[Userscript] WaniKani Vocab Beyond

WaniKani Vocab Beyond

tl;dr: Click here to see an example of just how many more Japanese words Vocab Beyond can teach you!


This WaniKani script lets you study much more vocabulary for each kanji than is included in WaniKani, by showing hiragana pronunciation, definitions, part of speech, and commonality indicators for vocabulary retrieved from Jim Breen’s WWWJDIC API.

It also lets you listen to native speaker pronunciations from Forvo for each vocabulary word (if you pay $24/year for a Forvo API key), and allows you to filter audio by Forvo username (and thus filter by regional dialects).

The Vocab Beyond section is rendered on kanji lessons, kanji reviews, and kanji pages.

Clicking on a kanji character in a word will open a new tab with the WaniKani page for that kanji.

Vocab Beyond will still show WWWJDIC vocab, even if you don’t configure it with a valid Forvo API key.



  1. Install @rfindley 's WaniKani Open Framework according to these instructions.

  2. Install this script from Greasyfork at WaniKani Vocab Beyond

  3. (Optional) Configure Vocab Beyond with your Forvo API key.

    1. Sign up for a Forvo account at https://forvo.com/signup/
    2. Purchase a Fovo API key at https://api.forvo.com/plans-and-pricing/
    3. Copy your Forvo API key from Forvo Pronunciation API Login
    4. Open the Vocab Beyond settings from the menu at the top right of your WaniKani dashboard:

    5. Paste your API key into the field under the Audio settings tab:



This section explains any settings options that aren’t entirely self-explanatory.

Audio Settings

Vocab Settings

Each non-profit tier Forvo API key is limited to 500 API requests per day. To avoid hitting your quota, you can limit the maximum number of WWWJDIC vocabulary words to query the Forvo API with, using vocab settings in this tab:


Appearance Settings


Show Vocab Beyond first

By default, Vocab Beyond is rendered in:

By checking Show Vocab Beyond first, the Vocab Beyond section will be rendered first, so you can see it as soon as possible:

Hide uncommon icon

If you have enabled the “Show uncommon vocab” checkbox in the Vocab settings tab, you’ll see orange circular icons beside uncommon vocabulary.

  • With the uncommon vocab indicator icon visible


  • With the uncommon vocab indicator icon hidden



Post a comment below or open a GitHub Issue at GitHub - normful/wanikani-vocab-beyond: WaniKani userscript to display WWWJDIC words and Forvo audio for Japanese vocabulary


Thanks rfindley and axetroy for the following projects that this script heavily relies on:


Hey! looks amazing thank you for doing this

1 Like

Hey Normful, I wanted to thank you for this script, it looks exactly like what I was looking for.

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work during reviews though, only on kanji pages.
I can access the settings from the dashboard and even from the little icon on the top left corner during reviews, but no matter what settings I choose I never see any word examples showing up.
Is this a common bug (if it is)? Any idea on how to fix it? If it helps I’m on Chrome and this is the list of installed scripts (not all enabled as you can see):

Thanks in advance!

Hey @niu! Thanks for reporting this bug. I was able to reproduce this bug and have published an update with a fix (version 0.6.0). Let me know if that fixes things for you.

Bug details: In the scenario where a user does not specify a Forvo API key, Vocab Beyond was not being rendered on (at least) kanji review pages.

Aside: For reviews, Vocab Beyond was designed to only be shown on a review page for a kanji, and not when reviewing radicals nor vocabulary.

Hi @normful, thanks for the help.
Unfortunately it still doesn’t work for me. I can see the vocabulary on kanji pages, but not during kanji reviews. I have version 0.6.0 installed and I’ve even reinstalled it to double check.
I tried to check/uncheck the “Show Vocab Beyond first” and “Hide uncommon icon” options in the “Appearance” tab, but there was no difference.
I wonder if I’m doing something wrong

Can you tell me what browser you’re using and what version of that browser you’re using?

Also, can you paste your browser console logs that are shown when you are doing a kanji review? If you’re using the Chrome browser, you can open the console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J on Windows or by pressing Cmd + Option + J on a Mac.

I’m on Chrome, Version 74.0.3729.108 (Official Build) (64-bit)

This is the part that seems to cause problems:

Here’s the rest of the log:

content.js:53 BODY START Wed Apr 24 2019 14:19:19 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 19 745
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content.js:59 BODY createReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:19:19 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 19 745
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userscript.html?id=e56a0d04-b1f2-4056-862e-a4865b3b1d67:164 Uncaught ReferenceError: ConfettiRibbon is not defined
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g.handle @ application-d216dfa2bb9217503287f2fb18c38ae53bb058624c78c84c820c7485bf9bd733.js:2
T.e.___hb.e.___hb @ application-d216dfa2bb9217503287f2fb18c38ae53bb058624c78c84c820c7485bf9bd733.js:6
content.js:53 BODY START Wed Apr 24 2019 14:22:29 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 29 24
content.js:55 BODY clearReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:22:29 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 29 25
content.js:57 BODY markToReplace_childNodes END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:22:29 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 29 44
content.js:59 BODY createReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:22:29 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 29 45
content.js:53 BODY START Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:11 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 11 832
content.js:55 BODY clearReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:11 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 11 833
content.js:57 BODY markToReplace_childNodes END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:11 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 11 848
content.js:59 BODY createReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:11 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 11 848
content.js:53 BODY START Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:22 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 22 108
content.js:55 BODY clearReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:22 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 22 109
content.js:57 BODY markToReplace_childNodes END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:22 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 22 129
content.js:59 BODY createReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:25:22 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 22 129
content.js:53 BODY START Wed Apr 24 2019 14:28:27 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 27 688
content.js:55 BODY clearReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:28:27 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 27 689
content.js:57 BODY markToReplace_childNodes END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:28:27 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 27 706
content.js:59 BODY createReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:28:27 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 27 706
content.js:53 BODY START Wed Apr 24 2019 14:29:16 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 16 739
content.js:55 BODY clearReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:29:16 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 16 740
content.js:57 BODY markToReplace_childNodes END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:29:16 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 16 758
content.js:59 BODY createReplaceDivs END Wed Apr 24 2019 14:29:16 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 16 758

I just realized that had nothing to do with the Vocab Beyond script, that was the Super Burn Happy script. But even deactivating it didn’t help.
I managed to get to the specific tab of the Vocab Beyond script. It might just be the code though, not the log. Sorry I’m not a programmer, this is the first time I do this stuff.

(function anonymous(
) {
(function(context, fapply, console) {with (context) {(function(module) {"use strict";try {
fapply(module, context, [,,context.CDATA,context.uneval,context.define,context.module,context.exports,context,context.unsafeWindow,context.console,context.cloneInto,context.exportFunction,context.createObjectIn,context.GM,context.GM_info,context.GM_xmlhttpRequest]);} catch (e) {if (e.message && e.stack) {console.error("ERROR: Execution of script 'WaniKani Vocab Beyond' failed! " + e.message);console.log(e.stack.replace(/(\\(eval at )?<anonymous>[: ]?)|([\s.]*at Object.tms_[\s\S.]*)/g, ""));} else {console.error(e);}}
})(function tms_88f9fdf8_6445_4a7a_8215_1df31109edb2(context,fapply,CDATA,uneval,define,module,exports,window,unsafeWindow,console,cloneInto,exportFunction,createObjectIn,GM,GM_info,GM_xmlhttpRequest) {

// ==UserScript==
// @name              WaniKani Vocab Beyond
// @author            Norman Sue
// @description       Shows WWWJDIC vocab with Forvo audio for each kanji in lessons, reviews, and kanji pages. A paid Forvo API key is required for audio.
// @version           0.6.0
// @update            4/20/2019, 11:41:55 PM
// @grant             GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @include           https://www.wanikani.com/*
// @run-at            document-start
// @namespace         https://greasyfork.org/en/users/56591-normful
// @connect           nihongo.monash.edu
// @connect           apifree.forvo.com
// @license           The MIT License (MIT); http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// ==/UserScript==

