ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon 🐲 Week 3

Week 3 Mar 04 2023
Pages 27-35
Chapter 1
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Home Thread ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon
Last frame of of this week's part (page 35)


We’re reading volume 1 of this manga as part of the Absolute Beginner Book Club.


Vocabulary Sheet

The base for this vocab sheet was prepared using a fair amount of OCR/parsing, automated by @ChristopherFritz.

Some notes for using/improving it:

  • Pages are physical page numbers (they are printed on some pages). Ebook reader pages might be off by a bit.
  • Some words might have been recognized or parsed incorrectly, e.g. they are split even though they belong together, or they are simply wrong and aren’t even in the manga. Feel free to correct/remove those if you see them!
  • Words might be missing. Feel free to add them!
  • By default, translations in grey are auto-filled with a list of possible meanings (from a Wiktionary database). If you know what the actual specific meaning in this context is, feel free to fill it in! (It’ll turn black then.)

Grammar Sheet

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur / hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s: [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number, and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked
  • Join the conversation — it’s fun!

The page numbers for ebook readers might be off by one or two. Some pages have physical page numbers on them, and you can use that to find out much off it is for you!

Participation Poll

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  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished

0 voters

For our new readers: How are you doing so far?

  • It’s going really well
  • It’s going well
  • I’m struggling, but I manage
  • I’m struggling so much I’m thinking of dropping the book
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  • I have read harder manga/books than this one but I still need to click a poll option

0 voters

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Voice-over Video

If you want to also listen to Ruri’s adventures - there’s an official voice-over video!

This week’s part: 5:37 - End of this video (+ 5 seconds of this video from the timestamp).


You must be psychic, I logged in and was literally in the process of writing a comment asking where the Week 3 thread was when this popped up :sweat_smile:

Edit: This my first foray into reading native content, so it’s definitely been slow going, but I think I managed to understand all/most of it.

Pg. 27

はい、おはよ。みんないる? “All right, good morning. Everyone here?”

おはざーす+ おあーす = “Good morning” x 2

やば先生来たわ = “Crap, the teacher’s here.”

…え= “…uh” / “…err” (generic filler)

Pg. 28

何だそれ青木 = “What’re those, Aoki?”

起きたら生えてたんです = “When I woke up, these had grown.”

ウソ = “No way!” (My best guess here, it could also just be a generic interjection?)

え = “Huh?”

何か新しいファッション? = “Some sort of new fashion?”

ファッションでツノはつけないでしょ = “You wouldn’t wear (attach/put on?) horns for fashion.”

えー…マジで生えたの?= "Umm…so they really just grew?

はい = “Yes.”

大丈夫なの?= “Are you okay?”

多分 = “Probably/perhaps.” (I read this as “I think so” or “I guess so”)

Pg. 29

“じゃあいいけど” = “Well, okay then.”

[いいのか] = [“But is it alright?”] (I’m assuming that things in the square boxes are inner monologue, but there are a few times where it also has normal thought bubbles, so I’m not sure what the difference is meant to be. The boxes could be third party narration, but it comes across more as her thoughts, or at least that’s how it seems to me.)

まー後で詳しく聞かせて = “Well, tell me more about it later.”

何かあったらすぐ言ってください = “If anything happens, please notify me immediately.”

じゃ、ホームルーム始めよ = “Okay, let’s start homeroom.”

[この先生ほんとゆるいなー] = [“This teacher is really chill/relaxed, huh?”] (Expressing surprise at how casually the teacher accepted the fact that she grew horns)

まじ?金尾休みか = “Seriously…Kanao is absent?” (I’m guessing Kanao is frequently absent, at least the feeling I got from this is something like “Again, really?..”)

[優しいし何でも寛容に見えるけどめっちゃやる気ないだけらしい] = [“He seems nice and open minded, but he doesn’t appear to be all that motivated.”] (I’m not sure how to translate this. The feeling I get is that he’s super relaxed about everything but I’m not sure what being motivated has to do with that. There’s probably some nuance here that I’m missing)

Pg. 30

[まあ、そんなもんか] = [“Well, something like that, right?”] (This doesn’t really seem to fit either, but I’m not sure how else to translate it.)

