Hello everyone!
We’re going to be adding some new content to the existing levels of WaniKani next Monday, June 3rd. It’s not a lot—a nice handful of kanji and vocabulary (and one radical). This is the first of a few content updates we’ve been planning. About six are in the pipeline as I’m writing this, but there may be more (or less), we’ll see.
There won’t be any downtime on the site, the items will simply appear and then trickle into the lessons of those of you at the right levels. You don’t have to do anything to get the new items.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that the new vocabulary words will have different (new!) audio. We’ve been working for a while on recording new audio for all of the vocabulary words on WaniKani. While we’re still preparing to roll it out to the entire site, these new words will have that audio, so they may not match up particularly well with the old stuff. Sorry!
Please bear () with us with while we work on the new audio replacements as well.
The update is live!
I’ve listed all of the new items below for your convenience. As always, please give the system some time to add all of the items to your accounts. And if you see any typos/errors please feel free to either post them here or shoot me and email: hello@wanikani.com
New Radical
Level 40: 喜 - Rejoice
New Kanji
Level 18: 喉 - Throat
Level 18: 叩 - Strike, Beat
Level 18: 飴 - Candy
Level 30: 匂 - Scent, Fragrance
Level 37: 串 - Skewer, Spit
Level 40: 嬉 - Glad, Happy
Level 41: 嘘 - Lie
New Vocabulary
Level 18: 喉 (のど) - Throat
Level 18: 喉頭 (こうとう) - Larynx, Voice Box
Level 18: 叩く (たたく) - To Strike, To Beat, To Hit, To Knock
Level 18: 叩頭 (こうとう) - Kowtow (history word oooh)
Level 18: 飴 (あめ) - Candy, Hard Candy
Level 18: 飴細工 (あめざいく) - Sugar Sculptures, Sugar Animals
Level 20: 喉飴 (のどあめ) - Cough Drop, Throat Lozenge
Level 30: 匂う (におう) - To Be Fragrant, To Smell Good
Level 32: 匂い (におい) - Scent, Fragrance, Odor, Smell
Level 37: 串 (くし) - Skewer, Spit
Level 37: 串焼き (くしやき) - Grilled Skewers
Level 40: 嬉々 (きき) - Happily, Joyfully, Merrily
Level 40: 嬉しい (うれしい) - Glad, Happy, Joyful
Level 41: 嘘 (うそ) - Lie
Level 41: 嘘吐き (うそつき) - Liar