Hey, y’all👋 I just wanted to give you a heads-up, WaniKani is welcoming some new radicals, kanji, and vocabulary to our family within a couple days!
Just like when we added some new items last year (6/3/2019 update, 7/4/2019 update and 7/25/2019 update), the items would simply appear and then trickle into the lessons of those of you at the right levels. You won’t have to do anything to get the new items. There won’t be any downtime on the site, either👌
We think this addition will be useful for your Japanese literacy! We hope you’ll enjoy learning the new stuff (and burning 'em)
Once they’re successfully added, I’ll update this post with more details. Stay tuned!
— The update is live🎉! —
Here’s what has been added.
New Radicals
Lvl 41: 宣 Proclaim
Lvl 41: 華 Showy - This item is “re-added”! -
New Kanji
Lvl 35: 喋 Chat (ちょう) | しゃべ
Lvl 36: 鮭 Salmon さけ, しゃけ
Lvl 39: 宛 Address あて
Lvl 40: 妖 Supernatural よう | (あや)
Lvl 41: 喧 Noisy けん | (やかま)
Lvl 41: 嘩 Rowdy か
Lvl 49: 蹴 Kick (しゅう) | け
New Vocabulary
Lvl 35: 喋る To Chat, To Talk しゃべる
Lvl 36: 鮭 Salmon さけ, しゃけ
Lvl 39: 宛名 Addressee, Name and Address あてな
Lvl 40: 妖精 Fairy ようせい
Lvl 40: 妖怪 Monster, Yokai ようかい
Lvl 40: 妖しい Enchanting, Charming, Mysterious あやしい
Lvl 41: 喧嘩 Fight, Quarrel, Argument けんか
Lvl 41: 喧しい Noisy, Picky やかましい
Lvl 49: 蹴る ける To Kick, To Reject
Lvl 49: 一蹴する To Flatly Reject, To Brush Aside, To Easily Beat いっしゅうする
As always, please let us know if you have any questions, or see any problems with the new content! You can either post here, or email us at hello@wanikani.comThank you!