the past tense here, and I believe こと is used to turn a verb into a noun, so the clause operates as a way of describing the ない at the end, as a means of saying “I didn’t want to talk”.

クラスメイト全員と話したかも= “All of the classmates might have said…” This is all I could get, based on かも meaning “may”, and the と particle succeeding “all the classmates”. So, I interpret the entire speech bubble as meaning “Today is the one day I didn’t want to talk, but all of the classmates seemed to have wanted to.”

それは…いいことじゃない?= “That’s… a good thing, no?” I’m a little confused about the what’s being responded to, as I didn’t fully get the previous speech bubble, but I assume Yuka is about to comfort Ruri in the following piece of dialogue.

ルリもっと人っと話した方がいいよ= I’m taking a guess that she’s saying “Ruri, the way that people were talking was good!”. The only thing I don’t get from the sentence is もっと, but everything else I can infer. This sentence was one I was initially going to leave a note on saying ‘I have no clue what this means, but instead here are the individual words I could pick out’, and then through the process of picking out those individual words, I was able to make an inference as to its meaning. So, for anyone else who’s a beginner like me, even if you just try to take note of the words you understand, even if you don’t comprehend the sentence, it’ll still work towards your overall reading comprehension. And, in this case, it ended up in me realising that I did understand the sentence, just not initially. So, have faith in yourself. You’re a lot better than you think!

苦手なのは分かるけど= なの translates to “that’s the way it is”, 苦手 can mean “poor” or “not one’s cup of tea”, and けど means “but”. My stab at it is: “…but I understand that the way they’re talking isn’t pleasant for you”, or more concisely, “But I understand it sucks”. I’m not entirely sure how なの is supposed to translate, and けど at the end has somewhat thrown me for a loop, but I’d say I’m probably close enough.

せっかく高校入れたんだし= I’m taking せっかく to mean “With trouble/at great pains”, and 高校入れたんだし to mean “you coming into high-school, right?”. So, in total: “Despite how difficult it was going to be, you still come into school today, right?”

はいルリの分= “Yup, I get it!” I’m guessing that this is because we use 分 as part of 分かる, “to understand”. So if ルリの分かる is "Ruri’s understood, then ルリの分 is just a shortened version of this. However, the ぶん reading is being used, so I could be completely wrong.

嫌だ= “Disagreeable”, or “Unpleasant”. Whether or not she’s saying this about the strawberry, or the thing’s Yuka is saying, I’m unsure. Possibly both?

Page 37

そういえばツノ以外は体に変化はないの?= “Now that you mention it, with the exception of the horns, nothing else about your body changed, right?” This is a classic example of me being able to understand the sentence, but not really understanding why it is the way it is grammatically. I understand that そういえばツノ以外は is introducing the topic, and 体に変化は is introducing the second topic. But why is は used in both cases? Why do we not use が?Also, I’m assuming we use に as part of 体に変化は to indicate that we’re talking about changes to the body, right?

んーないなぁ= “Umm…No…” んー is “Umm…” and the なぁ at the end is the confirmation particle な with an ぁ at the end to indicate trailing off.

ふーん何でツノだけ生えたんだろね= “Hmm… Why did your horns just sprout up?” I’m assuming “just” in this sentence results from the presence of だけ. んだろ is a colloquialised version of だろう, and ね is doing the exact same thing as んだろ; they’re both there to indicate the a question looking for an explanation is being asked here.

…そういや確かに = “Come to think of it, surely…”

ツノが生えただけだな= “Horns don’t just sprout up”

父親がドラゴンと言う割にツノ以外ただの人間だな= I’m taking 割に to mean “Considering”, と言う to mean “I was told”, and な to be a declarative particle in this context. As such, I’ve translated the full bubble as: “Considering that I was told that Dad is a dragon, with the exception of the horns he was an ordinary human being”.

もっと他に色々= もっと, Even more. 他に, in addition. 色々, various. So I’ve translated this as saying: “In even more ways…”. So, depending on whether or not I was correct in translating the previous bubble as a positive statement, she’s either considering the various ways in which her father was normal, or wasn’t normal.

ふぁ= Ruri sighing. I think it’s a small ぁ here.

Page 38

へぐっ= Ruri is sneezing here, right?

大丈夫?= “Are you okay?”