ツノスルーされて助かった = I’m relieved he’s not making a big deal about the horns. (This is a super loose translation, but that’s more or less the feeling I get from it. I think a more literal translation would be something like “It’s good for me that he’s ignoring (letting slide) the horns.”)

みんな意外と気にしないもんだな = [“I’m surprised that no one really cares.”]

[二時間目休憩] = [2nd period break] (I’m not 100% sure about this. I initially translated it as “second-hour beak” or “two-hour break” but I think “second period break” works better.)

青木さん青木さん = “Aoki-san, Aoki-san!” (I added the exclamation point, the repetition here makes me feel that she’s saying it with enthusiasm that would be better conveyed with an exclamation point in English. Not sure.)

それどうなってんの?触っていい? = “How’d you end up with those? Can I touch them?”

え゛? = “Huh??” (Not exactly sure how to read these but it feels like a more exaggerated “huh” to me)

Pg. 31

[…まあ、ユカも触ってたしいいか] = [“…Well, Yuka touched them so I guess it’s okay…”] ( The feeling I get here is something like, “Well, since I already let Yuka touch them, I guess I have to let (this chick) do it too…”, don’t know how accurate that is.)

ドウゾ = “Go ahead” (As far as I can tell, she isn’t actually saying this out loud. Nor is it really an onomatopoeia. I think it’s just clarifying that bending forwards is more or less the same as saying “go ahead” without speaking)

これホントに生えてんの? = “These are really growing (out of your head)?” (~“Are these seriously real?” Not in the process of growing ala “the tree is growing” but more like “there’s a tree growing out of the sidewalk” not sure if that makes sense.)

まあ…一応 = “Well, in a nutshell…” (“Pretty much”, “basically”, “more or less”)

えー、ヤバくない? = “Huh, that’s nuts, right?”

そうだね。ヤバイね。 = “I know, it’s crazy right?”

うわ、カタいホントにツノだ = “Wow, they’re hard. They really are horns.”

物騒 = “They’re dangerous/disturbing.” (I’m not too sure on this translation, it doesn’t really seem to fit.)

えー、かわいい~ = “They’re cute huh!” (I usually read ‘~’ as something like the drawn out sound caused by ‘ー’ but more excited/emphasized. Not sure if that’s right.)

[何がだ] = [“What…”]

お = “Oh”

Pg. 32

俺も触っていい? = “Can I touch them too?”

え゛ = “Huh??”

えっ じゃ、オレも = “Uh yeah, me too!” (Here I’m reading the ‘えっ’
as a short ‘eh’ sound with a stop, rather than the kind that would connect it to the next consonant and make it a ‘ejja’ sound. Not sure but based on the kerning I believe that’s what’s happening.)

[ヤベ、増えた] = [“Oh crap, there’s more.”] (I’ve been translating yaba/yabe as “crap” but as far as I know, it doesn’t really have a direct translation, just a generic “shoot, dang, shucks, shit, etc”)

男子はダメに決まってるでしょ = “No way! Boys obviously shouldn’t (be asking/allowed to touch a girl)!” (I feel like she’s scandalized at the idea that a boy would so openly ask to touch a girl, even though touching the horns seem like a pretty innocent “touch”. I’m assuming just a cultural difference.)

うおっ = “Whoa.”

えー = “Huh??”

何でお前が決めだよ = “Why are you the one who decides?”
なあ青木 = “Hey, Aoki” (Not sure about this being “hey”. I get the feeling like he’s about to appeal to Ruri that it should be her decision rather than the other girl’s but I’m not sure.)

おい青木、ツノ生えたってマジ? = “Hey, Aoki, did the horns really just grow?”

へっ = “Er…”

うわ、ホントだ = “Wow, they’re real!”

何これマジで生えてんの!? = “What the heck, they’re actually growing (out of your head)?!” (Not growing as in continuously growing but rather that they’re actually attached to her head)

マジじゃん、どうなってんだ これ = “No way, how is this happening?”

触ってみていい!? = “Can I try touching them?!”

Pg. 33

[ヤバイ] = [“Crap”]

'[集まってきた] = [“They’ve gathered”]

何でツノ生えたの?= “How did you grow horns?” (Or maybe “why did the horns grow?”)

