Suggestions for wanikani in 2023

I’ll probabily buy the annual plan or lifetime plan in january. So, I decided make this new topic that objetive is make suggestions of upgrades for wanikani while new year 2023.

First I would like that have other modes and other gamifications. If you have any suggestion say here.


I wish I could choose to practice and/or review radicals, kanji, and vocab separately. Self-study quiz covers this, but it would be nice if it were built-in.

I’d also like it if I could break up a review into smaller “chunks”. My goal is to learn the meaning and pronunciation of kanji and vocabulary, and if I get one slightly wrong, but the gist of the meaning is correct or my reading is off in a small way, I will close out in order to reset, if the word is Guru or below. For me, these small slips are meaningless when in the Guru and below phase.

However, doing a reset when you have 200 reviews means slogging through a bunch of stuff over again (or frequently refreshing to get to the stuff you care about advancing first). And look, I realize this is sort of “cheating”, and you might look down on it. But I legitimately don’t care. My goal is knowledge, and this approach is very effective for me. Like, if I reset due to a stupid mistake on one thing, but I legitimately missed another, I will purposefully fail the one I missed legitimately next time. But that’s my process.

By allowing me to break lessons up, I can cheat more easily. Moreover, having a huge review pile that you have to get through all at once is a big time commitment. I want to be able to until you match your reading and meaning, you don’t get credit, so with a big queue, you can answer a ton of questions and only “complete” a few. If you have to do something else / session times out. Sorry.


Ah, I totally do this, too! If I do too many typos or get too many wrong that I feel I should be getting right I also just decide I’m not in the right frame of mind for reviews and come back in an hour or two.

If you’re open to scripts for batching reviews, I use @Kumirei’s Review Queue Sizer script when I want to batch reviews and only do a certain number at once (or just use the built-in “wrap up” to do 10 at once, but 10 is generally too few for me).

As far as things I wish WK would possibly change in 2023, I’d love to see more context sentences (which I know some folks are already working on).

I’d also really appreciate it if more meaning “explanations” for vocab actually explained things instead of just being mnemonics. I’m okay if those explanations turn into 2 or 3 sentences and keep the first part related to mnemonics as long as it clarifies any ambiguity with the English word (like for 辞職 and 諦観 which are both “resignation” in English but have completely different meanings, or 領収書 and 受領書 which are both “receipt” in English but actually cover different types of receipts in Japanese).


Or, you could use a script that gives you back-to-back reviews (i.e. reading and meaning always come right behind each other) and then you can just end the session and it doesn’t cancel any items.

This only works for the first of the two reviews, right? So maybe a script that lets you correct your input is more helpful and less cumbersome in the end? :thinking:


The thing I really want is just the ability to set synonyms during lessons. There are times when WK teaches me something and it’s a word that I never use under any circumstances, and I know for sure that I’ll get it wrong the next time I see it. But I can’t create the synonym for the word I actually use right there, so it has to wait until I get it wrong in the next review. I really don’t see any reason why it should be like this.


You could go to the item’s page and set the synonym there, but it will not apply to the lesson quiz. And it’s of course pretty cumbersome. I don’t really get why they didn’t add this a long time ago, there was already talk about this some years back…


I wanna be able to do 2 things:

  1. Learn new vocabulary first and then new kanji. I don’t know, I feel like I would like to learn stuff with kanji that I already know, and then move to the new things. I’m weird like that :smiley:
  2. I would love to have a dedicated analytics page with a breakdown of things that I’ve learned so far. For example, have a pie chart with burned items so I can see how many kanjis have I burned, how many vocab words etc. It would feel awesome to see how many things have we learned so far in each category

Happy holidays!


For some context, I don’t use any scripts, I use wanikani mostly on my iPad, so this is not an option, unless via tsurukame, which i sometimes use, but i don’t like the interface of the lessons and reviews as much at least on the iPad.