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/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var gm_http_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
var app_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
// Set `debug: true` to enable GM.xmlHttpRequest logging
gm_http_1.default.setConfig({ debug: false });
var app = new app_1.App();

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/* 0 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

 * Created by axetroy on 17-6-23.
/// <reference path="./index.d.ts" />
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || Object.assign || function(t) {
    for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
        s = arguments[i];
        for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
            t[p] = s[p];
    return t;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function isFunction(func) {
    return typeof func === 'function';
var Http = (function () {
    function Http(config) {
        if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
        this.config = config;
    Http.prototype.setConfig = function (config) {
        if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
        this.config = __assign({}, this.config, config);
    Http.prototype.create = function (config) {
        return new Http(config);
    Http.prototype.request = function (method, url, data, header, config) {
        var _this = this;
        if (data === void 0) { data = ''; }
        if (header === void 0) { header = {}; }
        if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            var commonRequestConfig = {
                method: method,
                url: url,
                data: data,
                header: header
            var GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig = __assign({}, commonRequestConfig, config, _this.config);
            var onreadystatechange = GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.onreadystatechange, onerror = GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.onerror, onabort = GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.onabort, ontimeout = GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.ontimeout;
            GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.synchronous = true; // async
            GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.onreadystatechange = function (response) {
                try {
                    isFunction(onreadystatechange) &&
                        onreadystatechange.call(this, response);
                catch (err) {
                if (response.readyState !== 4)
                response.status >= 200 && response.status < 400
                    ? resolve(response)
                    : reject(response);
            GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.onerror = function (response) {
                try {
                    isFunction(onerror) && onerror.call(this, response);
                catch (err) {
            GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.onabort = function (response) {
                try {
                    isFunction(onabort) && onabort.call(this, response);
                catch (err) {
            GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig.ontimeout = function (response) {
                try {
                    isFunction(ontimeout) && ontimeout.call(this, response);
                catch (err) {
            if (_this.config.debug) {
                console.log("%c[" + commonRequestConfig.method.toUpperCase() + "]%c: " + commonRequestConfig.url, 'color: green', 'color: #000;text-style: under-line');
            GM_xmlhttpRequest(__assign({}, GM_xmlhttpRequestConfig));
    Http.prototype.get = function (url, data, header, config) {
        return this.request('GET', url, data, header, config);
    Http.prototype.post = function (url, data, header, config) {
        return this.request('POST', url, data, header, config);
    Http.prototype.put = function (url, data, header, config) {
        return this.request('PUT', url, data, header, config);
    Http.prototype['delete'] = function (url, data, header, config) {
        return this.request('DELETE', url, data, header, config);
    Http.prototype.head = function (url, data, header, config) {
        return this.request('HEAD', url, data, header, config);
    return Http;
exports.Http = Http;
var timeout = 5000;
exports.timeout = timeout;
var http = new Http({ timeout: timeout });
exports.http = http;
exports.default = http;

/***/ })
/******/ ]);

/***/ }),
/* 2 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var runAllWkofDependentCode_1 = __webpack_require__(3);
var App = /** @class */ (function () {
    function App() {
    App.prototype.init = function () {
        addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.onDomContentLoaded.bind(this));
    App.prototype.onDomContentLoaded = function () {
    return App;
exports.App = App;

/***/ }),
/* 3 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || Object.assign || function(t) {
    for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
        s = arguments[i];
        for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
            t[p] = s[p];
    return t;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var logger_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var appConstants_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
var insertInitialDOMElements_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
var waitForWkof_1 = __webpack_require__(21);
var wkofConstants_1 = __webpack_require__(24);
var Log = new logger_1.Logger();
function runAllWkofDependentCode() {
    waitForWkof_1.waitForWkof(appConstants_1.prettyScriptName, function (wkof) {
        wkof.ready("Menu,Settings").then(function () {
                name: wkofConstants_1.MenuScriptLinkId,
                submenu: "Settings",
                title: "Vocab Beyond",
                on_click: onSettingsMenuLinkClick.bind(null, wkof)
            wkof.Settings.load(wkofConstants_1.SettingsScriptId).then(function (settings) {
exports.runAllWkofDependentCode = runAllWkofDependentCode;
function onSettingsMenuLinkClick(wkof) {
    var dialog = new wkof.Settings(__assign({}, wkofConstants_1.WkofSettingsMenuConfig, { on_save: onSettingsSave.bind(null, wkof) }));
function onSettingsSave(wkof) {

/***/ }),
/* 4 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

/* tslint:disable:no-console */
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var logPrefix = "[WKVB] ";
var Logger = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Logger() {
        this.prefix = logPrefix;
        this.disableLogging = true; // Set to false for development
    Logger.prototype.debug = function (msg) {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        if (this.disableLogging) {
        console.debug.apply(console, [this.prefix + msg].concat(args));
    Logger.prototype.info = function (msg) {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        if (this.disableLogging) {
        console.log.apply(console, [this.prefix + msg].concat(args));
    Logger.prototype.warn = function (msg) {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        if (this.disableLogging) {
        console.warn.apply(console, [this.prefix + msg].concat(args));
    Logger.prototype.error = function (msg) {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        if (this.disableLogging) {
        console.error.apply(console, [this.prefix + msg].concat(args));
    return Logger;
exports.Logger = Logger;

/***/ }),
/* 5 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.prettyScriptName = "WaniKani Vocab Beyond";

/***/ }),
/* 6 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var logger_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var determinePageType_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
var domConstants_1 = __webpack_require__(8);
var queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
var Log = new logger_1.Logger();
function insertInitialDOMElements(settings) {
    Log.debug("insertInitialDOMElements called");
    var pageType = determinePageType_1.determinePageType(document.URL);
    if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.kanji && !settings.show_vocab_beyond_first) {
    maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage(pageType, settings);
exports.insertInitialDOMElements = insertInitialDOMElements;
var insertedPageListHeaderLink = false;
function insertPageListHeaderLink() {
    Log.debug("insertPageListHeaderLink called");
    if (insertedPageListHeaderLink) {
    var header = $(".page-list-header");
    var listItem = $("<li>");
    var link = $("<a href='#" + domConstants_1.sectionHeaderID + "''>Vocab Beyond</a>");
    // Other scripts may have altered this list, so just insert this link at the end
    insertedPageListHeaderLink = true;
function maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage(pageType, settings) {
    Log.debug("maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage called");
    if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.other) {
        Log.debug("maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage returning early. PageType.other");
    var optAttrs = { attributes: true };
    var optChildList = { childList: true };
    if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.kanji) {
        Log.debug("maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage PageType.kanji");
    else if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.reviews) {
        Log.debug("maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage PageType.reviews");
        var ob = new MutationObserver(function (mutationRecords) {
            mutationRecords.forEach(checkReviewMut.bind(null, settings));
        // Observe the element that is mutated after clicking the
        // Item Info icon with the eye on it
        ob.observe(document.getElementById("item-info-col2"), optChildList);
    else if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.lessons) {
        Log.debug("maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage PageType.lessons");
        var obs = new MutationObserver(function (mutationRecords) {
            if (isKanjiLesson()) {
            else {
                Log.debug("not doing anything because not kanji lesson");
        // Observe the 3 elements for the 3 lesson types, that are modified
        // when switching to each new lesson item
        obs.observe(document.getElementById("supplement-rad"), optAttrs);
        obs.observe(document.getElementById("supplement-kan"), optAttrs);
        obs.observe(document.getElementById("supplement-voc"), optAttrs);
function createSectionAndRunQuery(settings) {
    var emptySection = maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce(settings);
    queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults_1.queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults(settings, emptySection);
function isKanjiLesson() {
    var mainInfo = document.getElementById("main-info");
    return mainInfo && mainInfo.className === "kanji";
var createdSectionForKanjiReview = false;
function checkReviewMut(settings, mutationRecord) {
    var isKanjiReview = $("#question-type")
    if (mutationRecord.target.id.includes("item-info") &&
        isKanjiReview &&
        !createdSectionForKanjiReview) {
        createdSectionForKanjiReview = true;
function maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce(settings) {
    var pageType = determinePageType_1.determinePageType(document.URL);
    Log.debug("maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce pageType", pageType);
    if ($("#" + domConstants_1.sectionID).length === 0) {
        var sectionHTML = "<section>" +
            '<h2 id="' +
            domConstants_1.sectionHeaderID +
            '">Vocab Beyond</h2>' +
            '<div id="' +
            domConstants_1.sectionID +
            '"></div>' +
        if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.kanji) {
            Log.debug("maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce inserting for kanji page");
            var informationSection = $("#information");
            if (settings.show_vocab_beyond_first) {
            else {
                var lastSection = informationSection.siblings().last();
        else if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.reviews) {
            Log.debug("maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce inserting for reviews page");
            if (settings.show_vocab_beyond_first) {
            else {
        else if (pageType === determinePageType_1.PageType.lessons) {
            Log.debug("maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce inserting for lessons page");
            if (settings.show_vocab_beyond_first) {
                $("#supplement-kan-breakdown .col1").append(sectionHTML);
            else {
                $("#supplement-kan-related-vocabulary .col1").append(sectionHTML);
        else {
            Log.debug("maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce not inserting because page type does not match");
    return $("#" + domConstants_1.sectionID);