えと…分からん = “Uhh…I dunno.”

お前、亜人族的な奴なの…? = “Hey you, are you some sort of semi-human hybrid?”

かもしれん。お前って言うな = “Could be, but don’t call me ‘you’.”

ねねツノ写真撮っていい!? = “Hey, hey, is it okay if we take a picture with your horns?!”

えっ、何で? = “Uh, why?”

ネットに上げるなよ = “You’re not gonna put this on the internet, right?” (This might be more of an imperative, not sure.)

わぁい = “Happy!” (I would localize it as “Say cheese!”)

Pg. 34

あのっ、先生助けて = “Uh, sir, please help.” (Directly translating Sensei is kind of awkward, since we don’t really say “Hey teacher” here, but rather “Hey Mr./Mrs./Ms. X”)

え…何これ = “Huh, what’s going on?”

Pg. 35

あ!先生これ、ガチっすよ。マジで生えてる! = “Ah! Teacher, it’s the real thing. They’re actually growing (out of her head)!”

ええ = “Oh?”
俺も混ぜて = “Count me in too.” (Not sure of this one, I’m making a bit of an assumption here that that’s what he’s saying.)

あ~つかれた~ = “Ughh, I’m wiped out…” (physically tired/worn out, not sleepy)

大丈夫? = “You okay?”


End of chapter spoiler

This is my favourite joke sofar. I really like the teacher, would’ve loved to have a teacher this easy-going

Also, he just exactly like I do, when I need to go somewhere in the morning

If I’m not mistaken, it’s about 4am for Tobias as well, I was about 95% sure the thread would be posted tomorrow


Tried my best to translate everything. I definitely could have figured out a way to format this better so I’m open to suggestions there. Any corrections are greatly appreciated!

Pg. 27

はい、おはよ。みんないる?= Well then, good morning. Is everyone here?
おはざーす・おあーす = Good morning
やば先生来たわ = Shoot, the teacher’s here
…え= …um

Pg. 28

何だそれ青木 = what are those Aoki?
起きたら生えてたんです = When I woke up they had grown
何か新しいファッション? = Some kind of new fashion?
ファッションでツノはつけないでしょ = You don’t wear horns for fashion, right?
えー…マジで生えたの?= Ehh, did they seriously grow?
はい = Yes
大丈夫なの?= Are you alright?
多分 = Probably

Pg. 29

じゃあいいけど = Well… I guess it’s fine
いいのか = Fine, he says
まー後で詳しく聞かせて = Well tell me in detail after class
何かあったらすぐ言ってください = If something happens please tell me immediately
じゃ、ホームルーム始めよ = So, let’s start homeroom
この先生ほんとゆるいなー = This teacher is really lax isn’t he
まじ?金尾休みか = Really? Kanao is absent?
優しいし何でも寛容に見えるけどめっちゃやる気ないだけらしい = He’s kind and sees everything with an open mind but he just doesn’t seem to have a lot of motivation

Pg. 30

まあ、そんなもんか = Well, that’s not such a bad thing

Needed DeepL to help here, this feels like some kind of expression?

ツノスルーされて助かった = Good thing the horns go through
みんな意外と気にしないもんだな = Surprisingly no one really minds
二時間目休憩 = 2nd hour break
青木さん青木さん = Aoki-san, Aoki-san
それどうなってんの?触っていい? = How did you get those? Can I touch them?
え゛? = Eh?

Pg. 31

まあ、ユカも触ってたしいいか = Well, Yuka also touched them so it should be fine
ドウゾ = Here you go

I actually wanted to leave this untranslated, どうぞ is a weird one

これホントに生えてんの? = Are these really growing?
まあ…一応 = Well, pretty much
えー、ヤバくない? = Ehh, isn’t that crazy?
そうだね。ヤバイね。 = That’s right. It’s crazy, right?

but I imagine said in a more defeated tone

うわ、カタい、ホントにツノだ 。人殺せそう = Whoa, they’re hard, they really are horns. Seems like you could kill someone.
物騒 = they’re dangerous

Not sure if this is what she actually means by saying this, or if it’s more of a “be careful” type of thing

えー、かわいい~ = Ehh, they’re cute~
何がだ = What?
お = Oh

Pg. 32

俺も触っていい? = Can I touch them too?
え゛ = Eh?
えっじゃ、オレも = Eh, well, me too

Here’s a case where the voice over helped me with this. I originally had this as “Don’t say ‘eh’, me too” but after hearing it vocalized the pauses make it clear that the じゃ isn’t just a shortening of じゃない.

