ドラゴンボールSD (Dragon Ball SD) · Volume 4 Discussion 🐉

Volume 4 discussion thread

Start date: 19 June


ドラゴンボールSD home thread


Start date Chapter Page numbers Page count
19 Jun 29 - 龍球のゆくえ 5-21 17
26 Jun 30 - 大流血戦 22-39 18
3 Jul 31 - 恐怖! アクマイト光線 40-58 19
10 Jul 32 - キツネ面の男 59-76 18
17 Jul 33 - 孫悟飯 77-94 18
24 Jul 34 - 神龍再び‼ 95-112 18
31 Jul 35 - シッポ修業! 113-130 18
7 Aug 36 - 意外な再会 131-148 18
14 Aug 37 - 予選開始!!! 149-166 18
21 Aug 38 - ヤムチャ vs 天津飯 167-183 17
28 Aug Bonus 184-189 6

Vocabulary list

Please read the guidelines on the first page before adding any words.


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Discussion guidelines

  • Please don’t hesitate to ask questions, even if you think it’s a silly question. Helping each other learn is what book clubs are all about! :slight_smile:
  • When asking for help, please include the page number. This makes it easier for others to help you and it makes the information in this thread more searchable.
  • Please blur out major events in the current week’s pages and any content from later in the book/series by using spoiler tags: [spoiler]text here[/spoiler].
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Joining again after vacation! :slight_smile:


Woohoo, new storyline!

Favourite panel of this week’s reading:

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Week 2

Start date: 26 June
Pages: 22-39

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  • I am reading along :dragon:
  • I am catching up :muscle:t2:
  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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Gotta love that face!

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I had absolutely forgotten this part of the story myself.

Me too. So many of the later opponents become recurring characters, I don’t remember this lady appearing again after this story arc.

Thanks to whoever was filling in vocab yesterday, and sorry for butting in part way through!

I did like Goku’s misunderstanding on page 20 where he calls her うれないババ - unpopular Baba, or non-famous Baba! In fact, given Shisckatchegg and I have both forgotten about her maybe the second one is the best translation…


I did remember the demons’ toilet part though! More the tongue-bridge one than the actual toilet one though… haha

It was me filling in, I realized I must have been the first one reading the chapter for once, that’s why I started doing it. Don’t worry about butting in as I had to stop reading soon after, hence only a couple of pages filled in the sheet.


These panels are from the translation of the original Dragon Ball. I found them helpful in the understanding of page 11. They also show that the penultimate panel on page 11 has been added by Ooishi for the SD version (I though this was a really funny panel!)



The first panel is: 俺たちが次の天下一武道会で優勝しようと思ったらわずかばかり修業では歯がたちませんね.

Thanks to whoever put in the spreadsheet that 歯が立ちません (not in Jisho) is the same as 歯がたたない (in Jisho!). I thought this was a useful definition for 歯がたたない - “The opponent is so far beyond my skill level that I can’t tackle him”.

I struggled with わずかばかり but it kind of made sense in context and looking at the translation.

I had read 占いババ as “fortune-telling Baba”. But I noticed in the translation they call her - “the all-seeing crone”. “Crone” means an “old woman considered to be ugly; a hag”. This ババ is 婆 - which Jisho lists as “old woman” or “hag”.

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I just realised I got the page numbers wrong, because the chapters start one page before what looks like the title page :sweat_smile:

Also, why are Puar and Upa seemingly disqualified from fighting any more warriors, when they didn’t actually lose their fight? Another continuity issue due to cutting out bits of the original?

Page 27

What usage of こと do you reckon this is?

Page 30

I couldn’t find anything for つきおった. Any ideas?

Page 35

Is this just weird baba accent, or am I missing some grammar?

You always ask good questions! My thoughts - as always may be wildly off the mark!

In the original they weren’t going to fight at all but were brought in part way through the battle as they’d come up with a strategy to use them. They skipped that part in this story and imply they were always going to fight, but they use the same panel as the original on page 30 to take them out of the battle and pass the baton to Yamcha.

Yamcha says - thanks for your good work. That’s enough from you, I’ll go on now.

They reply - はい!たすかります!Yes, thanks.

This form of thank you is used to express that someone was helped by someone else and saved from an undesirable condition. So I think the panel implies that Yamcha is offering to take over (because they are weak and not really cut out for fighting) and their response indicates they are glad to accept and to be saved from having to face another opponent.

Perhaps just a straightforward “thing” - their blood looks like a tasty thing?

I can’t find a word which is つきおう, つきおる, or るきおつ so this must be a compound of two words. Jisho says おる can be used as follows:

  • to (have the audacity to) do​ - after -masu base of verb; indicates contempt or disdain for another’s actions

So perhaps it is 付く (to be connected with) followed by おる in past plain form? “You (brazenly) connected well with his weak points”

The translation of the original went for “you grasped his weak points ingeniously”

I read this as 始めます with a prolonged めー sound and the ます cut off.


I guess it makes sense that Puar and Upa opted out. I was surprised to see them fight in the first place! I should go back to reading the original alongside the SD volumes. And thanks for pointing out the subtext of 助かります, I think that confirms your interpretation of the events.

I dug around a bit and found this reference:

Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 12.39.18

That might fit with the context? It says it’s a feminine expression though… but I do sometimes wonder how rigid those classifications of ‘male/female speech’ actually are :thinking:

Your mention of つきおった being a compound verb made me wonder if 弱点をつく is a fixed expression, and that seems to be the case! Different kanji though:

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Yes, this one makes perfect sense. I thought Dracula man was quite an effeminate character anyway!

Bingo! I love it when the solution springs from the discussion. So we can say this phrase means “to exploit your opponents weaknesses”.

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Week 3

Start date: 3 July
Pages: 40-58

How is the reading going?
  • I am reading along :dragon:
  • I am catching up :muscle:t2:
  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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Chapter 31

After a little google search, the person in the background on page 48 is:


Ackman (アックマン Akkuman ) a 200-year-old demon kid and the main protagonist in Akira Toriyama’s Go! Go! Ackman manga.

The bat with him on page 58 is his companion Goldon.

Ackman | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom

On page 47, the final fighter is masked, but I love the little clues we get to their identity. The wrinkles on the side of the face, the bald head, the white moustache, the halo above the head…

Page 50
Is this よいこ (good boy) followed by ぶる (to assume the air of …; to behave like …​)?

No matter how much a person appears to be a good boy, there is always a little evil in their heart.

Page 51
Is anyone familiar with that construction at the start? Deepl goes for “If the times had been different,” (…this Ackman would have been the strongest villain in Dragon Ball history.)

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That’s how I took it! Maybe ‘pretends to be a good boy’, even? That sounds more cynical, hehe.

I think it’s interchangeable with this expression:

Thanks for figuring out the Ackman reference! I did wonder who that kid was :grin:

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Week 4

Start date: 10 July
Pages: 59-76

How is the reading going?
  • I am reading along :dragon:
  • I am catching up :muscle:t2:
  • I am dropping this book :person_gesturing_no:t3:

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I see, so not so much a grammar point but a fixed expression. Thanks for this. I see that 世が世ならhas an entry in Jisho too.

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Loved chapter 32 - if you are like me you won’t be able to wait til next week to read on to the next chapter!

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I peeked ahead a bit :eyes: This is my first time reading this franchise so I was shook to see the surprise! Can’t wait to dive in in a few days :grin:

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