うぇ~汗で冷えたかも= “Ughhh… I think maybe my sweat has cooled me”. I was initially trying to look at 汗で冷えた by itself, but couldn’t discern the answer. Initially I thought it was “my sweat has cooled”, but was confused by the で particle instead of the を particle. I caved and put the expression into DeepL, and it clicked. She’s being cooled by the sweat. I think had I seen the sentence initially as 私は汗で冷えたかも, I would have gotten it right away. Also I got “Maybe” from the かも at the end. And yes I used initially three times in this explanation.

Page 39

青木眠いかぁ!?= “Aoki, are you sleepy?!” So Aoki must be her last name.

コンコン= I’m guessing that this is the katakana for him smacking his hand against the blackboard to wake Ruri up.

ビクツ= I’m making a guess and saying that this is the sound of her chair scraping against the ground as she’s just been jolted awake. Could be totally wrong though.

!!! = !!!. This is also the name of a band, whom you should check out.

えあっ!?はい!すみませ…? = “Eaghh!? Yes! Sorr-…?”

寝グセ= “Bed hair…”

てかお前何でツノ生えてんだ= “Or perhaps, Why are horns growing…”. I took it to mean “growing” in this case as it’s in the て form. I wrote this translation down before I double-checked with DeepL, to see if it would be terribly different. It said “What’s with the horns growing on your head?”. My translation omitted お前, I’m not sure how important it is to translate this part to be honest. I was initially confused as to why a sentence with 何で would then end with だ, but then I realised that in this case it would be a rhetorical question of ‘why?’.

あぇ…それは= “Ahh… This is…”

よし青木続き読むか= “Right, Aoki, can you continue reading?” I knew what this said before I even finished transcribing it, I didn’t have to use Yomichan for any part of it! Fantastic feeling.

え、嫌だ = “Ah, shit!” I mean she obviously didn’t say “Shit” to the teacher, but given the emotive quality to her saying “Detestable”, I think we can infer what is really meant here.

ど…どこ = “Wh…Where…(are we in the reading)”

28P = Page 28

Page 40

立ってだぞ= “Stand!” だ and ぞ are adding emphasis at the end here.

ガガ…= The chair moving sfx

ひぃぃ…= “Hnnnn…”

(?)(?)文A= I can only make out the last two characters on her book. They appear again on the next page but with no furigana, it’s not worth the time trying to figure out. If it’s necessary for understanding the story, in the sense of maybe it’ll be a pun or something like that, I’m sure someone will point that out.

! = !

う… = “Ughhh…”

ふぁ…っ= “Ahhhh…”

Page 41

へぶっ = “…choo!”

Page 42/43

I can make out the オ katakana being used twice here, but the largest kana on the very left, with the two circles beneath, I have no idea what that’s supposed to be.

Page 44

えっ何今の= “Eh… What just happened…” (lit. “What of now…”)

火!?= “Fire!?”

え…あっつ= “Ehh… Ahhhh…”

おい何だ今のは= “Oi, what the hell was that?!” This is another example of me being able to understand the sentence completely, but I’ve no idea why the words are in the order that they are"

青木が火吹いた= “Aoki blew fire…”

は? = “HAH?!”

ジュゥゥゥゥゥ = The book smouldering

Page 45

ガタン= Yomichan literally describes this onomatopoeia as “With a bang…”

!! = !!

どてぅ = Her foot slipping sfx

ちょっルリ!? = “Wait… Ruri!?”. This is an abbreviated form of ちょっと

ガタ = I’m unsure as to what this is signifying. The turning of her head. I’m also unsure as to whether or not that’s a ツ next to the タ, or if the タ just has dakuten.

何今の大丈夫!? = “Are you okay right now?” This may not be a perfect translation. It might literally translate to something a bit closer to “With what just happened right now, are you okay?”. In any case, the intention is clear.

あっ…っ= “Aghhh…”

!? = !?

ドロッ= ドロ comes up on YomiChan as ‘Mud’ or ‘Slime’. So I’m assuming that this is the manga making a pun, given that her blood looks so dark and thick.

わ = “Ahhh!”