ヤベ、増えた = Crap, the number’s gone up
男子はダメに決まってるでしょ = Obviously it’s not okay for boys, right?

This one gave me trouble and I originally thought it was saying something like “The boys shouldn’t decide that on their own, right”. The ダメに really threw me off. So I asked a friend who knows much more Japanese than me for help and they explained that に決まってる is an expression that means something like “it’s obvious that…”, literally meaninging “it’s been decided (by everyone) that…”. My friend’s breakdown of the sentence is
男はダメ “boys are no good (to touch her horns)”
に決まってる “it’s been decided” (lit), meaning “obviously”
でしょ exasperated “don’t you think so??” kinda ending to the sentence

うおっ = whoa
えー = Ehh?
おい青木ツノ生えたってマジ? = Oi, Aoki, did you seriously grow horns?
へっ = uh
うわ、ホントだ = Wow, they’re real
何これマジで生えてんの!? = What the heck, are they actually growing!?
マジじゃん、どうなってんだ これ = You can’t be serious, how is that happening?
触ってみていい!? = Can I try and touch them!?

Pg. 33

ヤバイ = Crap
集まってきた = They’ve (all) gathered
何でツノ生えたの?= Why did you grow horns?
えと…分からん = Um, I don’t know
お前、亜人族的な奴なの…? = Are you a kind of demi-human person?

I don’t know how best to translate 亜人族的 because as far as I can tell with jisho 亜人 by itself would mean the demi-human part and 族 means clan/tribe/family. I’m not sure what the family part is important for here.

かもしれん。お前って言うな = Maybe. Don’t call me お前
ねねツノ写真撮っていい!? = Ne, ne, can we take a picture of your horns!?
えっ、何で? = Eh, why?
ネットに上げるなよ = Don’t upload this to the internet
わぁい = Cheese!

Pg. 34

あのっ、先生助けて = Um, sensei, help please
え…何これ = Eh, what’s going on?

Pg. 35

あ!先生これ、ガチっすよ。マジで生えてる! = Ah! Sensei here, it’s the real deal. They’re seriously growing!

I don’t actually understand what’s happening with ガチっす here. I kind of have an idea of what ガチ means/is used for but the っす I have no idea what it does. This is just my best guess operating on the assumption that っす is a casual way of saying です

ええ = Oh?
俺も混ぜて = Can I mix in too?

Not really sure about this one, there must be some idiomatic use of a verb meaning “to mix, blend” I’m not quite getting

あ~つかれた~ = Ahhh, I’m tired~
大丈夫? = Are you ok?


Most of this looks pretty solid!

A few clarifications:

ツノスルーされて助かった = Good thing the horns go through

スルー here means “ignoring” - she’s relieved that he took some attention off her horns.

これホントに生えてんの? = Are these really growing?

I think this came up before, but 生える is stative, so “Did those really grow?” would be more accurate.

男はダメ “boys are no good (to touch her horns)”

ダメ has a lot of meanings, and I think in this case there’s a nuance of “not allowed.”

俺も混ぜて = Can I mix in too?

混ぜる is transitive, so he’s asking her to “mix” him into the group. I’d translate this one as something like “count me in”


Way back when, I separated out the individual sections, so one box would be one section in my translation like so:

Well, it seems the wound wasn’t a big deal afterall
You can leave the hospital now (lit. leaving the hospital will be fine)

Thank goodness!

From ハピネス

It helps others follow the ordering and such a bit, but your format’s just fine. I especially like that you include the Japanese, makes it much simpler to cross check.

now for some corrections

でしょ is more assertive here, so I’d drop the question mark

生えた is there to separate horn shaped whatever she puts on from actual grown horns. So if I were to go for a natural sounding translation, I would actually substitute it for something like “They are real?” or “They grew from your head?”