/***/ }),
/* 7 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var PageType;
(function (PageType) {
    PageType[PageType["other"] = 0] = "other";
    PageType[PageType["radicals"] = 1] = "radicals";
    PageType[PageType["kanji"] = 2] = "kanji";
    PageType[PageType["vocabulary"] = 3] = "vocabulary";
    PageType[PageType["reviews"] = 4] = "reviews";
    PageType[PageType["reviewsSummary"] = 5] = "reviewsSummary";
    PageType[PageType["lessons"] = 6] = "lessons";
    PageType[PageType["lessonsReviews"] = 7] = "lessonsReviews";
})(PageType = exports.PageType || (exports.PageType = {}));
function determinePageType(url) {
    if (/\/radicals\/./.test(url)) {
        return PageType.radicals;
    else if (/com\/kanji\/./.test(url)) {
        return PageType.kanji;
    else if (/com\/vocabulary\/./.test(url)) {
        return PageType.vocabulary;
    else if (/com\/review\/session/.test(url)) {
        return PageType.reviews;
    else if (/com\/review/.test(url)) {
        return PageType.reviewsSummary;
    else if (/com\/lesson\/./.test(url)) {
        return PageType.lessons;
    // TODO: Figure out what URL lessonsReviews is for
    return PageType.other;
exports.determinePageType = determinePageType;

/***/ }),
/* 8 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.sectionHeaderID = "wanikani_vocab_beyond_section_header";
exports.sectionID = "wanikani_vocab_beyond_section";

/***/ }),
/* 9 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var gm_http_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
var logger_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var determinePageType_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
var getKanji_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
var makeWwwjdicUrl_1 = __webpack_require__(11);
var parsing_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var insertForvoAudioForWord_1 = __webpack_require__(19);
var Log = new logger_1.Logger();
var cachedSections = {};
function shouldDisableForvo(settings) {
    if (!settings.forvo_api_key || settings.forvo_api_key === "") {
        retVal = true;
    Log.debug("shouldDisableForvo", retVal);
    return retVal;
function queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults(settings, emptySection) {
    if (!emptySection.length) {
        Log.debug("queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults returning early because emptySection has no elements");
    var pageType = determinePageType_1.determinePageType(document.URL);
    var kanji = getKanji_1.getKanji(pageType);
    if (!kanji) {
        Log.error("queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults could not get kanji");
    if (cachedSections[kanji]) {
        Log.debug("queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults reusing cachedSection and returning early");
    var showMessage = function (message) {
    Log.debug("Querying WWWJDIC for ", kanji);
    var wwwJdicUrl = makeWwwjdicUrl_1.makeWwwjdicUrl(kanji, settings);
        .then(function (res) {
        onWwwJdicResponse(res.responseText, emptySection, showMessage, settings, kanji);
        .catch(function (err) {
        Log.error("WWWJDIC error: ", err);
        showMessage("Error contacting WWWJDIC server");
exports.queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults = queryWwwjdicThenInsertParsedResults;
var appendedForvoAttribution = false;
function onWwwJdicResponse(res, section, showMessage, settings, kanji) {
    Log.debug("onWwwJdicResponse raw res", res);
    var lines = parsing_1.extractLines(res);
    if (lines.length === 0) {
            ? "No vocabulary found."
            : "No common vocabulary found.");
    // Clear loading text
    var renderables = parsing_1.parseLines(lines);
    var maybeOnlyCommonRenderables = renderables.filter(function (renderable) {
        if (settings.show_all_wwwjdic_vocab) {
            return true;
        var isCommon = renderable.cm;
        return isCommon;
    Log.debug("WWWJDIC maybeOnlyCommonRenderables.length", maybeOnlyCommonRenderables.length);
    var sliceEnd = maybeOnlyCommonRenderables.length;
    var limit = settings.max_wwwjdic_vocab_shown;
    if (limit > 0) {
        sliceEnd = limit;
    var renderablesWithinLimit = maybeOnlyCommonRenderables.slice(0, sliceEnd);
    Log.debug("WWWJDIC renderablesWithinLimit.length", renderablesWithinLimit.length);
    Log.debug("WWWJDIC renderablesWithinLimit", renderablesWithinLimit);
    var disableForvo = shouldDisableForvo(settings);
    if (!disableForvo) {
    var promises = renderablesWithinLimit.map(function (renderable) {
        var jpText = renderable.jp;
        var enPOSText = renderable.pos;
        var isCommon = renderable.cm;
        var definitions = renderable.en;
        var vocabForQueryingForvo = renderable.q;
        var listItem = $("<div>");
        listItem.css({ marginBottom: "35px" });
        var jpEl = $("<h3>");
        var _loop_1 = function (codePoint) {
            var span = $("<span>");
            var codePointInt = codePoint.codePointAt(0);
            span.css("font-size", shouldRenderBig(codePointInt) ? "45px" : "11px");
            // Clicking on kanji opens page for it
            if (isKanjiCodePoint(codePointInt)) {
                span.on("click", function () {
                    window.open("https://www.wanikani.com/kanji/" + encodeURIComponent(codePoint), "_blank");
                span.hover(function () {
                    $(this).css("cursor", "pointer");
                fontWeight: "normal",
                lineHeight: "45px"
        // for...of iterates over Unicode code points
        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/@@iterator
        for (var _i = 0, jpText_1 = jpText; _i < jpText_1.length; _i++) {
            var codePoint = jpText_1[_i];
        if (!isCommon && !settings.hide_uncommon_indicator) {
            // uncommon vocab indicator
            var uc = $("<span>");
                position: "absolute",
                display: "block",
                fontSize: "12px",
                height: "22px",
                width: "22px",
                top: "0",
                left: "-25px",
                margin: "0",
                padding: "0",
                boxSizing: "border-box",
                borderRadius: "50%",
                textAlign: "center",
                lineHeight: "22px",
                textShadow: "0.7px 0.2px 4.1px #FFF9DE",
                backgroundColor: "#E38B32",
                boxShadow: "0 -3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2) inset, 0 0 10px rgba(255,255,255,0.5)",
                color: "#F41300",
                zIndex: "999"
            position: "relative",
            marginTop: "20px",
            marginRight: "0",
            marginBottom: "15px",
            marginLeft: "0",
            padding: "0"
        var enPOSEl = $("<h3>");
            fontSize: "20px",
            fontWeight: "normal",
            lineHeight: "20px",
            padding: "0"
        definitions.forEach(function (definition) {
            var enDefnEl = $("<p>");
                margin: "0",
                padding: "0"
        if (!disableForvo) {
            return insertForvoAudioForWord_1.insertForvoAudioForWord(vocabForQueryingForvo, settings, listItem);
        return Promise.resolve();
    Promise.all(promises).then(function () {
        if (!disableForvo && !appendedForvoAttribution) {
            var forvoAttribution = $('<p><a href="https://forvo.com/" target="_blank">Pronunciations by Forvo</a></p>');
            appendedForvoAttribution = true;
        var sectionDeepClone = section.clone(true, true);
        cachedSections[kanji] = sectionDeepClone;
function isKanjiCodePoint(codePointInt) {
    return codePointInt >= 19968 && codePointInt <= 40879;
function shouldRenderBig(codePointInt) {
    // Determined from "\u3040".codePointAt(0)
    // All other hiragana, katakana, kanji have higher code points
    var firstHiraganaCodePointInt = 12352;
    if (codePointInt > firstHiraganaCodePointInt) {
        return true;
    var punctuationToRenderBig = [
        12293 // repeater
    if (punctuationToRenderBig.includes(codePointInt)) {
        return true;
    return false;
exports.shouldRenderBig = shouldRenderBig;

