ドラゴンボールSD (Dragon Ball SD) · Volume 7 Discussion 🐉

Volume 7 discussion thread

Start date: 15 January

ドラゴンボールSD home thread


Start date Chapter Page numbers Page count
15 Jan 59 - 出発! ナメック星 5-22 18
22 Jan 60 - 悪との邂逅 23-40 18
29 Jan 61 - 村人たちの攻防戦 41-58 18
5 Feb 62 - 語られる真実 59-76 18
12 Feb 63 - ベジータVSザーボン 77-94 18
19 Feb 64 - 奪取! ドラゴンボール 95-112 18
26 Feb 65 - 戦いの決着 113-130 18
5 Mar 66 - 来襲! 5つの邪悪 131-148 18
12 Mar 67 - 恐怖!! ギニュー特戦隊 149-166 18
19 Mar 68 - 地獄のはじまり 167-183 17
26 Mar Bonus 184-189 6

Vocabulary list

Please read the guidelines on the first page before adding any words.


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Discussion guidelines

  • Please don’t hesitate to ask questions, even if you think it’s a silly question. Helping each other learn is what book clubs are all about! :slight_smile:
  • When asking for help, please include the page number. This makes it easier for others to help you and it makes the information in this thread more searchable.
  • Please blur out major events in the current week’s pages and any content from later in the book/series by using spoiler tags: [spoiler]text here[/spoiler].
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Nice to have a bit of a change in story line after a long battle arc. And some new characters!

Wasn’t quite sure what to make of the last panel of the chapter on page 21 - Cui speaking - I’ll make you regret angering me, the one who diligently washes his hands every day…!
I’m either mistranslating or I missed something about Cui’s particularly tendency to cleanliness!

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I noticed that Cui got some extra dialogue before that (compared to the original):




… but I am not sure that really explains the hand washing :sweat_smile: I am as confused as you are!

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Week 2

Start date: 22 Jan
Pages: 23-40

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Really enjoying this new story arc. As ever completely failed to recognise a ぬ in katakana! Also some more microscopic text to squint at!


At times like that you really want the printed version as opposed to the eBook :confused:

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Week 3

Start date: 29 Jan
Pages: 41-58

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  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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But my 7 books look so nice on the shelf!

I thought I’d understood most of it on the first read through this week but took me a long time going through on a more detailed second read. Freeza is not the easiest to follow with his very formal speech patterns.

Page 48 - furigana can sometimes throw you in the wrong direction! I read 機会 as 機械 and took me a while to figure out why I couldn’t make sense of the sentence…

Page 51 - 私はいい上司スタンプが販売されているほど目下の者には寛大なのですよ

I’m so generous to my subordinates that there’s even a “good boss” badge for sale!

Got to love Freeza’s smile!! I also love Gohan’s comment that Kuririn would be a sucker for オレオレ詐欺 scams!


I was a bit surprised there! He uses a very formal register, but then also calls them 匹 :woman_shrugging:

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Week 4

Start date: 5 Feb
Pages: 59-76

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Lots of good new words in this weeks chapter:

雑魚 - small fry; unimportant person
寝ぼける - to be still half asleep
底知れぬ - bottomless; immeasurable

My favourite was アラサー meaning woman of around thirty years old. Some katakana words you cannot figure out, no matter how much you think about them. This one comes from a contraction of the English - around thirty

Also I do like Dende, even though he hasn’t done much yet!

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Two things I wasn’t quite sure about:

Page 59

How is も used here? I’m not really familiar with も after a dictionary verb :thinking:

Page 68
Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 19.50.47
What’s って doing there in the leftmost speech bubble?

Page 59 - I read the も simply as “also”. As in, Gohan is flying away, and also Dodoriya is flying behind them catching up.

Page 68 - I got the gist of this one but struggled to properly break it down. I also couldn’t decide if から was “because” or “from”.

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Week 5

Start date: 12 Feb
Pages: 77-94

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  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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Page 76 shows Yajirobe clutching a bag of Senzu beans. In the original there’s a scene showing Yajirobe bringing 7 senzu beans to Goku in hospital. Goku takes one and immediately is healed - which is why he’s now well and able to be on his way to Namek.

It’s nice to see Zarbon getting in the action - although he seems to be drawn very effeminate compared to the orginal!

After a lot of trial and error I finally stumbled upon the right combination of Google search words lol

I had the same problem! But when I asked my Japanese teacher about it, it turns out からって is its own thing! It’s a contraction of からといって. The silly thing is, when I checked it out on Bunpro, I noticed that I had even added a note to this entry, because I apparently had come across it while reading Shirokuma Cafe :upside_down_face:

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I liked the bit about Vegeta not actually being sure what a Dragon Ball looks like. The SD version does like to mock the little plot holes :grin:

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Agree, very funny. I love the precautions he takes in case he has the wrong thing!

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Week 6

Start date: 19 Feb
Pages: 95-112

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  • I am catching up :muscle:t2:
  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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I wasn’t expecting Zarbon to defeat Vegeta so easily!