よつばと! Reading club

Back again. :japanese_goblin:


Come on! I’m still on the 5th one…


Oh, no. I can’t slow down, I can’t hold back. Though, you know, I wish I could.
Oh, no. There ain’t no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good.


Have we decided when we start the next book? =)
so few left!! :scream:

Well, 80% of voters in the last poll said we should just move straight on to the next volume…


While I’m ready to start 11 at any time, I haven’t said anything as I’m still also working through 5, and have 6, 7, and 8. (I started reading with the group at 9, and have reading through the pre-9 volumes along the way.)

I think volume 11 is going to be the start of the stories I remember most clearly from having read in English (whereas many earlier volumes I’d forgotten much of), so that should be interesting.

I’m still not done with 10. :weary:
I’ve been thinking about reading it.

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Once you finish reading 10, you’ll no longer need to think about it. Consider all the freed up thinking time you’ll have!


I’ve almost caught up! Just finished reading volume 8 today. I’ve been reading through all of the forum posts as I go through each chapter as well, so thanks to everyone for posting!

Hopefully I’ll be finished volume 9 and 10 in a few weeks and I can join in when you start volume 11. :tada:


I thought of Yotsuba while drinking this:


:0 Was it fancy milk?

It was onsen milk.

Not sure the Koiwai milk and the fancy milk were the same thing. If memory serves.

We given any thought to starting volume 11? :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m ready for volume 11 at any time. But I also have volumes 6, 7, and 8 to read in Japanese still, so that’s why I haven’t asked about 11 yet :wink:


Ready whenever you guys are! :slight_smile:


Can I join without having ever read any? Is it a continuous story?

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Most chapters are standalone, or loosely connected to the chapter before. Jumping in at this point, you’d just want to know who the characters are as they first show up in the volume. And if you like the stories, you’ll have a bunch of prior volumes to go back to and read =D


I’ve been waiting for you guys for so long. :roll_eyes:

I’ve been wating since we finished volume ten. That was mid-September. On the 30th, you posted in this thread that you were still reading it. I think I win. :stuck_out_tongue:

You guys are so slow. :roll_eyes:

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