ドラゴンボールSD (Dragon Ball SD) · Volume 1 Discussion 🐉

I think this is the sound of him maybe rubbing his eyes after waking up? Though you don’t see him do it in the image… Maybe it’s just the sort of contented noise one can make after a good rest? Like ‘nyam nyam’? :stuck_out_tongue:

I couldn’t find any reference for this, so I imagine it’s just a (weird) scream. The ぎゃー part certainly seems scream-like.


Yeah, that’s how I read them too. ぎゃ is in thejadednetwork.com sfx database meaning a shriek/scream. ぽげぎゃ as such wasn’t listed.

I suspected that was the case!
And I was reading the original version in English last night and they translated the "むにゅ” panel as a waking up moan, so that was also a good guess :slight_smile:


Week 11!

Start date: 9 Jan
Pages: 125-144

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That was a very funny chapter! A bit harder this week.

Page 127
一年たったらここんとこをピッと おせばレーダーに反応がでるとおもうわ!


一年たったら - after one year has passed
ここんとこ - these days
を - object marker
ピッと - not sure - perhaps ピッ is the noise of the radar, and と is the quotation particle / or maybe related to ぴったり (exactly)
おせば (押せば) - if pressing
レーダーに反応がでる - a response will appear on the radar
とおもう - I think

So something like - After a year with a “pii!”, if you press here they will show up on the radar I think.
or - After exactly a year, if you press here they will will show up on the radar I think.

Page 132
あ どっこらしょーのしょっ…と!


Maybe どこら (where) and しょうねん?

Right, where is that boy…?
Right, what’s that boy up to…?

Page 132


I think the し is from する - しに来た = Came to do

What the hell did you come here to do?
What the hell are you doing here?


Page 136


A very fresh person without a penis, right?

イキのいい - Jisho defines as meaning “very fresh(e.g. food)”. Presumably here in reference to a person having a meaning closer to 元気 (especially in context of the sentence in the next panel - イキがいいといっても元気さえあればいいってもんじゃないぞ - Just because I said very fresh, doesn’t mean it’s ok to just be lively)

Well this chapter was wild… I lost it at this panel when I looked up ビチビチ:

And Krillin cracks me up, his head reminds me of Shinchan :joy:

I took it to mean ここのところ, so ‘if you press this part here’.

I asked about this on HiNative and got this response:

Hahaha… That’s funny. Yeah, it’s really hard to find its counterparts in foreign languages.
In English, for example, wouldn’t you say “Whew” or something when you have to move when you don’t want to move? That’s what どっこいしょ, どっこらせ, どっこらしょーのしょっと are like. Also, they are used like “Heave!” as well.

That is how I took it too. Here’s the thesaurus entry for it.

Page 137

I’m getting tangled here.

Even though I did say ‘energetic’

it’s not a ‘as long as you’re energetic that’s good enough’ sort of thing!

If she’s too young or too old, that’s no good!

かわいくて で できればムッチリとした娘がベストだな!
A cute and, in addition, if possible, plump girl is best!

Does this look about right? I am confused about the て-form かわいくて, combined with で. I figured it’s a て-form because it’s an ‘and’ thing (‘cute and plump’) and で reinforced that ‘additional’ sense?

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Thanks for those replies and for asking in hi native. “Whew!” makes perfect sense in context.

I read this section in the same way as you’ve suggested. I did wonder if the で できる was a stutter here? I presume he was going for “voluptuous” with むっちり rather than plump, Goku might misunderstand that!

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If you were wondering about the girl in the Pie Pie T-shirt at the end of the chapter, she’s a hotty that Goku brought back for Master Roshi in the original manga, who didn’t make it into the SD version:



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Week 12

Start date: 16 Jan
Pages: 145-164

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  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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Another great chapter! In the original manga Lunch is running away from the police when she is “saved” by Goku and Krillin. Unfortunately we don’t get to see that seen in our manga, just a small reference to it at the top of page 146 leading into the chapter.

Page 153
What’s going on in this sentence? They’ve just arrived at the large staircase on their run, and Master Roshi’s told them they are heading up. He says:


It feels like he’s saying they don’t have to run, but it looks like they are running up the stairs.

Page 157
At the end of the first training day Master Roshi says:
よし とりあえず今日の修行はこんなところでよかろう

What is the よかろう?

Page 164
This page between chapters is very funny! Any idea why he calls her 仏滅ギャル?

PS - I’ve ordered the next 2 books. CD Japan emailed me a few days ago to say they’d been dispatched - on average takes 5-12 days but may take up to 8 weeks!

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:eyes: Are you… suggesting something? :smirk:


Yes you got the hint! For me this one is too good to stop reading. I already loved the story but it’s great reading this in full colour, plus all the in-jokes and references to future events. The level is really nice for me too - hard enough to be challenging, but easy enough that I can read it at a reasonable pace and enjoy the story.


Well go on then, if you insist :innocent: I’ll do a poll to set a schedule in the home thread.

I’ve been enjoying reading SD even more since I start reading it alongside the original Dragon Ball (in translation), as per your suggestion. It really does add a lot of extra ‘flavour’ :grin:

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Hi! I just caught up with last week and will read this week. I have all 6 books actually lol. I know I will read all eventually :sweat_smile:
So, I will probably join in continuing reading it, even if work makes me sometimes be behind for a week, I can catch up.


This is my first time trying to quote things here on WK, so let’s how it goes.

That’s what he says… that they don’t have to run if they don’t want to. The same frame in the english translation of the original says: “But, well, I suppose you don’t really have to do this at a run”

Page 157


At the end of the first training day Master Roshi says:
よし とりあえず今日の修行はこんなところでよかろう

What is the よかろう?

I think its an old fashioned way of saying "いいだろう”, that has a more authoritative, more explaining than asking for a confirmation. Here’s a better explanation

Page 164


This page between chapters is very funny! Any idea why he calls her 仏滅ギャル?

With the help of google 先生 I think it’s related to buddhist fortune telling. 仏滅 basically mean that you have bad fortune for the day. So, I understood that the joke is that she is the girl that they get on an unlucky day.


Great answers thank you. I’ve been happily planning my life without realising the existence of 仏滅 days!

Favourite panel of the week!

Master Roshi skipping really tickled my funny bone :grin:

I have a lot of questions this week!

Page 146

Is ぜい supposed to be a variant of ぜ?

Page 158

What’s that と during there?

Page 161

What is をせい supposed to be…? Some contraction?

Page 163


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ほんじゃ means それでは = well then. It’s dialect/provincialism. Hi native link.

Perhaps just meaning “with”? Not how you’d phrase it in English, but I feel like I see a few phrases in Japanese that use と a bit like this.

Is it をします? We’ve seen a few odd contractions of する conjugations in these dialects. Difficult to look up a reference for this though.

Our last proper week, week 13!

Start date: 13 Jan
Pages: 165-183

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  • I am catching up :muscle:t3:
  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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Oops just spotted you’ve scheduled the bonus material for next week :slight_smile: