Here we go Judging from my level progress the past few months, this will be much cheaper for me than yearly
Sorry, our sale is only (and has always been, so far) for Lifetime!
I’m on board as well, very excited about this, paid monthly until now, only made it to Level 8 today and can’t wait to continue the journey. I really appreciate WaniKani and am very grateful for it! Let’s keep going everybody!
This is amazing
Renewed my monthly subscription earlier today to get back on track with reviews, started at more than 1000. Now, I’m below 100. Now I shall do my best too keep myself going more consistently that I was finally able to get lifetime.
Thanks everyone in the WaniKani team for creating a tool which makes studying kanji fun! And thanks to the wonderful community here in the forums for always sharing good content and study tips!
last year there was a sale for 50% off the yearly subscription. I know thats what i bought last time.
Hmm, the blockquote in this post says January 6th, everywhere else says 5th though so i guess that’s the real date
The amount of lifetime users on the forum. Will be interesting to compare it when the sale is over.
Although I know I’ve spent much more on books, I still had to psyche myself up a little to press that final “commit” button. Thinking about having lifetime access to the forums got me the rest of the way there, though.
And edible!
Hey there! That was more of a bonus coupon for (usually) new users that we emailed out, not announced as a Sale with the discounted price on our subscription page like the Lifetime
No! Only for the committed to the crabigator ! All hail!
Ps- Please note this a lighthearted comment!!
hooray! just joined the lifetime party
Ohhh dear Cosmic Crabigator, I made my offering to you and I’m now ready for you to take me onto your spaceship and fill my mind with lots of 漢字
Actually (according to me) “wanikani” is written in Japanese as 大切台.
It uses the crab’yomi pronunciations to arrive at “wanikani”.
A silly attempt at some level 3 humor!
Will the crabigator spare my soul?
Ok let’s go!
I will be spending my lifetime for learning kanji with WaniKani😎
Omg, I am so excited, even if I have the lifetime membership !
Once I finally get paid for the month, I’ll definitely be upgrading!
Yay purpleeee!!!