That being said, i’d like to:

  • be able to see more stats on wanikani.
  • be able to track the vocab from the previous level that i’m still missing from the main screen. I use a website a wanikani user made that shows this, but is not the same thing. When I graduate from a level with vocab still missing from the previous level, it feels like I’m stuck on wanikani, since that progress does not reflect on the home page. And there could be a week till I get passed all the vocab.
  • more customizable options on the cram feature will also be a plus.
  • the ability to ignore a failure. I understand why some people wouldn’t want this, but this could be a toggleable feature. I’m not a native english speaker, and sometimes I just enter a synonym for a word or radical since I can’t recall the exact english word with precision. From my point of view, there’s no reason to fail if I know the meaning gist, and there are just some expressions that are hard to get exactly right.
  • to toggle to show furigana on the word use / context sentences at least on the kanji / vocab that I don’t know yet, or just adding audio. Most of the time I just skip these as there are normally too difficult to parse on the go.
  • more info regarding the etymology of a kanji while doing the lessons (I know there’s a script for this)

TLDR; I would like that the customization of wanikani was not so dependent of user scripts, although I think is amazing that so many people have volunteered their free time to make those.

That being said, happy holidays to all the Wanikani family! :christmas_tree:


I honestly do the same, and used to do a reset like this too - but I got the Double-Check script now and it completely solved this frustration for me. I see other people suggested other scripts for the pile size, but this one is just like an undo button, very simple.
Yes it’s easy to cheat with it, but as you said, as long as I’m honest with myself about it, I know “forgiving” those small mishaps actually help me more than anything.

  1. More synonyms for kanji and vocab items.

  2. Less mnemonics relying on particular English pronunciations and more mnemonics relying on Japanese pronunciations instead.


Mnemonics sharing, similar to what Kanji Koohii does.

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Not an original idea, but something similar to other platforms in sharing a “Year in review” summary at the end of next year. Something that throws up some interesting stats based on your performance over the past 12 months. Longest correct streak. The most ‘generous’ mistaken spelling allowed. How many hours spent on the platform. How you compare to others.

This would be a nice ‘easter egg’ to finish off 2023.


Different font options built in (yes I know there is a script).


I would love to see a feature to correct your input or to flag an answer as correct after the answer was evaluated as wrong. Often I type in a synonym of a word and the meaning is the exact same but it still counts as a wrong answer. Of course I can add my own synonyms, which helps, but it’s still kind of frustrating. And especially by short words with 3-4 letters the evaluation is super sensitive and I sometimes have a typo and accidentaly submit the answer. At the moment when I review new words I often have the answer in my head but still look up on google if it’s the exact English word Wanikani expects me to type in. Wanikani shouldn’t require learning exact English words but rather just the general meaning of the Japanese word.


I want wanikani to not say the answer was close when you answer in plural/singular for 99% of words. And lessons should not have any leeway for mistakes.
Oh also, when you make an error for the reading of a word but the mistake obviously lies in the hiragana part, then wanikani should not reject the answer but instead show you that you made a typo and allow you to correct it!


Not sure I understand what you mean. Can you give an answer?

As a scripter (Double-Check and Self-Study Quiz in particular), I think a lot about how a good, but not very abusable, typo algorithm for readings might work.

I think they meant typing the wrong okurigana when the correct ones are part of the prompt. Lets say it says 当たり and you type あだり. @Sagorero Correct me if I misunderstood.


This! English is my second language so there are many situations in which I immediately know that I’ll use the word in my mother tongue because it’s shorter or I feel more comfortable with it (or simply because I can’t spell some english words like acquaintance to save my life without autocorrect).

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I would like see new yojijukugo (words with 4 kanjis) and kojiseigo (words with origin in history events and chinese literature) and special dialect words for example osaka-ben words or okinawa words.


ちゅーうがなびら = Hello/ Good Afternoon

This word is into “uchinaguchi” - the dialect of okinawa

So, If make a new category of words “special words” wanikani become more fun.


Assuming you mean the okurigana like @TarjeiM said, there’s actually a script for this (again, only helpful if you are able to use scripts): Do You Even Kana?