Page 46

うぁ…= “Uhhh…”

えっ??? すごい血 = “Eh??? That’s a lot of blood…” (lit. “terrible (amount of) blood”)

大丈夫!? = “Are you okay!?” (Technically it can be considered one sentence, but I’m considering it as two sentences given that there’s a line break)

げほっげほっ…あノドが = げほっ, sfx coughing, according to DeepL. ノド, throat. I’m assuming あ is just her gasping. So, the bubble reads: “cough cough Ah… My throat is…”

だだ大丈夫全然ちょっと熱いだけ = “Oh… Oh… Okay… (I was) entirely hot for a moment”. I’m interpreting it this way due to ちょとお (a little) and だけ (just) being a part of the sentence. But it could also be “I… I… I’m perfectly fine, just got a bit hot for a moment”. My first interpretation is based on whether or not we’re considering each line break to equate to a separation of clauses. So I’m not sure, someone else can steer me in the right direction on this one.

全然大丈夫じゃないって = “You’re not ‘perfectly fine’” This instance of じゃないって is used to refute a statement or a rumour.

へ… ちょっと = “Ehh… Wait a second…”

Page 47

わ-!! = “Ahh!!”

たっ= Sfx of Ruri hitting the ground

ば= Sfx of classmate hitting his leg against the desk

はぁはぁはぁ= “*gasp gasp gasp”

っとここか = “Where is it?” I assume that the っと in this case is quotation particle, used for the purpose of questioning or considering. So, if “Ruri is sick, meet her in the nurse’s office” were a quote or idea, then っと is Mom’s way of referring to that idea, before asking “Where is it?”

はぁはぁ = “gasp gasp

遅くなりました…青木です = “I was late… Aoki desu” Whether she means “Aoki (myself) am here now”, or “Aoki (Ruri) is the reason I’m here”, I’m not too sure.

Page 48

あ来た = “Ah! (You) came!”

うおっルリ何してんの = “Oooh… Ruri. What have you been doing?” In this case, “して” indicates that an action or thing (何) is taking place. の at the end is a questioning particle, and ん is just a contracted の particle doing the exact same thing.

先生とフレ交換してたゲームの = Confused on this one. フレ交換してたゲーム is “(we were) Exchanging friend codes on our game”, or “(we were) Adding each other as friends on the game we’re both playing”. But then there’s 先生と, and の at the end. So, it could mean “Sensei said (we were allowed to) add each other as friends on the game we’re both playing”. That’s the best I got for this.

ありがと~ = “Thanks! (casual)”

えぇ… = Sfx of game on phone

あの…娘が火吐いたそうで… = “Ehm… My daughter was spitting fire, it seems…”

らしいです= “So it would seem ^-^!”

遅くなってごめんね大丈夫だった? = “Sorry for being late. Were you okay?”

Page 49

大丈夫見える? = “Do I look okay?” (lit. Alright/Okay + To be seen)

…見えない = “…no” (lit. Not to be seen) As in, Ruri being in a state of okay-ness is “not to be seen”. But this is simply trying to translate it back into an English context, it’s simple enough to understand it through japanese.

そりゃそっか火吐いたもんな = “Is it really the case that you spit fire?” I’m inferring な as a questioning particle here. I’m also inferring そりゃ as meaning ‘very’, so Very+そっか = “Is that so/Is that the case?”

…火傷まだ痛い? = “Is the burn still painful?” まだ means “Still”.

うん = “Uh-huh”

そっかまだノドが龍じゃないんだ = “Is that so… Still your throat isn’t Dragon”. By this Mom means “Your throat isn’t a ‘dragon’ throat just yet”. Were Ruri’s throat to be that of a dragon, she wouldn’t be in pain.

お騒がせしてすみません = 騒がす translate as “to annoy”, so I’d translate this as a polite way of saying “Sorry to trouble you”. 騒がす is in the て form as it’s connecting to すみません, which is a verb.

いえいえ= “No no!” Just a common way of dismissing someone. In Ireland we’re likely to say “Go way outta that!” :slight_smile:

今日は連れて帰ります= At first I assumed this was the receptionist saying “You take care of yourself today!”. But then when I wondered why the receptionist would say “I’m taking (you) to return (home) today”, I realised it’s Mom saying it. 連れて is in the て form as it’s linked to another verb, 帰ります. They combine to mean “(I’m) taking you home”. 今日は means today, so Mom is saying this in the context of “(rather than you staying here in school, I’m) taking you home today”


This section went fairly smoothly, I think. Although I had a couple iffy parts.

Pg. 36

今日一日で話したことない = “I haven’t talked (to you) all day today.”
クラスメイト全員と話したかも = “I may have talked to all (of our) classmates.”

それは…いいことじゃない? = “Isn’t that a good thing?” or “That isn’t a good thing?”

