I’m not that many levels in but I have had some simple transitive - intransitive vocab at apprentice level for almost as long as I remember. 助ける、助かる、転がる、転がす、転げる and so on all give me endless trouble at remembering which is which.
Have you got any vocab or kanji that have hung around like a bad smell for way too long?
I have the hardest time with the police ones: 警察官; 警察署; 警察庁; 警視庁. I already missed a chance to burn them and I’m not looking forward to seeing them again.
I always answer “hope” instead of “wish” because the only two vocab words it’s used in are “hope” and “to hope”. Jisho’s first meaning for 希 is also hope, so I have no idea why wanikani decided to go with wish.
And while this one isn’t as bad, it’s taken by far the greatest toll
Another one I struggle with is 考. At first I kept messing it up because I was typing the answer as “thought” instead of “think.” Well, then WaniKani taught me the kanji 孝, which means filial piety. So then I started messing up 考 and 孝. I will get it one of these days!
I have a similar issue but instead its 考 and 教 and 老, but that’s mostly because I have a font changing plugin that is supposed to make it so I’m exposed to many more realistic ways of writing them but instead just confuses me on these ones
For me it’s 報道. I always pick a word around the answer, but never the answer. I added the user synonym “journalism” yesterday to give myself some extra input. Let’s see.
The other one is probably 直行. Always get the kana wrong somehow
都庁 is hilarious because it very specifically means Tokyo Government Office but WaniKani insists that it is “metro government” which just did not stick
when I found out that it’s effectively a proper noun it started sticking much better (user synonyms go brrr)
All of the “thoughts”/“feelings”/“expectations”/“circumstances” ones are pretty tough for me. I got 事情 specifically down to Apprentice 2 the other day.