/***/ }),
/* 10 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var determinePageType_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
function getKanji(pageType) {
    switch (pageType) {
        case determinePageType_1.PageType.kanji:
            return document.title[document.title.length - 1];
        case determinePageType_1.PageType.reviews:
            var curItem = $.jStorage.get("currentItem");
            if ("kan" in curItem) {
                return curItem.kan.trim();
            else {
                return null;
        case determinePageType_1.PageType.lessons:
            var kanjiNode = $("#character");
            if (kanjiNode === undefined || kanjiNode === null) {
                return null;
            return kanjiNode.text().trim();
    return null;
exports.getKanji = getKanji;

/***/ }),
/* 11 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// API Docs: http://www.edrdg.org/wwwjdic/wwwjdicinf.html#backdoor_tag
function makeWwwjdicUrl(kanji, settings) {
    var encodedKanji = encodeURIComponent(kanji);
    var useEDICT = "1";
    var useBackdoorEntryRawOutput = "Z";
    var searchType;
    var dictionaryLookupWithUTF8LookupText = "U";
    searchType = dictionaryLookupWithUTF8LookupText;
    var keyType;
    var lookupKanjiInAnyPosition = "L";
    keyType = lookupKanjiInAnyPosition;
    var queryCode = useEDICT + useBackdoorEntryRawOutput + searchType + keyType;
    return ("http://nihongo.monash.edu/cgi-bin/wwwjdic?" + queryCode + encodedKanji);
exports.makeWwwjdicUrl = makeWwwjdicUrl;

/***/ }),
/* 12 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var vocab_header_1 = __webpack_require__(13);
var part_of_speech_1 = __webpack_require__(17);
var definition_line_1 = __webpack_require__(18);
function extractLines(rawResponseText) {
    if (rawResponseText.indexOf("No matches were found for this key") > -1) {
        return [];
    var noHeader = rawResponseText.slice(rawResponseText.indexOf("<pre>") + 6);
    var preBody = noHeader.slice(0, noHeader.indexOf("</pre>") - 1);
    return preBody.split(/\r?\n/);
exports.extractLines = extractLines;
var commonP = /(.*)\/\(P\)$/;
function parseLines(lines) {
    return lines.map(function (untrimmed) {
        var line = untrimmed.trim();
        // Extract vocab header
        var sepIdx = line.indexOf(" /");
        var vocabHeader = line.substring(0, sepIdx);
        var rest = line.substring(sepIdx + 2);
        // Extract part of speech
        var firstRightParen = rest.indexOf(")");
        var partOfSpeech = rest.substring(1, firstRightParen);
        var englishAndMaybeCommonP = rest.substring(firstRightParen + 2, rest.length - 1);
        // Extract common indicator from end of line
        var commonMatches = englishAndMaybeCommonP.match(commonP);
        var isCommon;
        var english;
        if (commonMatches) {
            isCommon = true;
            english = commonMatches[1].replace(/\//g, "; ");
        else {
            isCommon = false;
            english = englishAndMaybeCommonP.replace(/\//g, "; ");
        var definitions = [];
        var thisDefn;
        if (english.indexOf("(1) ") === 0) {
            var nextDefNum = 2;
            var cur = 0; // index of start of current definition text
            var next = 0; // index of start of next definition text
            while (true) {
                next = english.indexOf("(" + nextDefNum + ")", cur);
                if (next > -1) {
                    thisDefn = english.substring(cur, next - 1);
                    cur = next;
                else {
                    thisDefn = english.substring(cur);
        else {
        return {
            jp: vocab_header_1.formatVocabHeader(vocabHeader),
            pos: part_of_speech_1.formatPartOfSpeech(partOfSpeech),
            cm: isCommon,
            en: definitions,
            q: extractVocab(vocabHeader)
exports.parseLines = parseLines;
var parenListItemRegExp = /\((\d+)\)(.*)/;
function dottedListItem(text) {
    var matches = text.match(parenListItemRegExp);
    if (!matches) {
        return text;
    return matches[1] + "." + matches[2].replace(/;$/, "");
// 3040-309F: hiragana
// 30A0-30FF: katakana
// 4E00-9FAF: common and uncommon kanji
var jpRegex = /([\u3040-\u309F]|[\u30A0-\u30FF]|[\u4E00-\u9FAF])+/;
function extractVocab(jpText) {
    var matches = jpText.match(jpRegex);
    return matches ? matches[0] : jpText;

/***/ }),
/* 13 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var vocab_1 = __webpack_require__(14);
var pronunciation_1 = __webpack_require__(16);
var pronunciationSplitter = /(.*)\[(.+)\]$/;
function formatVocabHeader(text) {
    var m = text.match(pronunciationSplitter);
    if (!m) {
        return text;
    return vocab_1.formatVocab(m[1].trim()) + pronunciation_1.formatPronunciation(m[2]);
exports.formatVocabHeader = formatVocabHeader;

/***/ }),
/* 14 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var dict_codes_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
var dictCodeSplitter = /(.*)\(([a-z,A-Z-,0-9]+)\)$/;
function formatVocab(words) {
    return words
        .replace(/\(P\)/g, "(common)")
        .map(function (word) {
        var trimmed = word.trim();
        var m = trimmed.trim().match(dictCodeSplitter);
        if (!m) {
            return trimmed;
        return m[1] + "(" + (dict_codes_1.DICT_CODES[m[2]] || m[2]) + ")";
exports.formatVocab = formatVocab;

