It's Back: WaniKani Sale Starts Now (Dec.19, 2022 - Jan.6, 2023)

The wait is over.

The Crabigator has blessed us all with its claws and WaniKani Lifetime memberships are officially now on sale. They’re $100 cheaper than usual so get an early start to your new year’s resolutions and start learning all the kanji that you’ve been wishing you could read!

The sale happens only once a year, so I wouldn’t wait too long. And who knows, this year really might the year when the Cosmic Crabigator comes to pick up all the Lifetime Members to Planet Kanji. If that’s the case, then this would be your only chance to grab your ticket (Lifetime membership) on sale. You wouldn’t want to miss out on that, would you?

The sale is on now until 12pm PST, January 8. Go to your Subscription page to upgrade!

  • If you currently have a monthly or annual plan, you’ll get a bigger discount. Click on the lifetime plan from the Subscription page and you should see the final discount in the checkout screen.

If you have any questions, send us a chat, email or tag @Mods on this thread!

Happy holidays and Merry Crabmas to all :crabigator: :christmas_tree:

Update 1/5/2023: We’ve been notified that some denominations of Crabigatorism do not allow followers to upgrade online memberships on weekdays. In response, we have updated the end-of-sale date to be January 8, 2023 (technically it’ll end on Jan 9, PST, but you’re playing with fire if you want to mess with time zone differences like that). We regret this error and will perform self-Reviewagellation rituals as penance. —@koichi


@Mods Woot! Thank you!! Just to be clear, is the discount all the subscriptions fees you’ve already paid or just related to what fee you’ll pay next?


Hi, just the unused time you have left remaining. So if you have 6 months left out of your current annual plan, then you’ll get that much discounted. If you have 2 days left out of your month plan, you’ll get 2 days worth of discounts. Previous subscriptions don’t count.


I started a few months ago and was just starting to bump up against the end of Level 3 - so excited to purchase and support the work you’ve done. I’m in it for the long haul!


Will there be available coupon codes this time around?

I don’t think I’m ready to commit to Lifetime membership yet but I’m all aboard to get the annual one :slight_smile:


Definitely worth it because I have taken my sweet time learning kanji.


Maybe! Not really sure about that as that’s separate from our Lifetime sale.


Finally took the plunge and got lifetime. I still have quite a few turtles to left burn and will stick around for any future content additions.


I wonder what weird shannanigans the team has planned. I remember there was a year that someone send (irl) mail to an address. But it’s a blurry memory.

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I already payed twice for annual subscription, so having lifetime membership now will not give me any actual discount, in total I will still spend about 300$. So if you plan lifetime I recommend to get it right from the beginning!


Thank you for the reply!


YES FINALLY IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. I’m so hyped. I just finished making the purchase lol.


Welcome to lifetime :tada: :crabigator:


I hope there is another 50% off annual offer too following this!


Is anybody else experiencing delays in payment processing? I’ve been waiting for an hour now

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i had some problem after the payment for the lifetime sub (upgrading from annual)… now looks like my sub was cancelled… back lvl 3 with no subscription :sob:

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That’s exactly what happened to me.
Your badge says you have lifetime though, mine says “free” and It’s been 2 hours since I made the payment.
I understand that sales can cause delays, i’m just a little scared because of the big investment. Plus, I wanted to do my reviews :sob:


Having a issue with my account like the others have mentioned. My account has been reset to level 3 and my status is under the “free” subscription when i payed for the lifetime. Already sent a email


Also received the receipt notification to my email & i can see the lifetime payment under receipts under the subscription page.

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i’m in the same situation. However looks like we both have the purple badge for lifetime sub.
I’m sure they will fix soon.

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