Weow! Koohi.cafe - A WK friendly SRS [300 vocabulary lists!]

I’ve noticed the option to import your HouHou list but how exactly am I supposed to do that? :thinking:

You can use exports to mass add lessons or mark words as known (so that vocab lists are more in line with what you actually want to learn).

A. Export Houhou data

  1. Go to SRS
  2. Browse SRS items (bottom right)
  3. Browse all items (top left)
  4. Select everything
  5. Export all selected items (right side)

B. Go to Koohi (be logged in and stuff)

  1. Go to the importer from the dropdown menu
  2. Copy and paste text from the file you exported
  3. Click the giant blue button
  4. Scroll down to the next set of fields
  5. Set the word field (should be set to 1 for Houhou)
  6. (optional). If you’re adding kanji as well, modify the field labeled ‘import type’ to ‘vocabulary and kanji’ (should be set to 0)
  7. Click the giant blue button
  8. Look at the preview with your eyes and see if it makes sense (SRS level 99 means it will mark the word as known)
  9. Click the giant blue button if it’s correct.

I skipped step 6 in the video below because Gyazo limits me to 8 seconds but whatever.

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Awesome, that worked!

Should I follow the same procedure to update my known words?

Edit: How do I permanently delete ignored items? The “reset ignored” function only works until I reload the page.

It should ignore duplicates so that should work.

Until you reload the page or after you reload the page? It seems like there’s a visual bug where resetting your words doesn’t work (visually at least) until your refresh. What you’re experiencing might be different though?

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Basically I’d click the reset option and it would visually work, after F5ing the page the option would be presented to me again.

The option is gone now, so I guess it worked after all. :slight_smile:

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That’s interesting because it’s the exact opposite of what was happening to me :thinking:

But yeah if the option is gone then that means it works because it only shows up when there’s ignored words

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@Raionus what was the parser you used again?

What’s the occasion? Gonna steal my tech?

Also mecab


It came up in a conversation earlier and I realized I didn’t know.

What supporting software do you use to create the lists tho? The japanese text analysis tool you showed me awhile back?

Also I was partially curious because remember that weird issue I mentioned with some new stuff where it was misparsing hiragana into kanji? Jparser appears to have an option to use the kanji form of words and it causes issues basically exactly like that from my experience, so I thought maybe that was what happened.

I use that tool with some slightly modified code to create a frequency list. That gets turned into MYSQL table.

Then I use a copy of jmdict (abridged EDICT) on a MySQL server to match words to kanji or readings. I group and order the resulting rows according to several factors (such as the edict entry’s frequency value, part of speech, etc.) and ignore rows that suck too much (archaic entries, etc.). Then I do some custom transformations on similar rows to create groups of similar entries (ex: groups of phonetic matches).

The result is then sent through the API to the front end app.

It’s possible that I forgot to manually set it to use mecab and it defaulted to jparser? I’m not sure. I didn’t get the chance to look at it last week because I spent two and a half days building the unknown word counter instead. Then the job started, y’know

@authramethel I imagine the tutorial messages are extremely annoying for you right now? I’ll try to get the server-side options thing done this weekend.

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Hi, Rainous,
I am really interested with the web you are developing and currently I am learning Japanese too
I am a programmer and in any case is there anything I can help with your web?
It will be a pleasure if I can contribute to your web

They do show up every time I log in, so thanks for your concern! Thankfully the disable button kills them all instantly so I appreciate that feature. Keep up the good work.

is there any way to change the readings? when I go to create a new quiz the only reading that shows up is one in katakana with pitch accent markings. They are really confusing to me, and I wish i could change them to simple hiragana. I don’t care much about pitch accent either, and without a voice sample the katakana is gonna be hard for me to associate with a reading.

Thanks for developing the site, it has been really useful! My only gripe is that it seems that I cannot just generate a vocabulary list. I mean, where it just shows the list of words that are in the text. Not where it just shows the card for the first word and then you have to click through it.

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Update 3-14-2021 - Post-review Changes

Cleaning up the post-review screen to be more usable. Added some more tutorial messages.

Change Log


  • Now includes tutorial messages indicating the site’s general purpose + points to the importer and library pages


  • Post-review screen now shows progress through words instead of your accuracy (because you can see your accuracy behind the modal anyway)
  • Post-review screen now changes icons to show when you’ll be returning to the start
  • Post review screen now shows if the card was a pass/fail

New Anime

  • Yuru Camp S2 @ 1.7k
  • Mushoku Tensei @ 1.7k
  • Horimiya @ 1.5k
  • Gotoubun no Hanayome @ 2k

New Books

  • Seiyuu Rajio no Uraomote @ 3.9k
  • Dantoudai to kakumeihime @ 4.2k
  • Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin 2 @ 4.4k
  • Isekai Picnic @ 4.4k

Floflo end of service announcement

TDLR sign up for koohi, get your stuff transfered. Links to Floflo will be redirecting to koohi at the end of the month.

I’ll try to release an exporter for books on Koohi, regardless of whether or not I manage to get Patreon working on Koohi. This is not difficult, it’s the Patreon part that was annoying.

I’ll lock it behind Patreon later (or maybe never? idk).

@authramethel @Vanilla
I’ll be working on you two’s issues for the update next week.


For what purpose though?

I understand why you’d feel this way, as a lot of Wanikani users have trouble with katakana since Wanikani specifically doesn’t cover it. However, being able to read katakana is an integral part of reading Japanese. Even if it’s annoying.

If you’re having trouble reading the pronunciation, I’d recommend running Yomichan. Just hover over the word and read the pronunciation.

As much as I could really use help right now, Koohi isn’t set up properly for a collaborative environment at the moment. In addition, I just started a new job so right now is not a good time for me to figure out how to set it up with a collaborative environment either.

I would find it much easier to scroll through the items and see the ones I can ignore, rather than clicking through hundreds of items one by one.

I can’t find the transfer request button on koohi anymore, or do you do it automatically for everyone :blush:?

On floflo it is a patreon feature to generate an exportable word list, so you still have time do that if you want.

Floflo is getting axed in less than 2 weeks, so I’m not sure how that would work?

Pay patreon → export words → get .csv file.

Unless you are talking about something else. Your purpose is not very clear. But that’s a way to get a word list.