/***/ }),
/* 15 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DICT_CODES = {
    abbr: "abbreviation",
    "adj-f": "noun or verb acting prenominally",
    "adj-i": "i-adjective",
    "adj-kari": "'kari' adjective (archaic)",
    "adj-ku": "'ku' adjective (archaic)",
    "adj-na": "na-adjective",
    "adj-nari": "archaic/formal form of na-adjective",
    "adj-no": "no-adjective",
    "adj-pn": "pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)",
    "adj-s": "special adjective",
    "adj-shiku": "'shiku' adjective (archaic)",
    "adj-t": "'taru' adjective",
    adv: "adverb",
    "adv-n": "adverbial noun",
    "adv-to": "adverb taking the と particle",
    an: "adjectival noun (keiyoudoushi)",
    anat: "anatomical term",
    arch: "archaism",
    archit: "architecture term",
    astron: "astronomy term",
    ateji: "ateji reading",
    aux: "auxiliary",
    "aux-adj": "auxiliary adjective",
    "aux-v": "auxiliary verb",
    baseb: "baseball term",
    biol: "biology term",
    bot: "botany term",
    Buddh: "Buddhist term",
    bus: "business term",
    c: "company name",
    chem: "chemistry term",
    chn: "children's language",
    col: "colloquialism",
    comp: "computer terminology",
    conj: "conjunction",
    ctr: "counter",
    derog: "derogatory word or expression",
    econ: "economics term",
    eK: "exclusively written in kanji",
    engr: "engineering term",
    exp: "expression",
    f: "female given name",
    fam: "familiar language",
    fem: "female term or language",
    finc: "finance term",
    food: "food term",
    g: "given name, as-yet not classified by sex",
    geol: "geology term",
    geom: "geometry term",
    gikun: "gikun (meaning) reading",
    gram: "grammatical term",
    h: "full (family plus given) name of a person",
    hob: "Hokkaido-ben",
    hon: "honorific language (sonkeigo)",
    hum: "humble language (kenjougo)",
    id: "idiomatic expression",
    ik: "irregular kana",
    iK: "irregular kanji",
    int: "interjection",
    io: "irregular okurigana",
    iv: "irregular verb",
    joc: "jocular, humorous term",
    ksb: "Kansai-ben",
    ktb: "Kantou-ben",
    kyb: "Kyoto-ben",
    kyu: "Kyuushuu-ben",
    law: "law term",
    ling: "linguistics terminology",
    m: "male given name",
    "m-sl": "manga slang",
    MA: "martial arts term",
    male: "male term or language",
    "male-sl": "male slang",
    math: "mathematics",
    med: "medical term",
    mil: "military",
    music: "music term",
    n: "noun",
    "n-adv": "adverbial noun",
    "n-pr": "proper noun",
    "n-pref": "prefix noun",
    "n-suf": "suffix noun",
    "n-t": "temporal noun",
    nab: "Nagano-ben",
    neg: "negative (in a negative sentence, or with negative verb)",
    "neg-v": "negative verb (when used with)",
    num: "numeral",
    o: "organization name",
    obs: "obsolete term",
    obsc: "obscure term",
    ok: "outdated kana",
    oK: "outdated kanji",
    "on-mim": "onomatopoeic or mimetic word",
    osb: "Osaka-ben",
    p: "place-name",
    physics: "physics terminology",
    pn: "pronoun",
    poet: "poetical term",
    pol: "polite language",
    pr: "product name",
    pref: "prefix",
    proverb: "proverb",
    prt: "particle",
    qv: "quod vide (see another entry)",
    rare: "rare",
    rkb: "Ryukyuan language",
    s: "surname",
    sens: "sensitive",
    Shinto: "Shinto term",
    sl: "slang",
    sports: "sports term",
    st: "station name",
    suf: "suffix",
    sumo: "sumo term",
    thb: "Touhoku-ben",
    tsb: "Tosa-ben",
    tsug: "Tsugaru-ben",
    u: "unclassified name",
    uk: "usually written using kana alone",
    uK: "usually written using kanji alone",
    "v-unspec": "verb unspecified",
    v1: "ichidan verb",
    "v2a-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2b-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2b-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2d-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2d-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2g-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2g-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2h-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2h-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2k-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2k-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2m-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2m-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2n-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2r-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2r-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2s-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2t-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2t-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2w-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2y-k": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2y-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    "v2z-s": "nidan verb (archaic)",
    v4b: "yodan verb (archaic)",
    v4g: "yodan verb (archaic)",
    v4h: "yondan verb (archaic)",
    v4k: "yodan verb (archaic)",
    v4m: "yodan verb (archaic)",
    v4n: "yodan verb (archaic)",
    v4r: "yondan verb (archaic)",
    v4s: "yodan verb (archaic)",
    v4t: "yodan verb (archaic)",
    v5aru: "godan verb",
    v5b: "godan verb",
    v5g: "godan verb",
    v5k: "godan verb",
    "v5k-s": "godan verb",
    v5m: "godan verb",
    v5n: "godan verb",
    v5r: "godan verb",
    "v5r-i": "godan verb",
    v5s: "godan verb",
    v5t: "godan verb",
    v5u: "godan verb",
    "v5u-s": "godan verb",
    v5uru: "godan verb",
    v5z: "godan verb",
    vi: "intransitive verb",
    vk: "kuru verb",
    vn: "irregular nu verb",
    vr: "irregular ru verb, plain form ends with -ri",
    vs: "suru verb",
    "vs-c": "su verb - precursor to the modern suru",
    "vs-i": "suru verb - irregular",
    "vs-s": "suru verb - special class",
    vt: "transitive verb",
    vulg: "vulgar expression or word",
    vz: "ichidan verb - -zuru special class (alternative form of -jiru verbs)",
    X: "rude or X-rated term",
    zool: "zoology term"

/***/ }),
/* 16 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

/* tslint:disable:no-console */
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var dict_codes_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
// 3040-309F: hiragana
// 30A0-30FF: katakana
// 4E00-9FAF: common and uncommon kanji
var kanjiAndCodeSplitter = /^(.*)\(([\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\u4E00-\u9FAF]+)\)\(([a-zA-Z0-9,]+)\)$/;
var codeSplitter = /^(.*)\(([a-zA-Z0-9,]+)\)$/;
var kanjiSplitter = /^(.*)\(([\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\u4E00-\u9FAF]+)\)$/;
var kanjiAndParenthesizedCsvSplitter = /^([\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\u4E00-\u9FAF]+)\(([\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\u4E00-\u9FAF,]+)\)/;
function formatPronunciation(pronunciation) {
    var parts = pronunciation.split(";");
    var mapped = parts
        .map(function (part) {
        var kcm = part.match(kanjiAndCodeSplitter);
        if (kcm) {
            return (kcm[1] +
                "⸨" +
                kcm[2] +
                "⸩" +
                "(" +
                (dict_codes_1.DICT_CODES[kcm[3]] || kcm[3]) +
        var kp = part.match(kanjiAndParenthesizedCsvSplitter);
        if (kp) {
            return kp[1] + "⸨" + kp[2].replace(",", "、") + "⸩";
        var cm = part.match(codeSplitter);
        if (cm) {
            var code = cm[2];
            var expandedCode = code;
            if (code === "P") {
                expandedCode = "common";
            else if (dict_codes_1.DICT_CODES[code]) {
                expandedCode = dict_codes_1.DICT_CODES[code];
            return cm[1] + "(" + expandedCode + ")";
        var km = part.match(kanjiSplitter);
        if (km) {
            return km[1] + "⸨" + km[2] + "⸩";
        return part;
    return "(" + mapped + ")";
exports.formatPronunciation = formatPronunciation;

/***/ }),
/* 17 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var dict_codes_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
function capitalize(text) {
    return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
function formatPartOfSpeech(commaDelimitedPos) {
    if (!commaDelimitedPos) {
        return "";
    return (commaDelimitedPos.split(",") || [])
        .map(function (part) {
        var expandedPos = dict_codes_1.DICT_CODES[part];
        return expandedPos ? capitalize(expandedPos) : capitalize(part);
        .join(", ");
exports.formatPartOfSpeech = formatPartOfSpeech;

/***/ }),
/* 18 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var dict_codes_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
function formatDefinitionLine(line) {
    return replaceAbbreviations(replaceDictCodesAtEnd(replaceDictCodesAtStart(line)));
exports.formatDefinitionLine = formatDefinitionLine;
function replaceDictCodesAtStart(text) {
    // Both regexes account for an optional numbered list prefix (e.g. "1. ")
    var dictCodeInParens = /^([0-9]\.\s)?\(([a-z,A-Z,-,0-9]+)\)(.*)/;
    var dictCodeInBraces = /^([0-9]\.\s)?\{([a-z,A-Z,-,0-9]+)\}(.*)/;
    var parenMatches = text.match(dictCodeInParens);
    var braceMatches = text.match(dictCodeInBraces);
    if (parenMatches) {
        var listPrefix = parenMatches[1] ? parenMatches[1] : "";
        return listPrefix + replaceDictCode(parenMatches[2]) + parenMatches[3];
    if (braceMatches) {
        var listPrefix = braceMatches[1] ? braceMatches[1] : "";
        return listPrefix + replaceDictCode(braceMatches[2]) + braceMatches[3];
    return text;
function replaceDictCode(maybeDictCode) {
    var longForm = dict_codes_1.DICT_CODES[maybeDictCode];
    if (!longForm) {
        return "(" + maybeDictCode + ")";
    return "[" + longForm + "]";
function replaceDictCodesAtEnd(text) {
    var dictCodesInParens = /(.*)\(([a-z,A-Z,0-9\,\-]+)\)$/;
    var m = text.match(dictCodesInParens);
    if (!m) {
        return text;
    var longFormCodes = m[2]
        .map(function (maybeDictCode) {
        var longForm = dict_codes_1.DICT_CODES[maybeDictCode];
        return longForm ? longForm : maybeDictCode;
        .join(", ");
    return m[1] + "(" + longFormCodes + ")";
function replaceAbbreviations(text) {
    return text.replace(/usu\./g, "usually").replace(/esp\./g, "especially");

