よつばと! Vol 7 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Page 173

人の - people’s
話 - talk, discussions
聞け - listen

Lit: listen to people’s stories!
My translation: “Listen to you lot!”
But can anyone tell me about that け ending?

Page 174

この家 - this house
が - identifier particle
っつー - no idea!
か… - question particle
Can anyone help with っつー?

勝手に入っちゃって いいもんスか?
勝手に - as one pleases
入っちゃって - from the verb 入る, to enter, but not sure how this works
いい - good
もん - contracted もの, thing (?)
ス - ???
か - question particle
The meaning is clear enough “Is it okay to go wherever you like?”, but there is a lot here in this sentence that I don’t understand, especially that katakana ス.

みんな - everyone
こい - no idea, can anyone help?
But this is a great part of the chapter. I love how the author uses page breaks for surprises and jokes. They all go running after something, we assume it’ll be a cow, and it’s a cat!

Page 175

ねこなんか どうでもいい!
ねこなんか どうでもいい!
No idea! Something about a cat. It looks to me like cat + what + how + but + good, but I know I’m miles off!

Page 181

よつばが びっくりさせたから みんな逃げちゃったよ
よつばが - Yotsuba + が
びっくり - to be surprised
させた - to make someone do
から - because
みんな - everyone
逃げちゃった - ran away, with informal past tense of しまう ending
よ - sentence ending particle
“Everybody [the sheep] ran away because you surprised them”

Such great art work in this chapter (even if it is based on photos!) and Yotsuba’s odd gestures to Yanda are priceless!


It’s actually the literal translation, “Listen to what people say!” (Yanda’s telling Yotsuba to listen to him instead of just going off on her own opinion again) :stuck_out_tongue:

This house, or rather, this whole area is the farm."

Your translation is correct.
入っちゃって is 入ってしまって “can we just enter?”
スか is basically ですか but slanged, iirc. :stuck_out_tongue:
I always struggle with もの, so I owe you that one. :sweat_smile:

みんな来い, how about now? :smiley:

I don’t care about (things like) cats. D:

Good questions. :slight_smile:

Haha! Did you watch the video? :stuck_out_tongue:


I did! Not all of it, I still want to go back and finish it, but it was fascinating stuff! Thank you! And thank you so much for answering all my questions too! I’ve got to stop there now, but the reading this morning has been great fun! Thank you!

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What video?

Though speaking of photos, I’ve been trying to find information on the real-life ranch that this one is based on, but I’m getting contradictory information from search results. I did find this, though:


That’s Hattori Dairy Farm in Kanagawa Prefecture, just to the left of Sagamihara. From the photo, I’d say this is a leading candidate. :slightly_smiling_face:


This video.

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But… but that link is after you mentioned the video.

I think I’ve kinda sworn off Inio Asano. I’ve bought several of his manga because the backgrounds keep sucking me in, but the stories are just too depressing.


Hahaha, I mentioned it way back. When Marcus mentioned the backgrounds being great. :stuck_out_tongue:
I love Asano Inio because of his depressing stories. They also feel real, in a boring way, and I like that.
But I’m all in on the psychological drama train.


Page 182

なかなおし しょうな?

It’s Saturday morning, the resident expert is at home, so I ask her what is going on here… “Oh”, she says. “that’s Yotsuba making another mistake. There’s no such thing as なかなおし.”

It ought to be なかなおり, 仲直り, reconciliation; make peace with.

“Let’s be friends again, yeah?”

I said “great, I can use this sentence after we have an argument”, she said “no, you have to learn the Japanese for “I apologise” first”!


Page 183

Dad: だから動物を 殴っちゃだめだって 動物園でも言っただろ

だから - so
動物を - animals + を
殴っちゃだめ - must not hit (I always find this grammar confusing, but I think this is right)
だ - copula
って - informal quotation particle
動物園 - zoo
で - in
も - also / even / ???
言った - said
だろ - right?

“So, I told you not to hit the animals in this zoo too, right?!”
(It’s becoming a bit of a worrying habit!)

Yotsuba: だって あいつ さきに
“But that guy did it first!”

Janbo: 動物園でも 殴ったのか?
“[Someone] hit [something] in a zoo?”

Yanda: つえーな こいつ
Not sure about that first letter. Any ideas?

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I’m working every day during the last two weeks of March (peak Tokyo basically) which is why I voted for an April start, but please don’t let me hold things up. If we decide to start vol.8 right away, I’ll be perfectly happy and will try my best to keep up! No problems! :grinning::+1:

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殴ってはだめ = (literally) hitting is bad = must not hit

Yeah, it’s つえー. Fairly sure it’s a very slangy つよい.


Page 183

Thank you @Belthazar!

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Page 184

Yotsuba: くさどうかなー!?
“I wonder how grass tastes”

Dad: いや そういう人達 だから …まあどうか とは思うが

いや - well
そういう - such; like that; that sort of
人達 - people
だから - because
まあ - well
どうか - how?
と - quotation particle
は - topic marker
思うが - I wonder

Well, because they are those kinds of people [sheep]… I wonder how it [grass] is?

Page 185

いじめんな! ヤギを いじめんな!

I think this is 苛める, to ill-treat; to bully; to torment; to pick on; to tease, etc, in the dictionary form, plus な, for “don’t”, and the る has been contracted down to ん. Am I right?

“Don’t tease the goat!”

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I wonder if rather than how it tastes, it’s more “how do they even eat it?”… perhaps.

It’s いじめない + ね => いじめんな. You’ve got the meaning right, either way.

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Thanks again @Belthazar! I have to stop there, but, again, a wonderful read! Thank you!

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Are you sure? I don’t see why it’s not いじめるな. :thinking: I could link to the other post I made about んな but I’m lazy. :open_mouth:

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Kazzeon, what happened to your level? :stuck_out_tongue:

Could you link that post anyway? Or give me an estimate on when it was posted? I’m interested.

Perhaps by my own incompetence, I don’t understand Belthazar’s post either in two spots. First is that んな feels much forceful than ないね, therefore, I’d say a contraction from いじめるな would be more natural. Secondly, my intuition would say that it should be いじめないで + ね, because you retain the command aspect that way. But I’m probably misunderstanding something.


I reset. :stuck_out_tongue: I have some free time, and some money, so I wanted to go down Kanji lane again.

Since you asked. This one. :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot, and good luck with the reset !