Last week I decided it was high time to get back on the wanikani wagon after 10 months (other than 6 days of reviews randomly scattered around ) of being away.
Thanks! Gunna try to stay on top of it this time. If I had carried on through last year but slowed my pace to 1 level a month I would know another 330 (or so) kanji compared to what I do now.
Welcome back! I did something similar, took around 4 months off earlier this year and came back to 2800 reviews. It took me a couple weeks to burn through all of them but now everything is back to normal and I’m on a 60 day streak .
I too have decided to fully come back into the fold of wanikani, i decided that an avalanche of 2000+ reviews that i could barely remember was too much so i’ve reset to level 3 and shall start to work my way back up