/***/ }),
/* 19 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var logger_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var getWordPronunciations_1 = __webpack_require__(20);
var Log = new logger_1.Logger();
var forvoUserWhitelist = [""];
var EMPTY_FORVO_USER_WHITELIST = JSON.stringify(forvoUserWhitelist);
function populateForvoUserWhitelist(settings) {
    if (typeof settings.forvo_username_whitelist_csv === "string") {
        forvoUserWhitelist = settings.forvo_username_whitelist_csv
            .replace(/ /g, "")
exports.populateForvoUserWhitelist = populateForvoUserWhitelist;
function insertForvoAudioForWord(jpVocabText, settings, destAppendee) {
    if (!destAppendee) {
        Log.error("destAppendee missing");
        return Promise.reject(new Error());
    Log.debug("Querying Forvo for ", jpVocabText);
    return getWordPronunciations_1.getWordPronunciations(jpVocabText, settings)
        .then(function (responseText) {
        if (!responseText) {
            Log.warn("no Forvo responseText");
            return Promise.resolve();
        return handleForvoSuccess(responseText, settings, destAppendee);
        .catch(function (res) {
        Log.error("Forvo API error: ", res.statusText);
exports.insertForvoAudioForWord = insertForvoAudioForWord;
function handleForvoSuccess(responseText, settings, destAppendee) {
    var parsedForvoJson;
    try {
        parsedForvoJson = JSON.parse(responseText);
    catch (parseErr) {
        Log.error("JSON parseErr", parseErr);
    var forvoItems = parsedForvoJson.items;
    if (!forvoItems || forvoItems.length === 0) {
        Log.warn("no forvoItems");
        return Promise.resolve();
    var audioSection = $("<div>");
    audioSection.css("margin-top", "10px");
    forvoItems.forEach(function (forvoItem) {
        if (!forvoItem.pathmp3) {
        if (!forvoItem.username) {
        if (JSON.stringify(forvoUserWhitelist) !== EMPTY_FORVO_USER_WHITELIST &&
            !forvoUserWhitelist.includes(forvoItem.username)) {
            Log.debug("skipping pronunciation from " + forvoItem.username);
        var audioContainer = $("<div>");
            fontSize: "12px",
            display: "inline-block",
            boxSizing: "border-box",
            width: "250px",
            marginTop: "0",
            marginRight: "5px",
            marginBottom: "5px",
            marginLeft: "0",
            padding: "0"
        var audioEl = document.createElement("audio");
        audioEl.src = forvoItem.pathmp3;
        audioEl.controls = true;
        audioEl.preload = "none";
        audioEl.style.width = "250px";
        if (settings.show_forvo_usernames) {
            var usernameEl = $("<span>");
                fontSize: "12px",
                color: "#888888",
                margin: "0",
                padding: "0"
    return Promise.resolve();

/***/ }),
/* 20 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var gm_http_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
var logger_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var Log = new logger_1.Logger();
function getWordPronunciations(jpWord, settings) {
    if (!jpWord) {
        return Promise.reject(new Error("jpWord missing"));
    var forvoApiKey = settings ? settings.forvo_api_key : null;
    if (!forvoApiKey) {
        return Promise.reject(new Error("Forvo api key missing"));
    var forvoUrl = "https://apifree.forvo.com/key/" +
        forvoApiKey +
        "/format/json" +
        "/action/word-pronunciations" +
        "/word/" +
        encodeURIComponent(jpWord) +
        "/language/ja" +
        "/rate/" +
        String(settings.forvo_min_rating || 0) +
        "/country/JPN" +
    return gm_http_1.default
        .then(function (res) {
        return Promise.resolve(res.responseText);
        .catch(function (err) {
        Log.error("Forvo error: ", err);
exports.getWordPronunciations = getWordPronunciations;

/***/ }),
/* 21 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var windowHelpers_1 = __webpack_require__(22);
var WKOF_INSTALL_PAGE = "https://community.wanikani.com/t/instructions-installing-wanikani-open-framework/28549";
var prompted = false;
function promptInstall(scriptName, overridingGetWindowFunc) {
    if (prompted) {
    var win = (overridingGetWindowFunc || windowHelpers_1.getWindow)();
    prompted = true;
    if (win.confirm(scriptName +
        " requires the Wanikani Open Framework.\nDo you want to be forwarded to the installation instructions?")) {
        win.location.href = WKOF_INSTALL_PAGE;
// waitForWkof calls onLoad with the global wkof object after wkof is loaded
function waitForWkof(scriptName, onLoad) {
    windowHelpers_1.waitUntilWindowPropLoads(windowHelpers_1.getWindow, "wkof", WKOF_POLL_INTERVAL_MS, WKOF_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS, onLoad, promptInstall.bind(null, scriptName));
exports.waitForWkof = waitForWkof;

/***/ }),
/* 22 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function getWindow() {
    return global;
exports.getWindow = getWindow;
function waitUntilWindowPropLoads(getWindowFunc, windowProp, pollingIntervalMs, maxWaitMs, onLoad, onTimeout) {
    var startMs = new Date().getTime();
    var intervalID = setInterval(function () {
        if (getWindowFunc()[windowProp]) {
        if (new Date().getTime() - startMs > maxWaitMs) {
    }, pollingIntervalMs);
exports.waitUntilWindowPropLoads = waitUntilWindowPropLoads;

/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(23)))

/***/ }),
/* 23 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {

var g;

// This works in non-strict mode
g = (function() {
	return this;

try {
	// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)
	g = g || Function("return this")() || (1, eval)("this");
} catch (e) {
	// This works if the window reference is available
	if (typeof window === "object") g = window;

// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...
// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's
// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}

module.exports = g;

