For anyone like me who’s still relatively new to novel reading and isn’t good at it yet, here’s a pace you can use if you read every day this week to keep on schedule:
Daily Schedule
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
This pace averages about 780 characters (kanji/kana) per day.
Since I’m digital, if I were reading on my e-reader, the page numbers wouldn’t be reliable enough for me. I don’t how it is with other e-readers software. (I use Kobo.)
But for this book, I extracted the pages from the EPUB, so I can use Yomichan in a browser, which means I’m reading without any page number guidance.
Here's an example of what that comes out looking like.
(I didn’t read that far yet. It’s just an example for the screenshot.)
Yeah, I probably do things the hard way, but this setup is the first one where I’ve actually been able to keep up with book club pace (after failing to do so with Mist and Kiki).
Well. We, uh, apparently have different Tsubasa Bunko versions, because (aside from anything else) mine has page numbers in the bottom corners.
That said, the sentence that ends page 29 for you is the line immediately before the end of this week’s reading. To be clear, mind, most of the readings won’t finish at the end of a page for any of the versions. Probably.
Heh. This is a book, not a movie, so the grand sweeping background music is only in her head.
Thanks for the hint, found it now!
But weird that there are even differences in the tsubasa bunko versions … For the first part it ended perfectly on page 15, but the second part end at the start of page 30.
Well next time I’ll try to check the start of the page too I guess.
Do you mind going into some detail as to how you did this? I used Calibre to extract a plain text file for use with Japanese.IO and the furigana got all jumbled up among the kanji… How do you get it to leave out the furigana?
Well, this was a first. I came across a word whose meaning I couldn’t decipher even after looking it up in the J-E dictionary.
鴨居 (かもい)
Apparently it means “lintel”. Too bad I have no idea what that is in English either. I needed a Google Image search to get the idea. It’s an architectural term that I’ve never heard of in any language. Somehow I think I’ll skip adding this one to my SRS.
That makes a lot of sense. The word is undoubtedly more common in Japan then since I presume it’s mostly associated with 障子/引き戸 and the like.
I’ve never heard it used in English, and it seems to have a different usage entirely. If you search for the English word, you get mostly outdoor structures:
Okay, I’m through! Puuh, this weeks text was waay longer than last!
Some sentences I didn’t understand:
この子はまだ乳歯も全部生え変わっていない子どものくせに、姉よりも自分の方がしっかりしていると断じている節がある。 This child has not even replaced all it’s milk teeth [??]…
I'm like really confused by this grammatically construction
AよりもB as well as Bの方 are comparisons. Why are both of them required?
私がしっかりしていると: This is a conditional, right? If I did I did things properly or so.
断じている節がある: I totally don’t get this one. What does 節 mean in this context? None of the translations seem to fit here…
What does 大人の問題 mean in this context? I mean literally it means Problems of adults or This are problems of adults. But what does this little ill-tempted younger sister want to tell us?
How does this にしんめ work? What is the origin for this construction/ word?
This かんか is surely weird dialect, but how exactly does it work?
This とらん/どらん construction is unfamiliar to me. May someone give me a keyword for a grammar research? Or is it again strange dialect?
@ChristopherFritz , thanks for sharing this Idea! Maybe I’ll try this for my next book.
Thanks everyone,
Ps: The background music is only playing in her head, right? This way it always gets adapted to her current mood, or so?!
“Even though(くせに) this kid hasn’t even replaced all her baby teeth, she seems to have already concluded she’s better than her sister.” Not exactly better, per say, but like “having it all figured out” or something.
It’s not a conditional. The と is quoting what is being concluded with 断じている. 節(ふし)がある means something like “has a characteristic of”. Jisho has another example in the 4th definition: 節 -
I think this is just dialectical “You don’t remember?”.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but yeah the とらん/どらん is a dialect, so if I were to try to convert this sentence into more standard Japanese, it would probably be along the lines of 「髪はぼさぼさの寝癖で結んでないし、制服のリボンもしてなかったし、なんかずっと不機嫌だったし」
I think in their dialect they also use や instead of だ (e.g. やったし instead of だったし)
AよりB and Bの方 are both essentially contractions of the AよりBの方 comparison. It’s emphasising the point. Adding in the も as well emphasises it more.
This one’s the quotation marker - 断じる = “to draw the conclusion that …”, so the と is marking the conclusion that is being drawn (i.e. 姉よりも自分の方がしっかりしている = “I’ve got it more together than my (elder) sister”.)
To be clear, this sounds like Mino-ben, one of the two dialects of Gifu. It’s near enough to Kansai-ben as to make no difference.