What is your longest leech?

Yessss, I feel your pain, bud.







WK’s loading animation helped me with 考 haha!


This actually happened to me about a week ago, haha.

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用いる - Because there’s something about using mochi that doesn’t stick to my brain. Unless you call your brain mochi and try to use it to remember this reading :upside_down_face:

Longest leech is 三日, just because some of the days seem so arbitrary. If I used Japanese in my daily life, I would probably remember this better.


Sure :slight_smile: Like this one:


And what’s so special about this one, you might ask… Last time I checked it was the item I’ve reviewed the most amount of times:


Reason: I always got it mixed up with 承諾 (Consent) and 許諾 (Consent).


Honestly thread was a big leach for me at first even tho it was only in the level that it was in…for some reason I could NOT remember. I kept wanting to say it was the radical “spirit” even tho there is a radical for thread which is the same :expressionless:

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Wonder if the various “responsible people” words like 改札係 and 求職係 would help here, because they all end in がかり :slight_smile: .


how do I check my longest leech?

item inspector?

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Not sure if it’ll help anyone else, but the best leech-breaker I’ve ever done is to handwrite. I write every new kanji at least eight times, and I try to write words I’m struggling with too.

Sometimes I’ll make it more interesting for myself by imitating some Japanese fonts. I don’t know a thing about shodo but that’s OK. I use my tablet since I don’t do well with loose paper all over the place. There’s an app called Zen Brush that’s great for this (I prefer version 2 to version 3). Here’s some writing practice I just did right before I wrote this edit…

Edit: Aw, crap, I forgot the last stroke of が. We’ll just say I changed that one to katakana for emphasis.

Is it Tsurukame? I’ve noticed that that one font switches 懇 with 墾 (which is one of the jōyō kanji that’s not in WaniKani). I wanted to nag someone about that but I have no idea who needs nagging!

Those 報 kanji are a real annoyance. I’ve tried relying on the other kanji’s meanings but it doesn’t always work.

I missed my first chance to burn 夕, which was super frustrating because I’ve known that kanji for years. Sometimes I’ll go back and look through the level 1–10 lists, and I occasionally get lucky and find one that’s due soon!

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I mean, in the words I know which use 報 like 警報 or 予報 , it’s fine, because I get bombarded by various 警報s lately a lot (great weather here, really…), but what confuses me is the translation of “news report” for 報道 when the kanji suggest it’s not a thing like a news report, but something else.

I finally gave up and double-checked in a dictionary and yes, 報道 is actually “journalism” and more “reporting news” than “news report”. ぽていと vs ぽたーと :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably the vast Internet for getting their unicodes wrong in different typesets :smiley: .


Dang, that actually makes a lot more sense if I think of 報道 as “the way of the journaler!”


I’m never sure if the reading is ゆ、ゆう or た and I keep mixing up the meaning with 多.


Thanks, handwriting is a good idea. I’ve recently got a book to write in and plan to start but I’ve been bad at getting going!

Is it Tsurukame? I’ve noticed that that one font switches 懇 with 墾 (which is one of the jōyō kanji that’s not in WaniKani). I wanted to nag someone about that but I have no idea who needs nagging!

It’s Jitai but it could have the same issues potentially! Something for me to keep in mind. I’ve started just hovering over the character with my mouse and it resorts to the default font which is helpful when I’m really unsure.

For me it’s defo WaniKani / Vocabulary / 近日

My brain refuse to answer “soon” for the meaning, but I keep answering “recently” instead. :joy:


Not that I necessarily forget them, but my brain can’t seem to keep 沼 and 没 apart. They both leapfrog back and forth to master where one of them disappears for a month so I only see one at a time. I get it right a few times so it goes into master also, and then the other one comes back and I fail that because I’m automatically typing the answer I’ve given several times in a row. Now this one comes back several times until it gets into master, and then the first comes back and I automatically get that one wrong. Rinse and repeat.


Are you ready for タ行? :joy::joy::joy:

That’s what I saw on Aozora Bunko once.

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Just thought of good mnemnic for this
Eりろん musk
As for meaning “tesla cars in theory should help the enviroment”

i know it is bad have mercy pls…


When I got 用いる [not that long ago, lol], I was actually doing a chemistry assignment where I made milk mochi out of edible packing peanuts. I always think that I was utilizing the mochi to get a good grade lul.


I didn’t know there were such things as edible packing peanuts(technically, I suppose you could use regular peanuts to pack, but…). I am not much of a science person, so how does one make mochi out of them? You know, for science(and vocab retention)!

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