/***/ }),
/* 24 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.SettingsScriptId = "wanikani_vocab_beyond_settings";
exports.MenuScriptLinkId = "wanikani_vocab_beyond_settings_link";
exports.WkofSettingsMenuConfig = {
    script_id: exports.SettingsScriptId,
    title: "WaniKani Vocab Beyond",
    autosave: true,
    background: false,
    content: {
        forvo_page_id: {
            type: "page",
            label: "Audio",
            hover_tip: "Settings for Forvo.com audio pronunciations",
            content: {
                forvo_instructions: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p><a href='https://forvo.com' target='_blank'>Forvo.com</a> has an audio collection of words pronounced by native Japanese speakers.</p>" +
                        "<p>To enable Forvo pronunciations of vocabulary words:</p>" +
                        "<p>1. <a href='https://forvo.com/signup/' target='_blank'>Sign up for a Forvo.com account</a></p>" +
                        "<p>2. <a href='https://api.forvo.com/plans-and-pricing' target='_blank'>Purchase an API key here</a></p>" +
                        "<p>3. Enter your key below</p>"
                forvo_api_key: {
                    type: "text",
                    default: "",
                    label: "Forvo API key",
                    full_width: true,
                    hover_tip: "Your API key from https://api.forvo.com/"
                forvo_caveat: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>(WaniKani Vocab Beyond will work without a Forvo API key, but audio for vocabulary won't be shown.)</p>"
                forvo_divider_id: {
                    type: "divider"
                forvo_rating_instructions: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>Forvo pronunciations are voted on by users. Limit displayed audio to at least this overall rating. Zero is the default and recommended value.</p>"
                forvo_min_rating: {
                    type: "number",
                    label: "Minimum Forvo rating",
                    hover_tip: "Only show Forvo pronunciations with at least this rating",
                    placeholder: "0",
                    default: 0,
                    full_width: false
                forvo_divider_id_2: {
                    type: "divider"
                forvo_whitelist_instructions: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>Comma-separated list of Forvo users whose pronunciations should be shown. If blank, pronunciations from all users are shown.</p>"
                forvo_username_whitelist_csv: {
                    type: "text",
                    label: "Favorite Forvo users",
                    full_width: true,
                    placeholder: "Example: skent, usako_usagiclub, strawberrybrown",
                    default: "",
                    hover_tip: "A comma-separated list of Forvo usernames whose pronunciations should be shown"
        vocab_page_id: {
            type: "page",
            label: "Vocab",
            hover_tip: "Settings for WWWJDIC vocabulary words",
            content: {
                vocab_instructions_1: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>By default, only common words are retrieved and displayed from <a href='http://nihongo.monash.edu/cgi-bin/wwwjdic' target='_blank'>WWWJDIC</a>. You can also retrieve uncommon words and phrases by checking the box below.</p>"
                show_all_wwwjdic_vocab: {
                    type: "checkbox",
                    label: "Show uncommon vocab",
                    hover_tip: "Show both common and uncommon WWWJDIC vocab",
                    default: false,
                    full_width: false
                vocab_instructions_2: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>Set the maximum number of WWWJDIC vocab to display per kanji below. 0 means unlimited. (Warning: showing WWWJDIC unlimited results may quickly exhaust your Forvo API key's daily request limits.)</p>"
                max_wwwjdic_vocab_shown: {
                    type: "number",
                    label: "Maximum number of WWWJDIC vocab to display per kanji",
                    hover_tip: "Maximum number of WWWJDIC vocabulary to display per kanji",
                    full_width: true,
                    placeholder: "15",
                    default: 15,
                    min: 0
        appearance_page_id: {
            type: "page",
            label: "Appearance",
            hover_tip: "Appearance settings",
            content: {
                appearance_instructions_1: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>Check to show Vocab Beyond at top of kanji pages and in the first tab of kanji reviews and lessons.</p>"
                show_vocab_beyond_first: {
                    type: "checkbox",
                    label: "Show Vocab Beyond first",
                    hover_tip: "Show the Vocab Beyond section at the top of kanji pages and in the first tab of kanji reviews and kanji lessons",
                    default: false,
                    full_width: false
                appearance_instructions_2: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>Check to show Forvo usernames above audio clips.</p>"
                show_forvo_usernames: {
                    type: "checkbox",
                    label: "Show Forvo usernames",
                    hover_tip: "Show Forvo usernames above each audio clip",
                    default: false,
                    full_width: false
                appearance_instructions_3: {
                    type: "html",
                    html: "<p>Check below to hide icon beside uncommon vocab.</p>"
                hide_uncommon_indicator: {
                    type: "checkbox",
                    label: "Hide uncommon icon",
                    hover_tip: "Hide uncommon vocabulary icon",
                    default: false,
                    full_width: false

/***/ })
/******/ ]);
})}})(this.context, this.fapply, this.console);


Thanks for sending that info. Knowing your Chrome version is helpful, and I upgraded my Chrome to the same version as yours and will try and reproduce your problem when I have a kanji review again in a few days.

The other stuff unfortunately didn’t point to any obvious problem.

But there are a few more things we can try to fix the problem:

  1. Can you download and install this alternative version of this script I have at this link (the only difference is that this version just prints out more log lines for debugging) and then paste your Chrome’s console logs again when you are doing a kanji review ? After installing that version of the script, you can also type in [WKVB] into Filter field of Chrome’s Console tab, like so:

  2. Can you tell me if Vocab Beyond loads for you on kanji lesson pages?

  1. I reinstalled the script from your link, but when I put [WKVB] in the filter field nothing comes out, either during reviews or kanji pages in the dashboard:

  1. The script does work during kanji lessons, but again nothing shows up in the console:

I tried both [WKVB] and WKVB. I also tried to uninstall the previous version and install the script again from scratch. No results.

Hello! I know it’s been a while, but I’m also running into the same issue that @niu was. I’m also not using a Forvo API key, and the vocab shows up in Kanji pages, but not in reviews (I haven’t checked lessons yet).

I see the following console output:

