Wanikani screenshots 📾

Senpai Please do not flame me for my opinion.
I will give you the short answer and the long answer!
The short answer: Yes it is fair!
The Long Answer: Takes a deep breath

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In some cases, yes i agree. Other cases sometimes a typo can give a whole different word.
Like rise and raise and rice.
Wouldn’t you agree that we alll need to make mistakes so that we can learn? Without errors and mistakes there is no progress!
Your English is on point.
I would recommend lessons in punctuation usage.
I need them too

Oh no, I was the stupid one

Not Entirely!
Does one become stupid for not expecting something?

These are some difficult philosophical questions you are asking. I’m just here to learn Japanese

Those differences wouldn’t even be marked wrong in the first place! even the official script allows those mistakes. If you want those to be marked wrong you have to add a script to mark it DOWN.
And wrong spelling and typo does NOT have the same meaning. A typo means to specifically hit the wrong key when trying to hit another. What you explain is a spelling mistake.

And like I said, I only ignore when I actually KNEW the word, so there is nothing to learn by letting it go down two levels. You don’t learn to not make typos by letting them get repeated, cause it wasn’t the word you missed, it was the keyboard key.

Also I’m actually quite skilled at how to use punctuation marks, I just don’t care about “proper grammar” on forums. These are meant to be more spoken language and thus have more open rules.

A typo is when you want to write “rise”, but end up writing “rice”. One clearly knows the difference between those 2 words. If you wanted to answer “rice”, but the answer is “rise”, that’s not a typo. That’s a wrong answer.

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Philosopical questions?
Were you expecting me to say what I said?

Not really. There are a lot of things that nobody expects.

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My bad! I totally misunderstood your post Gomenosai-deshita!

Your English is Great! #ENDOFSTORY!

Current status:


Because at this point you probably already know that kanji and are just sitting around waiting for that one to be guru’d
 I use the override script to make sure I always get kanji right because I always learn them in the end after getting through all the vocab.

I just make sure to REALLY LEARN THEM the second they are available and if I get one wrong I die inside and promise my self to never fail a crucial Kanji again.

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HAHA, but I know I will learn them so I forgive myself and skip the dying inside. I consider the first three times I see them as lessons. I ignore answer until I get them right but I never guru them until I actually get it right on the first try
 that said I’ve never not knew them by the time guru time comes
 and the vocab cements them.

Always the same dumb mistakes. 'Oh it needs the う at the end - shoot I thought it was the other one. "
“Well I’m sure this one doesn’t have the う at the end. Oh.” <headdesk>

I promise this gets easier I have no idea why but I don’t make these mistakes hardly at all anymore.

Funny you should mention that vocab, I did this the other day and felt I really didn’t deserve to press the ignore button. After 20 years of learning English I really should know better :roll_eyes:

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Even if you got the English wrong, I wouldn’t say that your answer is wrong. You know the meaning of it and you know the Japanese reading. The only reason to consider your answer as wrong would be to perfect your English, not your Japanese.


Not sure what the Crabigator was up to last night, but he seems to be a little äșŒæ—„酔い today

