Happy July!
We’re going to be adding a bit more content to WaniKani this Thursday, July 4, 2019. As with the last update, it will be a small number of kanji (7) and some related vocabulary (more than 7).
There won’t be any downtime on the site, the items will simply appear and then trickle into the lessons of those of you at the right levels. You don’t have to do anything to get the new items.
The update is live!
I’ve listed all of the new items below for your convenience. As always, please give the system some time (it can take a few hours) to add all of the items to your accounts. And if you see any typos/errors please feel free to either post them here or shoot me and email: hello@wanikani.com
New Kanji
Level 22: 諦 - Give Up, Abandon
Level 25: 捉 - Catch
Level 30: 濡 - Wet, Damp
Level 33: 噂 - Rumor, Gossip
Level 34: 痩 - Thin
Level 37: 眉 - Eyebrows
Level 38: 膝 - Knee
New Vocabulary
Level 22: 諦観 (ていかん) - Resignation
Level 22: 諦める (あきらめる) - To Give Up, To Abandon
Level 25: 捉える (とらえる) - To Catch, To Grasp, To Perceive, To Captivate
Level 30: 濡らす (ぬらす) - To Wet, To Moisten, To Dampen, To Soak
Level 32: 濡れる (ぬれる) - To Get Wet, To Be Wet
Level 33: 噂 (うわさ) - Rumor, Gossip
Level 34 43: 濡れ衣 (ぬれぎぬ) - False Accusations, False Charges, Baseless Accusations
Level 34: 痩せる (やせる) - To Get Thin, To Lose Weight
Level 34: 痩身 (そうしん) - Lean, Slim, Slimming
Level 37: 眉 (まゆ) - Eyebrows, Brow
Level 38: 眉間 (みけん) - Brow, Glabella
Level 38: 膝 (ひざ) - Knee
Level 38: 膝頭 (ひざがしら) - Kneecap, Patella
Level 39: 眉毛 (まゆげ) - Eyebrow
Level 40: 膝小僧 (ひざこぞう) - Kneecap