[WKVB] insertInitialDOMElements called
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage called
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] maybeLoadVocabDependingOnPage PageType.reviews
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce pageType 4
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] maybeInsertEmptyVocabSectionOnce inserting for reviews page
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] queryWwwjdic
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] Querying WWWJDIC for  楽
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:283 [GET]: http://nihongo.monash.edu/cgi-bin/wwwjdic?1ZUL%E6%A5%BD
WaniKani Stroke Order.user.js:138 prepend
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] onWwwJdicResponse raw res <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<HEAD><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><TITLE>WWWJDIC: Word Display</TITLE>
楽 [がく] /(n) (1) (See 音楽) music/(2) (See 雅楽・ががく) old Japanese court music/gagaku/
楽 [らく] /(n,adj-na) (1) comfort/ease/relief/(at) peace/relaxation/(adj-na,n) (2) easy/simple/without trouble/without hardships/(3) (economically) comfortable/(n) (4) (abbr) (See 楽焼き) raku pottery/(P)/
愛楽 [あいぎょう] /(n,vs) (1) {Buddh} seeking after (Buddhist teachings, etc.)/wanting/desiring/(2) (arch) loving/
哀楽 [あいらく] /(n) grief and pleasure/
安楽 [あんらく] /(adj-na,n) ease/comfort/carefree/cosy/cozy/
衣装道楽 [いしょうどうらく] /(n) (yoji) love of fine clothing/weakness for fine clothes/being extravagant in clothing/
一楽 [いちらく] /(exp) (col) one of one's hobbies/
逸楽;佚楽 [いつらく] /(n,vs) pleasure/
芋田楽 [いもでんがく] /(n) (1) {food} taros flavoured with miso and grilled on skewers/(2) (col) parent-child incest/
印象主義音楽 [いんしょうしゅぎおんがく] /(n) musical impressionism/
鶯神楽 [うぐいすかぐら;ウグイスカグラ] /(n) (uk) Lonicera gracilipes (species of honeysuckle)/
右方高麗楽 [うほうこまがく] /(n) (See 高麗楽) old Japanese court music from the Nara period/
映画音楽 [えいがおんがく] /(n) film music/
悦楽 [えつらく] /(n,vs) enjoyment/pleasure/
越天楽 [えてんらく] /(n) Etenraku (Japanese court music composition)/
燕楽;宴楽 [えんがく] /(n) Ancient Chinese banquet music/
宴楽;燕楽 [えんらく] /(n) merrymaking/partying/
音楽 [おんがく] /(n) music/(P)/
女楽 [おんながく;じょがく] /(n) (1) music performed by women/(2) (じょがく only) women who performed court Bugaku music and dance/
女道楽 [おんなどうらく] /(n) womanizing/debauchery/philandering/
快楽 [かいらく(P);けらく] /(n,adj-no) pleasure/(P)/
偕楽 [かいらく] /(n) enjoying oneself with others/
神楽 [かぐら] /(n) ancient Shinto music and dancing/(P)/
管楽 [かんがく] /(n) (See 吹奏楽) wind music/
管弦楽(P);管絃楽 [かんげんがく] /(n) orchestral music/(P)/
歓楽 [かんらく] /(n) pleasure/merriment/
雅楽 [ががく] /(n) old Japanese court music/gagaku/(P)/
器楽 [きがく] /(n) instrumental music/(P)/
気が楽 [きがらく] /(exp) feeling good/feeling at ease/feeling easy/
喜怒哀楽 [きどあいらく] /(n) (yoji) human emotions (joy, anger, grief and pleasure)/(P)/
着道楽 [きどうらく] /(n) having a weakness for fine clothes/
宮廷音楽 [きゅうていおんがく] /(n) court music/
教会音楽 [きょうかいおんがく] /(n) church music/
享楽 [きょうらく] /(n,vs) enjoyment/pleasure/
曲独楽 [きょくごま] /(n) top/spinning tricks/
気楽 [きらく] /(adj-na,n) (1) carefree/comfortable/at ease/(2) easygoing/happy-go-lucky/(P)/
近代音楽 [きんだいおんがく] /(n) modern music/contemporary music/
伎楽 [ぎがく] /(n) ancient music/
百済楽 [くだらがく] /(n) music in the Korean court/
苦楽 [くらく] /(n) pleasure and pain/joys and sorrows/
クラシック音楽(P);クラッシック音楽 [クラシックおんがく(クラシック音楽)(P);クラッシックおんがく(クラッシック音楽)] /(n) classical music/(P)/
黒実鶯神楽 [くろみのうぐいすかぐら;クロミノウグイスカズラ] /(n) (uk) (See ハスカップ) blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx)/
軍楽 [ぐんがく] /(n) military music/
軽音楽 [けいおんがく] /(n) light music/(P)/
下座音楽 [げざおんがく] /(n) musical accompaniment and sound effects (esp. in kabuki)/
弦楽(P);絃楽 [げんがく] /(n) music for strings/string music/(P)/
現代音楽 [げんだいおんがく] /(n) modern music/
交響楽 [こうきょうがく] /(n) symphony (orchestra)/(P)/
行楽 [こうらく] /(n) outing/excursion/pleasure trip/going on a picnic/(P)/
古楽 [こがく] /(n) ancient (early) music/
古典音楽 [こてんおんがく] /(n) classical music/
独楽 [こま] /(n) (uk) spinning top/(P)/
高麗楽 [こまがく] /(n) (See 右方高麗楽) old Japanese court music from the Nara period/
極楽 [ごくらく] /(n) (1) {Buddh} (See 阿弥陀・1) Sukhavati (Amitabha's Pure Land)/(2) paradise/(P)/
極楽極楽 [ごくらくごくらく] /(exp) (yoji) It's absolute heaven/It's sheer bliss/
娯楽 [ごらく] /(n,vs,adj-no) pleasure/amusement/(P)/
催馬楽 [さいばら] /(n) genre of Heian-period Japanese court music (primarily consisting of gagaku-styled folk melodies)/
左楽 [さがく] /(n) (abbr) (arch) (See 左方の楽) style of gagaku based on Tang-era Chinese music and ancient Indian song and dance/
里神楽 [さとかぐら] /(n) (See 御神楽) kagura performance held somewhere other than the imperial palace/
左方唐楽 [さほうとうがく] /(n) (obsc) (See 唐楽) style of gagaku based on Tang-era Chinese music and ancient Indian song and dance/
左方の楽 [さほうのがく] /(n) (arch) (See 唐楽) style of gagaku based on Tang-era Chinese music and ancient Indian song and dance/
猿楽;申楽;散楽 [さるがく;さるごう] /(n) (1) (arch) sarugaku (form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries)/(2) (さるがく only) (See 能楽) noh/(3) (さるごう only) fooling around/
散楽 [さんがく] /(n) (See 猿楽・1) form of ancient Chinese entertainment similar to a circus (brought to Japan during the Nara period)/
雑楽 [ざつがく] /(n) (arch) (ant: 正楽) popular music/
式楽 [しきがく] /(n) ceremonial music/
室内楽 [しつないがく] /(n) chamber music/(P)/
宗教音楽 [しゅうきょうおんがく] /(n) religious music/
勝楽 [しょうらく] /(n) Cakrasamvara/Samvara/Supreme Bliss (tantric Buddhist deity)/
食道楽;食い道楽 [しょくどうらく(食道楽);くいどうらく] /(n,adj-no) gourmand/epicure/
清楽 [しんがく] /(n) (See 清・しん) Qing-era Chinese music (popularized in Japan during the early 19th century)/
ジプシー音楽 [ジプシーおんがく] /(n) gypsy music/
寂滅為楽 [じゃくめついらく] /(exp) (yoji) freedom from one's desires (entry into Nirvana) is true bliss/
聚楽 [じゅらく] /(n) grey wall covering material (gray)/
吹奏楽 [すいそうがく] /(n) wind music/wind instrument music/
正楽 [せいがく] /(n) (See 雅楽) court music/gagaku/
聖楽 [せいがく] /(n) church music/sacred music/
声楽 [せいがく] /(n,adj-no) vocal music/(P)/
西洋音楽 [せいようおんがく] /(n) Western music/
千秋楽 [せんしゅうらく] /(n) (1) concluding festivities/concluding program/concluding programme/(2) {sumo} final day of a tournament/(P)/
先憂後楽 [せんゆうこうらく] /(n) (yoji) worrying before one's people worry, enjoying oneself only after one's people have enjoyed themselves (a precept to be observed by a ruler)/
絶対音楽 [ぜったいおんがく] /(n) absolute music/
奏楽 [そうがく] /(n,vs) musical performance/
俗楽 [ぞくがく] /(n) (ant: 雅楽) popular music/common people's music (as opposed to court music)/
大衆娯楽 [たいしゅうごらく] /(n) popular entertainment/mass entertainment/public amusement/
太平楽 [たいへいらく] /(n) happy-go-lucky/
耽楽 [たんらく] /(n,vs) (obsc) indulging in pleasure/giving oneself up to enjoyment/
太神楽;大神楽;代神楽 [だいかぐら;ダイカグラ] /(n) (1) grand kagura performance at Ise/(2) (See 雑芸・1) type of performance including the lion dance and juggling/(3) (uk) (See 椿・1) Camellia japonica 'Daikagura' (cultivar of Japanese camellia)/
太々神楽;太太神楽;大々神楽;大大神楽 [だいだいかぐら] /(n) (See 太神楽・1) grand kagura performance at Ise/
天竺楽 [てんじくがく] /(n) (arch) (See 雅楽) gagaku of Indian origin/
デジタル音楽 [デジタルおんがく] /(n) {comp} digital music/
田楽 [でんがく] /(n) (1) ritual music and dancing in shrines and temples/(2) rice dance/rice festival/(3) (abbr) {food} (See 田楽焼き) tofu (or fish, etc.) baked and coated with miso/(4) (abbr) (See 田楽返し) turning something in the manner one would use to cook dengaku-doufu on both sides/
電子音楽 [でんしおんがく] /(n,adj-no) electronic music/
伝統音楽 [でんとうおんがく] /(n) traditional music/
唐楽 [とうがく] /(n) (1) Tang-era Chinese music/(2) (See 雅楽,林邑楽) style of gagaku based on Tang-era Chinese music and ancient Indian song and dance/
道楽 [どうらく] /(n,adj-na) (1) pastime/hobby/favorite amusement/(n,vs,adj-na) (2) (derog) (See 道楽息子,道楽娘) dissipation/debauchery/loose living/prodigality/indulging in alcohol, women, gambling, etc./profligacy/
日本音楽 [にほんおんがく] /(n) Japanese music (esp. traditional Japanese music)/
能楽 [のうがく] /(n) noh play/(P)/
背景音楽 [はいけいおんがく] /(n) background music/
花独楽 [はなごま] /(n) cardboard spinning top, shaped and coloured like a flower/
ハワイアン音楽 [ハワイアンおんがく] /(n) Hawaiian music/

WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] WWWJDIC maybeOnlyCommonRenderables.length 21
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] WWWJDIC renderablesWithinLimit.length 15
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] WWWJDIC renderablesWithinLimit (15) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
WaniKani Vocab Beyond.user.js:408 [WKVB] shouldDisableForvo true

I’m on Chrome 80.0.3987.149