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I’m not sure the latter is really something you want to be doing during vocabulary reviews.

当て字 are very much a thing, for example.

I think it’s important to train yourself to learn vocabulary items as one “thing” with associated readings and meanings. This is true whether the vocabulary item is a single character or multiple.

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There’s this script which shows you the kanji meanings when you answer something incorrectly


Thanks fo the advice! Yeah, I do treat vocab as its own thing as much as possible. This more about strengthening the concepts and correlations behind each kanji once I’ve already gotten the answer correct. It’s hard to describe but this is how my brain works and how learning is successful for me!


Ah that looks very close! It’s specifically after a correct (meaning) answer that I’m searching for, so maybe a little different. Thank you for the link though!


If you’d like I could add an option to the script to also show the breakdown for correct answers


Yeah if you could add similar ‘on meaning’ and ‘on reading’ checkboxes for the correct answers that would be amazing!! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


Hi @Kumirei! Just wondering if this is still possible? Thank you!

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Yeah, sorry I’ve just been cought up with some other things. I’ll get back to scripting on Monday hopefully. Either way I should get to it sometime next week


Ah no worries at all! Whenever is fine, tysm!

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Thank you! I really appreciate it. Btw, this is the second script you’ve kindly sorted out for me and I’d love to buy you a coffee or a beer. Do you have any online cash link?


I wonder if someone has made a UserScript that allows Kanji meanings for the same Radicals?

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That is very kind of you, but I do not. I just do this for fun


This is boring but I’d like to see the vacation mode button moved to the main screen so you just have to hit it. Sometimes I wonder if so many people end up with thousands of reviews because they just don’t know it’s there.

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I have a script that puts a button in the menu

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Ah, okay! Well if you ever change your mind!

brilliant!. Thanks

I don’t know if someone already requested it, BUT…

My request is: A script to show you the exact use of words that wanikani considers “the same”.

There are too many japanese words that have the same meaning and wanikani doesn’t tell you what makes that kanji different than others.
Normally I would:

  1. Go to google and search images of both words to see if I can see the difference
  2. Go to HiNative and ask there for the difference between “x”, and “x” word.
  3. Try to infer the context in which is used by analyzing the Kanji that compose the word

That tends to take a good amount of time, so I was wondering if someone was willing to create a script that did something like that. Of the words you learn (if they have the same meaning), I would like to have something that makes a comparison between the words.

I feel that would be a good addition.

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That would be known as Bottled Leebo or maybe Bottled Jonapedia


By “English” definitions (and not in blocklist)?

Normally, I would click on a link in Anki to Goo JE, ALC, Goo Ruigo, Immersion Kit, Yourei; whatever come up enough first, and copy it to Notes field. (I also have another field for CompareWith - what I feel similar at some point, and need to be compared.)

But in WaniKani, I consider 500-character limit a hindrance, so you can’t just paste everything.