[Userscript] Satori Reader WaniKani Lookup



I created a little script for all fellow Satori Reader users out there. It adds additional buttons and links to dictionary entries, so that you can see if the kanji/vocabulary is available on WaniKani and look it up quickly. This can be quite useful, especially if you want to use the SRS on Satori Reader, but do not want to learn some vocabulary twice.

  • Highlights kanji that you have not learned yet.
  • Click on a kanji to open it in WaniKani.
  • Displays information (level, learned) if the vocabulary is available on WaniKani.
  • Adds a button to to open the entry in WaniKani.
  • Highlights kanji which is not available in WaniKani and provides a link to a dictionary entry on tangorin.com

Note: For the full set of features, you need a paid subscription on WaniKani, otherwise most kanji/vocabulary will be detected as not available on WaniKani. Also, you need to set your API key (v1) in the menu of your script manager, the API key from the Satori Reader settings will be ignored.

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for further improvement, please let me know!


Doesn’t seem to work for me. Nothing is changed when reading articles on satorireader.com
Addblocker is deactivated and there are not JS Errors in the dev console.

Which OS / browser / plugin are you using?
(I only tested it on Fedora / Firefox 55.0.3 (64-Bit) / Greasemonkey 3.17)

Did you set your WaniKani API Key in the settings? It should be located under User Script Commands ->Satori Reader WaniKani Lookup → Set API Key. I might change the script to read it from the settings on Satori Reader, but currently you have to set it there.

Chrome (Version 61.0.3163.100, official build, 64-Bit), Tampermonkey 4.4
Wanikani API was used to import known kanji successfully. (But you meant to set the API key inside the skript
 which I did not do in Tampermonkey)

I would have thought that äșș(being a known kanji) would have your scripts features enabled in the Satori Reader dictionary toolboxes.

Well there seems to be an issue with Tampermonkey, let me look into it. For now you can try it on Firefox with Greasemonkey, but make sure to set the API key again in the Greasemonkey settings.

Just tried to insert the key into the script itself (if I understood you correctly), but still does not work:
satori reader skript settings

Yeah somehow the script is not loaded at all
 It’s my first Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey plugin, so there seems to be something I’m missing there :slight_smile:

I know how that feels (being a developer myself), but unfortunately I can’t help you with that. Good luck!

I updated the script, it should work now on Chrome with Tampermonkey.

The API Key can be set if you click on the Tampermonkey icon. Also make sure you allow the cross domain call to wanikani.com (there should be some kind of alert in Tampermonkey, but this might depend on your settings).

Also you have to reload the page after you set the API Key.

Still not working for me. Setting the API Key using the menu entry “Satori Reader WaniKani Lookup → Set API Key” works though. I added a console.log line

var api_key_key = ‘SR_WK_API_KEY’;
var api_key = GM_getValue(api_key_key);

and the console output is the correct key.

But still no button in the tooltips linking to Wanikani.

Clicking on a known Kanji in the tooltip works thou (
 underline is visible when hovering)!

Which article are you reading? And which dictionary entry are you looking at?

If you open some article of Kona’s Big Adventure, does the dictionary entry for 憒é™ș display a pink button? 性 for example should not display a pink button, because it is only a radial/kanji in WK but not a vocabulary.

äșș should be detected as known vocabulary though, if not it’s definitely a bug.

Known kanji are only “highlighted” by not coloring them black, instead of unknown kanji which will be colored gray. I’m also working on an update, which will highlight kanji not present in WK and provide a link to a dictionary. I might release this update in a couple of days.

No, no button there:
satori reader skript settings

I have no vocabulary onlocked yet. Maybe that’s the issue?

 underlines only appeared when hovering over known kanji in dictionary entries. (like ć„ł)

I was reading this article: Satori Reader | Crossed Paths [Koibito]
and looking at the entry of ć„łæ€§

Highlighting does not work as you described it, or I don’t understand you correctly:
satori reader skript settings

No, that should not be an issue, but I notice you are still on level 1. Do you already have a paid subscription? If not, this might be the issue, because I think then the API only returns kanji/vocab on level 3 or lower :wink:

Still, ć„ł should register as known Kanji, or not?
Maybe apprentice level kanji don’t count?

ć„ł should show up as known kanji. It will be turned into a link (hence the underlines when hovering) to the corresponding entry on WK. Kanji are treated as known kanji as soon as you have learned them.

The problem is that all other kanji are unknown to the script, because the script thinks that they are not on WK at all (because in your case only kanji/vocab of levels 1-3 are returned). Those kanji wont be changed at all.

I will soon release an update, which will also highlight those kanji (so that they get highlighted red).

I think I understand know. The script does a Wanikani dictionary lookup using the API key, and if it finds the same word a button will be added and (un)known component kanji will be highlighted accordingly?

Yes, exactly. So probably the script will turn useful as soon as you switch to a paid plan on WaniKani :slight_smile:

Btw: I found a bug on Chrome where sometimes multiple buttons are added, looking into it now.

Good luck hunting. Bugs are very creative creatures. They multiply and don’t die easy.

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I fixed the bug and also added highlighting of unknown kanji (kanji not available on WK either because you do not have a paid subscription or because it is really not available on WK).

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Your last Update works wonders, thanks!

Just a quick question: Would you say Satori Reader is worth the subscription? Is there enough intermediate and advanced content? How does it compare to FluentU?

Also: I think it might be usefull to have a userscript that does the opposite direction: Clicking on a vocab in Wanikani to find matching articles on Satomi Reader, to help you extract sentences for further learning.