ルリもっと人と話した方がいいよ = “Ruri (you) should talk to more people.” (From what I understand, this usage of 「方がいい」after a past-tense verb just makes it softer, more of a suggestion than a command, and is more commonly seen when one is speaking with someone outside of their immediate friend group. So I’m slightly surprised to see it here, when they are peers and (I believe) close friends. Especially since the よ at the end of the sentence makes it sound emphatic anyway. But it could easily just be reflective of her personality being less assertive.

苦手なのは分かるけど = “I know you aren’t good at it.” (I believe the なのは is just taking the na-adjective 苦手, nominalizing it, and making it the topic of the sentence. Is that right? Also, my understanding of けど would lead me to believe that in this context it doesn’t really mean “but/although” but rather it’s just being used to soften the sentence. Any thoughts?)

せっかく高校入れたんだし = “Especially since you started high school.” (I’m not very confident of this translation but I can’t come up with anything better.)
はい ルリの分 = “Okay, Ruri’s portion.”

嫌だ~ = “I don’t want to.” (I’m assuming responding to the suggestion that she talk to more people rather than indicating that she doesn’t want or doesn’t like the bite of food.)

Pg. 37

そういえば ツノ以外は体に変化はないの? = “By the way, other than the horns, has there been any other change to (your) body?” (Assuming I’m reading it correctly, this sentence has two は topic particles. I’m assuming that what this is doing is sort of reinforcing the “other than”?)

んーないなぁ = “I…I don’t think so?”

ふーん 何でツノだけ生えたんだろね = “Hmmm, I wonder why you only grew horns (instead of more things changing as well).”

[…そういや確かに] = “That’s right. Surely…”

[ツノが生えただけだな] = “…other than the horns having grown…”

[父親がドラゴンと言う割にツノ以外ただの人間だな] = “Considering my father is supposedly a dragon, (it’s odd) that I’d be an ordinary human other than the horns.”

[もっと他に色々…] = “In addition (to that), there (must be) various other…” (This whole section is iffy, I’m not very confident of the exactitude of my translation, but I believe this is the gist at least.)

Pg. 38

[へぐっ] = (Best guess, this is supposed to be the sound of her stopped sneeze. Although I feel like onomatopoeia seems to typically be in katakana. Alternatively, maybe something she was about to say before it got cut off by the sneeze?)

大丈夫? = “Are you okay?”

うぇ~ 汗で冷えたかも = “Ehh…could be just getting a chill from sweating.”

Pg. 39

青木、眠いかぁ!? = “Aoki, are you sleepy?!”

えあっ?!はい! = “Ehhh?! Yes sir!”

すみませ……? = “I’m sorr……?”

てかお前何でツノ生えてんだ = “Or more importantly (I’m not too sure how to handle the てか but this is the feeling that I get from it), why have you grown horns?” (My understanding is that てか comes from というかむしろ->というか->てか and means basically “Or, how should I say it…” or something to that effect.)

あぇ…それは = “Ah…that’s…”

よし青木続き読むか = “Okay Aoki, let’s read the next part.”

え゛ 嫌だ = “Ugh, I don’t wanna.” (I’m reading this as “Ugh…do I have to?” more or less. This seems exceedingly rude to me, particularly in Japan, unless I’m misunderstanding something.)

ど…どこ = “Wh…where…?”

28P = “Page 28”

Pg. 40

立ってだぞ = “Standing.” (“Stand up.”)

ひぃぃ~… = “Ughhhhh” (Or something along those lines)

う… = “Uh…”

ふぁ…っ = “Ahh…” (Sharp intake of air at the start of a sneeze)

Pg. 41

へぶっ = “…choo.”

Pg. 44

えっ 何今の = “Eh, what now?”

火?! = “Fire?”

え…あっつ = “Err, huh?”

おい何だ今のは = “Hey, what was that?” (With more of a “Hey, what the hell was that?!” feel to it)

青木が火吹いた = “Aoki breathed fire.”

は? = “Huh??”

ジュゥゥゥゥゥ = (The sound of her textbook burning)

Pg. 45

ちょっ ルリ!? = “Hey, Ruri?!”

何今の, 大丈夫!? “What was that just now? Are you okay?!”

あっ…っ = “Uh…ugh”

わ゛= “Ahh!”

