ジュラルミンですから I mean, it’s improbable, but not impossible. Far more improbable stuff has happened to Yotsuba, like doing the flip on the swings and coming out unscathed.
ジュラルミンですから I mean, it’s improbable, but not impossible. Far more improbable stuff has happened to Yotsuba, like doing the flip on the swings and coming out unscathed.
Wow, last chapter already? Seems like this volume went by fast for some reason.
ジュラルミン is clearly a skilled gymnast, sticking her landing like that xD As soon as Yotsuba put her over the edge of the basket, I was like, “oh boy, she’s getting dropped” lol.
Hehehehe xD
I thought she would get lost O_o
Didn’t think they’d find her that easy =P
Forgot they only moved up, not to the side
Oh, I had forgotten about this.
As far as I know, something similar exists in Mexico, although I do not remember the name, and yeah, they don’t come back, they just go way up and you have to go find them.
Chapter 62!
Before I move on to the next volume.
Seems right to me.
Classic ひとくち.
Click this for effect before the next part. (Please, I spent like 10 minutes on this)
The end.
Ah, man.
That’s another volume, huh?
Few things lift my mood as easily as Yotsuba.
Onwards and upwards!
Volume 9, chapter 59, page 111
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I am really stumped on this one!
Dad, Jambo, Yanda, and Yotsuba are eating out and Yanda has just mentioned Asagi… Jambo replies:
そうそう 俺もこないだ 諸岡に合ったよ
そうそう - quickly
俺も - me as well
こない - not come
だ - copula
諸岡 - no idea, I can’t find this in Jisho or anywhere. Perhaps a name?
に - particle
合った - matched, or joined
よ - particle
I’ve never been more lost! Any help really appreciated! Thank you!
諸岡 もろおか, it does say on the manga. Just an acquaintance.
I think Jumbo is trying to guide the conversation away from the sisters, but maybe he just mentioned it.
Said guy got married, and now he’s bald.
Also, it’s 会う not 合う.
Thank you Kazzeon!
Yes, the reading is on the manga, but I couldn’t find the meaning!
Edit: So 諸岡 doesn’t mean “acquaintance”, it’s the name of an acquaintance? Is that right?
Grrrrrrrrrr! I always get them mixed up!
Thank you so much!
Bear with me here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDgOlC7rHrg
Any time.
Brilliant! Thank you so much!
I remember when I first encountered and learned こないだ is この間, it started showing up in everything I was reading. (I think よつばと! was the second place I saw it, after seeing it first in キラキラ100%.)
This is just そう twice - like “Yes, yes, (on a different note…)”
Thank you!
Chapter 60, page 127
Sorry to drag up an old thread again, but I wondering if anyone can help me here? My only problem is with the meaning of もらえば at the end, but here’s the whole page for context:
Ena: みうらちゃん今ハワイに行ってるんだよ
Right now, Miura is in Hawaii
Mum: あ 今行ってんのいいねぇー うちも行きたいねー
Ah, it’s really nice that he’s gone there, I’d also like us to go, yeah
Ena: うん 3連休だよ うちはどっか行かないの?
Yeah, there are three day’s holiday, aren’t we going anywhere?
Mum: 風香が試験勉強中じゃない
Aren’t you in the middle of studying for your exams?
Ena: あー そっかー
Ah, that’s right
Mum: あさぎが明日どっか遊びに行くって言ってたけど
But Asagi was saying she’s going out somewhere tomorrow
Ena: デート?
On a date?
Mum: ううん 虎子ちゃんと行くって
No, she said she’s going with Torako
Together / taking someone along / said / if accept
= perhaps she’ll agree to take you along
But can anyone shed some light on that final ば? Can it mean “perhaps”?
Thank you so much everyone!
Yup, its another way of making a conditional phrase, here are some resources that will explain it better than I will
Miura says she hopes this was a typo
Ena or Fuuka?
Aaaargh! I make that same mistake over and over again! Thank you @ChristopherFritz !
Aaaaargh again! One day I’ll learn to pay attention! Thank you so much @Kazzeon
Thank you so much @lucylavelle ! That’s my work for today! You’re very kind, thank you!
Lo and behold, the ば conditional makes another appearance just 9 pages later. This one was much easier to understand:
Fuuka, it’d be better if you came to my house to drink.
(I’m actually reading vol 9 this week a second time, and spotting all kinds of cool things I missed first time round!)
The coffee chapter?