I just found out, that I have been giving the wrong answer to a vocabulary for the last days and weeks. But Wanikani always accepts it, because “your spelling was a bit off”.
The vocabulary in question is this 立てる Tateru. For whatever reason, I thought this meant “to correct” but it doesn’t. It means to erect something, to stand something up.
But here’s the issue. Because “correct” is similarily spelled as “erect” Wanikani just thinks I misspelled, and accepts it as the correct answer.
I’ve been learning the wrong meaning for a vocabulary the whole time, and now I’m looking for a way to prevent this from happening again. Is there any way? Can I tell Wanikani to not accept something as correct or anything?
If you don’t know how to tag the mods this is usually not a problem. If you post the wrong answer in the worst typo thread someone else will tag the mods for you.
I actually messed up that Kanji as well! I incorrectly learned that 立 meant “sand” and thought that 立つ meant “to sand”. WaniKani consistently accepted the error as a typo. To their credit, their message recommends checking the meaning to ensure correctness. If I had done that, I wouldn’t have continued to make the error, so it was my fault for glossing over the message.
It was actually when I reached 立てる that I finally realized my mistake.
You could also try a script like WK But No Cigar which prevents an incorrectly spelled answer from being automatically accepted as “close enough.” It doesn’t mark them wrong, but it also doesn’t accept the answer, so that kind of confusion isn’t possible!