Pg. 46

うぁ… = “Huh…”

えっ!!?すごい血。大丈夫!? = “Hey?!! That’s an awful lot of blood!Are you okay?!“

げほっ…げほっ…あ゛ノドが = “cough…cough ughh…(my) throat”

だだ大丈夫…全然ちょっと熱いだけ = “I…I’m…I’m all good. It’s just a bit hot…”

全然大丈夫じゃないって = “It’s not fine at all!”

へ… = “Uh…”

ちょっと = “Hey”

Pg. 47

わー――!! “Ahhhhh!!”

たっ = (Generic sounds of surprise or the sounds of her slumping to the floor)

ば = (Same as above)

はあ、はあ、はあ = (Deep, rapid breaths from running)

っとここか = “Here…?”

遅くなりました…青木です = “I’m getting here late…I’m Aoki.” ( I read this localized more like “Sorry I’m late” or “Sorry for the delay”. I’m also not 100% sure on the “I’m Aoki” part since she might be asking if it’s Aoki in the room (I’m assuming she and her daughter share a surname, so I’m not 100% if she’s announcing herself or asking).

Pg. 48

あ 来た = “Ah, you came.”

うおっ ルリ 何してんの = “Woah, Ruri. What are you doing??”

先生とフレ交換してたゲームの = “I was exchanging (flyers?) in a game with the teacher.” (I’m unclear on what exactly they were exchanging, doing, or playing here. I am struggling to read the phone screen on the previous panel and it looks like it might say フレンド which makes me think possibly she’s talking about sending each other friend requests in the game. Although it also seems somewhat odd to me that a student would be adding a teacher like that, so I’m not very confident of that interpretation. )

ありがと~ = “Thank you.”

あの…娘が火吐いたそうで… = “Um…so my daughter breathed fire…”

らしいです = “It appears so.”

遅くなってごめんね, 大丈夫だった? = “I’m sorry I was late. Was (everything) okay?” (I’m not sure if these are meant to be all one sentence or two separate ones. And without a clear subject in the second part, I’m not sure if she’s asking if her being late was okay, if Ruri was okay, or if the rest of the class/the situation as a whole was okay.)

Pg. 49

大丈夫に見える? = (Edit: I somehow failed to add my translations of this sentence and the next) “Do I look okay?”

…見えない = “You don’t look (okay).”

そりゃそっか火吐いたもんな …まだノドが龍じゃないんだ (I think this is a small や but it was a little hard for me to tell) = “That’s right, you breathed fire huh…and you don’t have a dragon’s throat yet.” (In general this sentence is the one I’ve found most confusing in this section. As far as I can tell, the そりゃそっか at the beginning (assuming that’s even what it actually says) is serving a purpose similar to “oh yeah, that’s right” or something like that. But I’m not super clear on that point.)

そっか …ごめんね遅くなって = “I’m sorry again for being late.” (Another そっか and I’m still not too clear on what it’s doing)

お騒がせしてすみません = “I’m very sorry for the disturbance.”

いえいえ = “No, no.” (“It’s fine, no problem.”)

今日は連れて帰ります = “I’ll take her home for the day.”


Few issues, “一日で” this isn’t the subject and there’s no “want” in the sentence. 一日で is “the whole day”, and instead this is a statement, therefore “X haven’t talked at all today”, with X being the subject(s), which from context is “us”. “We haven’t talked all day”. Or in literal form “Today the whole day there was no such thing as talking”.

Knowing the previous sentence, it’s easier to deduce, that this is “I probably talked to all of my classmates”.
This also clears up the next one.

もっと is just “more”. Translating the sentence word by word, you get “Ruri, more with people talking is good”. Or “It’s good if you talk with people more”.

You’re a bit overanalysing なの there, 苦手 is a な adjective, and の nominalizes it. “I know you aren’t the best at it after all”.

This one’s complex, I took it to mean something like “Even though you just got into high school”

分 is just “part”. “It’s ruri’s part”. As in the strawberry, what you would say as “Here, it’s yours” in English.

I’m positively certain there’s no such person on Earth that hates strawberries. I’m pretty sure she hates the situation she’s in.


Japanese likes to nest sentences within sentences. You can even break this up as such:
Inner part is “there’s nothing different about your body” and the outer one adds “besides the horns …”

だけ attaches to whatever that “only” is. In this case, the horns. “Why is it the case that only your horns grew”. Which isn’t a sentence you are allowed to ask of a young lady.It’s saying, that it’s weird, that just the horns are different.

