スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり 🚬 - Week 10 (Beginner Book Club - Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You)

Welcome to Week 10 of - スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり・Behind the Supermarket, Smoking With You :smoking: Book Club!

Week 10 16th of September 2023
Start Page 201
End Page 236
Chapters 16 and “0”
Pages 35
Previous week Week 9
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スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり Volume 1 Vocabulary List (courtesy of @eagleflo)

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Proper Nouns

Feel free to add to this as new characters / places get introduced throughout the book.

Name Reading Notes
山田 やまだ Main character
田山 たやま Main character
佐々木 ささき Main character


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Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 19.49.28



Got the gist but will need to revisit, both chapters this time had a lot of stuff I wasn’t sure of. But glad to see it through.

Bonus content very cute


Yooo!!! The way she almost confessed to him!! Also jeez, idk how I didn’t notice it before, but Tayama being the real her and that’s why she keeps it separate so he can get to know the real her :sob:

but!!! THAT FLASHBACK HOLY SHIT THAT’S GOTTA BE SASAKI BEING THE NICE GUY RIGHT? AHHH, IF HE SAVED HER BACK THEN AND NOW SHE’S TRYING TO SAVE HIM NOW :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :tired_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :sob: :pleading_face:

I hope we can continue as an offshoot! I’m definitely reading the next two volumes. I probably won’t buy the magazine it’s in, but I will keep an eye out for volume 4 and beyond as they release.


I’ve bought volume two already, so I’d be up for more book club reading.

Chapter 16 discussion

山田 is crestfallen here. These moments have come to mean a lot to her.

I love how 佐々木 is able to be honest with not even being sure about being able to quit smoking here. んははは #14 to lighten up the mood.

She’s made up her mind. Better to come clean here to keep this thing going…

Whoops, just a little 誤診!! Love the switch to comic sans font and background and of course the forced たははは.

These moments clearly also mean a whole lot to 佐々木 as well.

I think this manga has some of the best expressions I’ve seen around. 田山’s eyes really say a lot here.

And there we go. The closing shot mirrors the front cover but shows them looking at each other, rather than into different directions.

Chapter 0 discussion

んははは #0!

It’s quite obvious the person was 佐々木 from eight years ago.

(It’s also notable that the shop had a different name back then (超新鮮市場), and 店長 was still just チーフ.)

And here we go, closing the first volume. I’ve really enjoyed sharing the joy of reading this with all of you, and will certainly join any possible offshoot clubs for future volumes and chapters.

For some the pacing of this series may feel a bit too slow, but I personally really enjoy things developing little by little. It’s at this point where this series transitioned from a web comic to a monthly publication, so the chapter lengths are more varied in future volumes – something that fits this series really well.

Edit: By the way, big thanks to whoever got started with vocabulary sheets for Chapter 16 and 0!


Okay, I will probably need a decent amount of help this time around.



佐々木君が健康診断で要検査な上に要治療 肺で 心中察しだな
I get the vibes of this being about Sasaki’s health (and it being based around his lungs), but I don’t fully get this one.
要検査な上に要治療 = Key (health) investigation and key cure?
心中察しだな = You/he have/has my sympathies? (I think this might be a set phrase?)


佐々木君は人に思わぬ一面があったとして それを受けは入れられない人間か
思わぬ一面 = an unexpected side (of a person)?
受けは入れられない = unable to accept? (I know this is basic, but… 受け入れられない = 受け入れる + ~られる + ~ない, right? )


ま 彼の山田は消えるだろーが それはお前の素を受け入れるからこそだろ
お前の素 = Your nature? Your true self?
こそ = emphasis particle?

Extremely funny to see 店長 swap modes the same way 山田・田山 does as well.

Chapter 0


ダシに = excuse, pretext?


This one was a bit hard because all three speech bubbles are connected, right?
So the last two are like:
やめませんかそういうのは レジならほかにも空いてるのに どうしてわざわざ。。。俺が後ろの時ばかり
Why do you always go out of your way to yell at her (only when I’m behind you in line) when there are other registers free?


Don’t really get what 否定しやがって means, other than broadly knowing it’s negative and that the jackass was being a dick.


What is going on with that middle bottom panel lol. Is she practicing her smile?

Phew! Think i got most everything else.

