[Userscript] Back To Back

:warning: This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.

This is pretty much the only feature of Reorder Ultimate that I use when I am not working through a backlog of items, so I thought I would just publish it as a separate script and maintain it myself.

What does it do

It makes it so that meaning and reading questions appear after each other in reviews and lessons. You can choose to prioritize either meaning or reading reviews such that one always come before the other (I like to make it so that reading always comes first), or just let it be random.


Get the script at your closest → Walmart Pharmacy ←


This is amazing! Just yesterday I decided to do my next iteration of WK and to leave compatibility mode. I was searching hi and lo for a way to do back-to-back reviews without Reorder Ultimate, and now here it is :exploding_head: Thank you so much!! :heart_eyes_cat:


Love it! I had Reorder Ultimate just to be able to use this feature but for months it has been annoying me how much space it takes on the screen and the fact that I had to minimize it every time I started a review session. Thank you so much for publishing this script!


Nice! It’s amazing how popular that feature is/was on Reorder Ultimate, yet the original author implemented it sort of under protest. He didn’t like it.

Like you, it was my main reason for using Reorder.


Oh, that’s interesting, I didn’t know that


Now works for lessons as well. That went quicker than I thought it would

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As always, thank you for these scripts.

Something I’ve noticed after using this during my last few review sessions is that the first card won’t be paired back to back. The reading does appear first, but the meaning won’t be shown until a random point later in the session. Aside from the first card, everything else is shown back to back with Reading prioritization.

Very minor issue and may not even be something that could be resolved in this script, since this seems to be connected to Double Check. Still, just thought I’d mention it.

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I have noticed this myself, and it only appears to happen if you start doing your reviews right away (if you wait a bit it doesn’t happen), but I haven’t looked into it yet. What makes you think it’s connected to Double Check? That might serve as a hint

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While enabling/disabling other scripts, the problem only seemed consistent with Double Check. But if you’re saying it doesn’t happen when you wait, then perhaps I’d just delayed my first answer during those other sessions.

However, I’ve also been using this script in ‘Extra Study’ (without Double Check since it’s incompatible) and have seen no issues there.

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This should now be fixed for reviews. Turns out that neither of us was right. It just worked as it should 10% of the time by random chance. I don’t have any lessons to check with, could you tell me if this also happens in the lesson quiz?

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I just did my reviews and found that now the order of reading and meaning is… inverted?
I set the script to prioritize reading (I double-checked and the setting was still on reading) but this time around I always got the meaning first. This was not the case before the most recent update :thinking: Any idea what could cause this?

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That is strange. I didn’t change anything in that logic (I just made it pick which item is first in the review), so it shouldn’t have had that effect. Perhaps try changing your priority to meaning (don’t forget to save) and then back again?

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Did 4 batches of lessons and 2 batches of reviews with 1.1.3 and all were paired (and prioritized) correctly. Interestingly, the first card issue now occurs in Extra Study instead lol…

Can just continue using 1.1.1 for Extra Study though, since that still appears to be fine.

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Good idea! Will try this tomorrow (once I got new reviews) and report back. :+1:

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I don’t think the Back To Back script runs on the extra study page at all allenthink

The script menu isn’t visible in the top left like in lessons/reviews, but the prioritization preference does carry over (if the page has been added to @ include)

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I see, I didn’t realize that you changed it

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Oh, yeah I tried including extra study in all the scripts I’d normally use to make it as similar as possible to my regular reviews. Double Check was the only thing which seemed to break. But your Back to Back (1.1.1) and Random Voice Actor scripts both work as intended.

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Happy to report that changing the settings and then changing them back did the trick. :sweat_smile:

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had the same problem and I tried to changing the settings and them changing back didn’t fix it … I will try tomorrow again. That’s very weird

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