セーラー服と機関銃🏫🌺 Book Club (Intermediate Book Club) ・ [Started Feb 17]

For those of you speaking (or reading) French or German:

Here is a documentary (52 + 53 minutes) featuring the real yakuza (with some violent images):


Accidentally bought the book on Kindle while trying to add my cart to consider for later so uhhh… guess I’m joining the book club!


welcome! Hope you enjoy the book. Feel free to ask questions as you go even if you are behind where we are up to.

(For future reference, if you buy a kindle book accidentally, you can usually return it on the Amazon website and get a refund)

1 Like

Week 12 is here!

Section 2 of Chapter 3

Izumi takes the investigation of Kenji’s death into her own hands, and has an interesting encounter in a lingerie store.


You’re not alone, @StarlitGlitch. I’ve almost finished with Week 2, so I doubt I’ll be finishing at the same time as the rest of the club :wink:
(I’m a newcomer to Wanikani book clubs and might have gotten a bit overexcited with wanting to join ALL THE THINGS)


And Week 13 is here:

Izumi finally meets the real Mayumi-san, and receives an invitation that she can refuse…


@pm215 do you mind helping with page breaks again - for the fourth section of the book

it looks to me as if we should do

|Week 17|Jun 8|3451|?|end of section 1|?|
|Week 18|Jun 15|3630|?|End of section 2|?|
|Week 19|Jun 22|3858|?|End of section 3|?|
|Week 20|Jun 29|4079|?|End of section 4|?|
|Week 21|Jul 6|4280|?|End of section 5|?|
|Week 22|Jul 13|4418|?|End of section 6|?|
|Week 23|Jul 20| 4636| ?| End of book |?|

That is entirely at section breaks and I think will have us going at an even pace to the end of the book - about the pace that we have been going so far
We could speed up if we wanted to, but would then break in the middle of sections.

All happy to keep going at the current pace?

  • Keep going at same pace
  • Let’s speed up!
  • I don’t mind
0 voters

The end pages for the chapter 4 sections are:

(Chapter starts p263)
S1 p279 - 16 pages
S2 p292 - 13 pages
S3 p309 - 17 pages
S4 p326 - 17 pages
S5 p341 - 15 pages
S6 p352 - 11 pages
S7 p363 - 11 pages
Epilogue p364-371 - 7 pages


thanks - looks like the majority is in favour of keeping up the pace. Will put into the schedule.

how about we have one longer week just before the end (I think the tension will be rising, and I may not want to stop reading!), so combining s5 and s6 (26 pages), then s7 and epilogue (18 pages)? (There will be a week break before the next book club in case anyone can’t quite manage that pace)

If so, last week will begin July 13. Any opposed to that, let me know


on a separate note - someone has been assiduously putting lots of words into the google sheet (thank you anonymous somebody!). Does anyone know how to put them into an Anki deck or similar?


You can export as CSV, I guess, then import into Anki from that exported file. I think on import you can specify which spreadsheet column goes into which Anki field. Or you can adapt the table beforehand (on your private copy, mind! :sweat_smile:)

If you need more help, please shout! (and please tag me or reply to me as I don’t follow this thread)

26 pages still feels like a lot for me of this in one week. It’s probably worth pointing out the majority of the poll was also to keep the same pace with only 1 vote for speeding up.


OK, sure,

I’ve left the overall pace the same. Have adjusted the end points so that the penultimate week ends at the end of the book and we have one week for the epilogue (and for anyone who is a little behind to catch up).


Yeah I wouldn’t want my 1 vote to meaningfully change the schedule when others oppose as the strong overall preference of the group was for not changing. Some others are at a different level to me (as this is the intermediate club) and I wouldn’t want things changed so that people potentially feel overwhelmed and are unable to keep up and therefore participate in the discussion.


Week 14

Aunt Yoshiko ‘invades’ the Medakagumi office, Izumi agrees to meet the person behind the business card and hears some shocking news. Meanwhile, Sakuma’s stakeout doesn’t go quite as planned.


Week 15

This week

There are answers coming (but not yet!) as Tsuyoshi remembers something, Tomo starts to put the puzzle pieces together, and Izumi has a night out.


Week 16 is here!

This week takes us to the end of part three of the book (next week starts the fourth and final part), and past the 2/3 mark.
For those who are still with us - hope you are still enjoying it, and congratulations on making it this far!

This week: (does anyone read these blurred previews?)

We discover just what Hamaguchi had in mind when he invited Izumi around for a fancy dinner. Meanwhile, Izumi is out of the frying pan, but into the fire.


Week 17!

Sakuma and Izumi’s ‘fan club’ search frantically for a way to save their friend, meanwhile Izumi meets an unusual ‘doctor’.


And on to Week 18!

This week takes us over the 3/4 mark

Izumi doesn’t enjoy being the target of Doc’s attention. Meanwhile Shuhei misses his moment, but makes a surprising discovery.


Week 19 is here

This week:

Doc tries a new technique to make Izumi talk. Kuroki returns, and reveals something important.