Also check out Sasaki in Pokemon

page 229

I spent a while trying to figure this one out too, but I think it’s like “you even had the nerve to deny me the cash register that is always so helpful to me [by taking up too much time yelling, meaning she can’t help the next customer, = me]”

To break it down more: 否定しやがって

やがる - to have the nerve to (after masu stem of verb, at least according to jisho)
meaning that し is from 否定します and 否定 (deny) is a する verb
まで - even
then the thing that is being denied is the whole いっつも助かってるレジ, love the extra emphasis on いつも :laughing:

related to that yeah ダシ is excuse or pretense, he’s just looking for any reason to complain

Interesting that I think that implies that old 佐々木 was still getting the 癒し from 山田 even before she learned the customer service smile. Maybe it’s her hard working attitude that really heals him, not just those minus ions :laughing:


it does kinda seem like a set phrase, i found a few articles talking about it. Seems like kind of a business-y or polite way of saying “my condolences” “you have my sympathies”, so you guessed the meaning

Although confusingly, my dictionary gives 心中 as a double suicide instead of what is probably way more commonly a shortening of 心の中. I guess the reading is different too! that article says it’s しんちゅう for this expression vs しんじゅう for the double suicide one, nice to have that distinction :laughing:


i hate it when you mean to express your condolences but you actually say you have my suicide pact

p203 handwriting


So I’ve clearly been conditioned into overly low expectations of this series handwriting by my prior experiences. I spent an embarassing amount of time trying to figure out what this “kana” was. Like, is it a こ or ひ at a weird angle? Maybe a つ where he kept drawing too long? A ら where the loose line got joined to the rest?

No, it’s just an S. I forgot the store was called スーパーS.



The furigana here is punning, right? Those kanji are たばこ, not りゅう. Because of ルリドラゴン and the fire connection, my brain jumps to a dragon pun, but I don’t quite follow the joke.

Other than that, finished the manga! Lots of new health related language in chapter 16, but otherwise i’d put these two chapters as relatively in the middle for difficulty (though Learn Natively says they’re some of the fastest I’ve gone through).

I’m on holiday soon, and I’m also honestly a bit overloaded with other areas I’m doing for Japanese practice, so I probably won’t head straight into the next BBC.

page 204

りゆう = 理由

Context is king for deciphering bad handwriting yep :laughing: If you can at least semi-expect what words you’re looking for it makes it so much easier

p 203

This is not about keys. I can only assume that someone added new vocab to the vocab list after you read this, because with the help of the vocab list, it’s quite easy to understand imo. Sasaki had a doctor’s exam where they found something wrong with his lungs so he needs further examinations and treatment (or so they think).

This was the first BC I ever started (though not the first one I finished), so finishing this volume feels like a historic moment for me :partying_face:


Context is king for deciphering bad handwriting yep :laughing: If you can at least semi-expect what words you’re looking for it makes it so much easier

Yeah, in this case it’s not even that bad, I was just expecting it to be worse than it was :slight_smile:

p 204-205

I’ve been puzzling over this entire part, too, but still feel like I’m missing something. At first, it seems like Gotou’s question
佐々木君は人に思わぬ一面があったとして それを受けは入れられない人間か
means something along the lines of “Is Sasaki the kind of person who can’t accept it when they see an unexpected side of someone?”, and Yamada replies “No, he’s not”.
Then, in the topmost panel of p 205, Gotou says

ま… 彼の山田は消えるだろーが それはお前の素を受け入れるからこそだろ
→ “Ok then, his Yamada (furigana: adoration) will disappear, but that’s because he’ll be able to accept your true self.”

But I’m not sure how the bottom panel of p. 204 fits in here, and part of my confusion seems to come from not figuring out how the two parts of the next question fit together. The more I stare at it, the more I’m no longer even sure who’s speaking.
Can anyone break this down for me?

page 204

The bottom panel is still Gotou speaking, putting hypothetical words into yamada’s mouth
“The person behind that’s always behind the register two is me”
and then
これで with that
理由 - reason (but over 煙草, so like “reason to smoke”) (yamada actually uses 理由 the page before and trails off too, so I think she’s just taking yamada’s phrasing here)
要らない dont need
んじゃないか? - isn’t it? right?

So I think she’s saying “if you tell him that [that ‘I’m actually the person behind the second register’], then you don’t need an excuse to smoke with him, right?”

Her thought process all flows together with that だったら (if that’s the case) and that ま (…well, …hmmm, …but)


Ah, now it finally makes sense. Thank you!


So cool that you are able to catch all that!


Ah - the issue here is i almost never use the vocab list lol. I need to remember to cross check against it.


I’m usually the same, but for this manga it was really useful. Many times when I didn’t get a meaning or simply couldn’t decipher a handwritten word, the vocab list helped me. Thanks to everyone putting that together!

Page 204

The furigana here is punning, right? Those kanji are たばこ, not りゅう. Because of ルリドラゴン and > the fire connection, my brain jumps to a dragon pun, but I don’t quite follow the joke.

I think the furigana here is saying 理由りゆう not りゅう, note the difference of ゆ vs. ゅ. So this is just saying that 煙草 i.e. smoking would no longer be necessary as a motive/pretext.