I can’t really explain why I think so, just a hunch, but I think these two sentences are actually somewhat connected. Talking about how she was saved from others caring about her horns, juxtaposing (hell ye, I wanted to use that word) the very next line.

I think this is the same “grown as in not fake” case

I think here the horns are the subject. Why did your horns grow?

If you check other words containing 族的, it sort of means “belonging to the group of x”.

“Can I join?”


This whole “seeing the future where a comment is posted and then acting right before it” thing is really hard, but I’m glad it’s appreciated!

I had to wait for @Markdg to almost post his comment. At least now I can go to sleep.


Fun bit of reading, as always ^^

favourite panel


Pg 27:

This very first panel amused me because of this reel :laughing: ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵃⁿʸᵒⁿᵉ ᵉˡˢᵉ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ ʳᵘʳᶦ’ˢ ᵗᵉᵃᶜʰᵉʳ ᶦˢ ʰᵒᵗ ᵒʳ ᶦˢ ᶦᵗ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵐᵉ


This is great :rofl:

Also, could you add a spoiler tag around your picture, please?


I’m a manly man, very comfortable with his manly manliness, and I can tell you yep, he hot


Sure thing! When I posted it I didn’t think it was necessary because it’s literally the first panel of this section lol


Fair enough! I didn’t check, and it’s been a while since I read this section. :slight_smile:

And yeah, then it’s not really that necessary, but I feel like putting panels in spoiler or details tags is setting a good example for others, so thanks for doing it anyway!

(And there’s always the possibility of somebody opening the thread without having read this far.)


Thanks for the clarifications!

Question and response

Any insight into what スルー is derived from to make it mean ignoring? Having something to reason about here would help me with remembering this.

Would you say it’s generally appropriate to translate something in the non-past in Japanese with the past tense in English if the verb is stative? That’s why I went with the present continuous, but if the verb is stative I’m not really sure what a present stative conjugated into a stative form like the te-form would be.

Ah, thanks, this one really threw me for a loop. That makes a lot more sense now.


Just like Japanese tends to do, you won’t be enlightened much by it. It comes from the English word “through”, and it actually has a dictionary entry.

According to this article, it originally came from words such as “drive-through”, which turned into “listen through” and then just “through”

It most likely depends, translation is almost never clear cut, and it’s almost never a word for word thing. You try to make out the meaning of the sentence, then you try to fit a suitable english translation onto it.

Page 30

According to Jisho it’s

Personally I thought the it was used in its “letting pass” meaning here: Literally “I’m helped by the horns being let pass”, or in better English, “I’m glad he let it (=the horns) slide.” (as opposed to dwelling on the topic). I don’t know if that’s correct though, I’m seeing スルー for the first time.


Now that you mention it, that may be more accurate :sweat_smile: I feel like I usually see スルー in the context of someone being ignored, but either meaning would work here.


Lost track of days and realised that today is SATURDAY and not Friday lmao. I’ll post my translations by the end of the day.

That being said, it looks like a few people have already beaten me to it. Have I started a trend? :thinking::sweat_smile:


The Japanese definition for スルー gives two meanings, which are along the lines of “let pass” and “ignore”:

  • ()(なが)すこと。
    • This essentially means to dodge something coming at you, in this case, like dodging a topic or a question.
    • This is the “let pass” definition.
  • (なに)もしないで()っていること。
    • To wait without doing anything.
    • This is the “ignore” definition.

While not exactly the same, the two are very similar in meaning.

Here is a clear example of the "wait and do nothing" スルー.


Nako ponders about her teacher’s tendency to run away from her.


She asks her friend about it. “Aru, am I really that scary-looking?”


… … …


Aru looks at the empty seat behind Nako. “Oh? Where’s Bocchi today?”

“Hey, don’t ignore me!”

Here, we can see this スルー was Aru literally waiting and doing nothing instead of answering Nako’s question.


The combo “not knowing a lot of vocab” + “not knowing what are normal Japanese names” is hard, every single name so far, 青木, 金尾, ぼっち、ユカ、アル, I’ve thought that it was a word I didn’t know, before seeing in the translations that’s it’s a name :disappointed_relieved: