This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.
Threw this together for myself, but thought others might find it useful.
Takes the panels on the dashboard stating how many items are in each state, and breaks it down into its parts.
Basically putting the details you would see in the popup, right into the panel itself (and hiding the popup)
02/24/17 Update:
Decided I wanted a new feature. Now when you hover over a section, you will get a “section+” readout.
Example, hover over Guru and you get Guru+. radicals/kanji/vocab/total will now represent everything at that level or higher.
06/07/17 Update:
Now with “section-”. Everything that level and below. Click inside the SRS grid to toggle between + and - modes. This doesn’t stick however, so it’ll default back to + mode whenever the dashboard loads.
4/20/18 Update: Apprentice and Guru sections now have an option to ‘breakdown by sublevel’. Only for normal mode, not +/- modes.
09/25/2020 Update: Have you ever wanted to include locked and initiate items in the SRS Grid? No? Well, you can. It’s an option. (It doesn’t play well with window resizing)
Right now its just using the data already on screen, and moving things around. So if those scripts are doing something to the areas I’m pulling data from before I get to it, not much I can do there. Although I have been thinking of changing over to using the WaniKani APIs which may fix things like that. Just need to find the time…
Doesn’t work in Firefox. You probably developed it in Chrome, because it’s working there.
Disabling my Clean Dashboard style doesn’t help. At first I thought you didn’t take laptop screen widths into account because the text part took up the whole width of the table, but upon closer inspection I saw that the numbers don’t get extracted from the pop-ups properly. The number <td>'s are empty.
Don’t worry folks, update is in the works. Although yes I use Chrome, so Firefox fixes will be secondary. As for IE/Edge… who uses those? You shouldn’t. Knock it off.
Edit: Script updated. Has both API and non-API mode. CSS isn’t perfect, but everything should be functional. Options is a little gear icon inside the Apprentice item panel.
It doesn’t seem to work for me on the ‘apprentice kanji left’ items though. All are solid pink regardless of progress.
oh yeah I’m using chrome.
EDIT: Unless that’s actually part of a different script? If so, what script are you using for that?
EDIT: yeah looking at your source I don’t think it’s supposed to be a part of your script, so never mind my original question. What script is your progress on apprentice items? cus that looks cool.
If you’re interested, I found a way to dynamically remove the conflicting portions of “Clean Dashboard” CSS, which lets you avoid resorting to API fetches. Basically, it opens each <style> tag, searches for Mempo’s “SRS PROGRESS” section header, and removes that section.
Here’s the code, for reference: [temporary link]. I’ll delete this link after a while, since I don’t want to cause any public forking of your script.
[EDIT: Forgot to mention… there are various other changes in there, too, which you are welcome to use or ignore as you see fit. I was trying to find a way to make the layout stay correct with various screen widths, e.g. so it looks good on phone, tablet, small screens, etc]
[EDIT2: BTW, is your username a reference to Jigen from Lupin III?]
It seems to have broken my wanikani (can’t see the number os lessons/reviews or my level) and Dashboard Progress stuff (can’t open the tabs to show the info and the bar doesn’t fill up). I’m using firefox.
Tables are now centered within the panels. I couldn’t decide if I like categories and numbers both centered on their respective sides, or if I liked them aligned along the middle, so I did both. Pick your choice in the options.
Shadowplasm said...
It seems to have broken my wanikani (can't see the number os lessons/reviews or my level) and Dashboard Progress stuff (can't open the tabs to show the info and the bar doesn't fill up). I'm using firefox.
Weird, it shouldn't have any effect on the main lessons/reviews numbers up top. Api or non-api? What browser and other userscipts active? Edit: non-Api mode has been removed. Better to only maintain one, cleaner, path.
If you're interested, I found a way to dynamically remove the conflicting portions of "Clean Dashboard" CSS, which lets you avoid resorting to API fetches. Basically, it opens each <style> tag, searches for Mempo's "SRS PROGRESS" section header, and removes that section.
Shadowplasm said...
It seems to have broken my wanikani (can't see the number os lessons/reviews or my level) and Dashboard Progress stuff (can't open the tabs to show the info and the bar doesn't fill up). I'm using firefox.
Weird, it shouldn't have any effect on the main lessons/reviews numbers up top. Api or non-api? What browser and other userscipts active? Edit: non-Api mode has been removed. Better to only maintain one, cleaner, path.
I'm using the latest version of firefox, the scripts active on my dashboard are: Wanikani Level Duration Wanikani Dashboard Progress Plus Wanikani Real Numbers Wanikani Ultimate Timeline
I'm still having the same issue as before even with the latest update =[ thanks for the replies though