More along the lines of “certainly”. “It’s certainly weird”

Here the だけ is the [ツノが生えた] part. I think this is somewhat connected to the previous sentence, and definitely the next. “[It’s weird, ]only the horns grew”

She’s talking about herself here mostly. “For someone who was told their father is a dragon, only having horns…”.

もっと他に here is pretty much one entity. Something along the lines of “Other things”. I think if the sentence wasn’t being cut off, it would be along the lines of “I would expect other things to be going on”.

Ok, this is a very short background text, but it’s actually quite interesting. You first got to know, that the Japanese f sound isn’t the same as the English f. In English, you generally push your teeth into your lower lips and push air through that. It gives off a very hard F sound. The Japanese F sound on the other hand is closer to how you would blow a candle out, with much less in the way of the air. This gives off a much softer F sound (and it is why it’s in the h row). If you take this blowing motion, and right after quickly transition to an a with your mouth, you get much closer to what this panel is trying to be. Which in English you would write I think as “ha… ha…”, since this is the start of a sneeze.

p38 is correct completely, but gotta not break the pattern

Yep, 青木ルリ.

Pro tip: most onomatopoeia can be used in speech if you attach a と. This is also how you find them in the dictionary:
ビクッと: with a start; with a jump
So it’s actually a small tsu


現代文A, “Modern literature”, and the A is the first book. If you google this, you actually get books with this title.

The rest of the page is the same sneeze starting to happen.

p41 is empty, but the pattern


ぼーっと = with a roar (of flames)


Cuz it’s flipped around, 今のは何だ, “That just now was what?”


It’s a small ツ, and it’s prolly her chair, as she pushes it while standing up

Using the same pro tip from before, ドロッと is “stickily”, which is an unsettling sound.


Your second interpretation is the correct one here


Almost, but these are one sfx separated with space to show a double thud. So probably her body then her head hit the ground. Ouch.
ばたっと = with a thud

This なりました often means the same as “I’m sorry for”. So “Sorry for being late, I’m Aoki”, which sounds weird in English, but it is what it is.


This is the “with” kind of と, and probably explanatory の. So you were fine originally.


そりゃ is just contracted それは, put together そりゃそっか “of course”, or “right”. as in “that’s right…”. So these are pretty much 2 sentences. もんな just gives a reason, the rest is the reason “that’s right… you breathed fire”.

そっか is more a statement than a question. “I see, your throat isn’t a dragon’s yet”

Not sure if this was a joke, so I’ll pretend it isn’t. いえいえ is just standardese for “Don’t worry about it”.

pg 36

These 2 should be looked at together because she is basically saying she probably spoke to all the classmates she has never spoken to all throughout today.

I came up with “Especially because you’re in High school now” so I think you’ve got it pretty much.

pg 37

“Surely” doesn’t really make sense, it’s more of an agreement in her head, like “now that I think about it, that’s true”

“The horns were the only thing that grew, huh” It’s just a continuation of her agreement in her head.

She’s saying that despite her dad being a dragon, the only dragon thing about her is her horns and the rest is all human.

She’s saying there should be some more dragon features on her, your translation is relatively correct here, just you lacked understanding of other parts that confused you

pg 39

It’s more of an exclaim or shout.

pg 44

“Eh, what was that, just now?”

pg 47

Yes this is also her surname, she is announcing herself.

Pg 48

She is exchanging friend requests or however you say it. They are just adding each other in game, フレ is short for friend, Japanese people love to shorten everything

It seems to be combined, so one sentence is fine, yes. I believe she is asking if Ruri is OK based on what she says after.

pg 49

“Do I look okay?”

“… No you don’t”

I understand it exactly the same way to be honest. And yes it’s a small や

Everything I skipped, is because it seemed like you understood it

small spoilers

For some reason this panel in particular is really cute:
poor little Ruri :frowning:

Also in the dub over, they gave here stuffy nose voice, which is just adorable.


Aw shucks, it’s a shame to read that. Luckily you can come back to it anytime you like. Best of luck to you!

p. 36

一日 is best thought of as just “a day” as a period of time, referring to just the general happenings of any given day (or today so far).

~たことない is a construction meaning “haven’t done …”

So this is something along the lines of “we haven’t talked all day”. She’s saying she’s been so busy with everything she hasn’t had time to talk to Yuka at all.

