The original topic for this script was closed for a while, so I created this new topic.
It is now open again, so please head over to the original thread and post there!
Original contents of this topic
On various WaniKani pages, the script displays information about kanji from Kanjipedia and information about vocab words from Weblio.
This script was originally developed by polv who is no longer using WaniKani and therefore cannot test new versions of the script. That’s why I decided to continue to work on this script.
I have released a new version today which hotfixes an issue that can lead to error 429 “Rate limit exceeded”. So if you have an old version of the script (version 0.5 or below) please upgrade to the new version.
Note: You cannot simply update your script because the script author has changed, therefore technically it is a new script. Please delete the old script from your computer and install the new version from scratch. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!
@jprspereira It would be very kind of you if you could update your “greatest scripts ever” list so that people are directed to the new version. Thanks