Now for Chapter 59! (so that I don’t forget again)
I’m always hungry.
It was Ariana Grande, in case you really wanted to know.
Page 91:
I imagine もった is this: 4. to last; to be durable; to keep; to survive
But then, 来られなかったよ? “I couldn’t easily come to see you, thanks to that.”?
I guess it makes sense. .-.
Aaaah, were they negotiating all this time? This context.
How polite.
Hahahaha! Poor Yanda.
Ugh! Always katakana words. (I mean, I imagined, but…)
FIAT Cinque, huh? That’s some choice of words.
Excuse me? @Belthazar
タン塩 does sound good. Dang, you did warn us.
I love eating meat, I guess most people do. But I love eating meat.
Sadly, I’m always reminded of one meat place we used to go to that shut down.
Two, to be more precise.
I’m onto this author… Cute girls everywhere they go.
Haha! That 乾杯の音頭 is pretty good!
Is this supposed to be a pun?
“Even if you’re an idiot, you won’t go bald.”
(I might’ve misread.)
Hahah! What a chapter!
Pretty tough, I guess. Considering it’s an adults’ chapter.
And then the site went and got itself on Read Only Mode. D: I was just about to post my reply!
So I had to save it on Word.