話す here refers to talking to someone. She’s saying she may have talked to all her classmates (seeing as everyone came her way to but her about the horns)

Ruri’s a bit of a homebody, not really good with people. This will become more apparent as the manga continues. Yuka’s saying it’s a good thing she’s talking to more people :slight_smile:

~たほうがいい = it would be good to

See the above, this is something like “It would be good for you to talk to people a bit more”

More so the second. She’s referring to Ruri being such an introvert, and saying “well, I understand you don’t like talking to people though”

入れる can refer to getting into a school (as in being admitted). I think what Yuka is saying here is that Ruri had trouble getting into this high school at all (and as such it’d be a shame to just not talk to classmates)

分 on its own means “part” (or minute when referring to times) - basically “here’s your share”. It’s about the strawberry she’s offering

It’s about talking to more people. 嫌だ can be generally thought of as a somewhat whiny “I don’t wanna”

p. 37

I think the second is contrastive, not a topic marker. Other than the horns, nothing [else] has changed, right?

だけ does mean “just”, but it’s about why it’s just the horns and nothing else. After all, it’s not like a dragon’s only feature is a set of horns, so why is that the only thing that changed about Ruri?

There’s no negation here, and だけ doesn’t really mean “just” as in “just like that”, it sets a limit of sorts. It’s “just” as in “only”. I guess she could also be musing about how she’d expect her horns to do more than just grow out of her head, but logically speaking she’s probably talking about how she’d expect more to happen than just growing horns.

割に essentially sets up a comparison, and と言う is along the lines of “a so-called …” (note that she still doesn’t really know what her dad being a dragon really means) - something like “My dad’s a so-called dragon, but [comparatively] other than the horns I’m just a normal person, right?”

p. 38

Yes :slight_smile:

p. 39

It is - we’ve seen it before in last week’s part too, with her classmates and teacher referring to her as 青木.

I think it’s ビクッ but it’s definitely some kind of sound effect related to her being jolted awake

Note that it’s んだ, which is a contraction of のだ. It’s extra confusing because the preceding verb also contracted into it. So the full thing is てかお前何でツノ生えてるのだ - I’d give you a translation but DeepL beat me to the punch :wink:

You’ve got the gist of it, but keep in mind 続き is a noun here. “Can you read the next bit?”

“Continue reading” would be the other way around and with the transitive form 続ける, 読み続ける

Same as before “eh, I don’t wanna…”

p. 40

現代文A - it’s her Modern Japanese textbook :slight_smile:

Which is totally irrelevant to the story but it can’t hurt to know I guess

p. 43

That’s a ボ

p. 47

The quotation particle is って or と, not っと. If you see っと like this that’s just the latter part of えっと.

What she’s literally saying is “I became late”. She’s late right now.

Kind of both - as in “hey, I’m Aoki, I’m here to pick up my kid”

You can imagine a comma where the line breaks - 先生とフレ交換してた、ゲームの

“I exchanged friend codes with Sensei, in a game”

ゲームの is essentially clarifying フレ交換してた

You got all the rest :slight_smile:

pg 36

Ah, that makes more much sense.

pg 37

Okay, that’s more or less the same as how I understood it. At least in my head, I basically combined all the boxes here into one thought, whereas it now seems to me that the first two make up on thought but the next two are subsequent thoughts. And yes, that last part I understood the same as how you wrote it, I just left out the “dragon features” since she seemed to trail off and I felt it was more implicit than explicit.

pg 49

Oops, my bad here, I somehow forgot to add my translations for these two, but I had read them more or less the same as what you wrote.

Thanks a lot for your help!


I started off with a lot of self-control, but week3 got so interesting that I thought to myself “just a few pages more”. Well, then THAT thing happened in week4, and before I realized it I was already in chapter3 :sweat_smile: Happy that at least one of us still has some sort of self-control.

Page 48

That one was also the hardest for me. But I think I eventually figured it out.
先生と = with the teacher
フレ = short for フレンド, friend
フレ交換してた = having exchanged friends (I guess exchanging friends means exchanging friendcodes)
ゲーム = game
の = reason particle

The sentence is linked to the question of Ruri’s mom in the panel before:
“何してんの” = what are you doing? (Note the の, which asks for an explanation)

“先生とフレ交換してたゲームの” = I was exchanging friend codes in the game with my teacher
The の here gives an explanation, which I think was also already used somewhere in week1 or week2.