Thank you Mom - A level 60 celebration post

It finally Happened. I am Level 60 in wanikani.
I started wanikani at the end of 2021 and Now It’s 2024.
Almost 2 and half years of different experiences and growing up.
I don’t know what to say honestly because I’m so happy to be able to write this post and reach level 60. But let’s begin from the beginning.

Why did I start learning japanese?

I wanted to pick up a hobby after the pandemic. Before that I just played minecraft for hours a day. Since I began watching anime an year before, Japanese was the only language I had minimal contact with other than English. My thought process was like wouldn’t it be cool if I could speak a completely different language. At that time I had very childish reasons for studying a language. I still do but a lot of them have changed into healthier reasons. I think.


Tofugu’s website was my treasure trove for motivations. :gift:
I once read an article for the mext scholarship there and from kemushi chan.
And it made me super excited to learn the language.
I loved the articles there for many experiences and cultures. Which just made me more excited as I wanted to try different experiences and cultures and meet new people.

Journey with the language

I kind of just followed the tofugu guide but I made a big mistake I started formal study for grammar very late (Level 40).
I Tried bunpro, it wasn’t for me. Textbooks worked a lot better for me when it came to grammer.

Level 1-39: I just did at fast as I can
Then I was sent to my school hostel for 1 year (got to play basketball everyday)
but no electronics which meant no wanikani.
So I didn’t do anything japanese related for 1 year.
Level 40-60: After I came back from hostel I went through all the first 39 levels in self study-quiz to refresh and then continued wanikani on from there and viola I’m here. I went through genki 1,2 and try N3. Now I immerse.
I also listened to a lot of podcast and anime in preperation for N3.

Experiences using the language

I was able to read my first manga and novel.
I started playing persona 4 golden and I had my conversation with a native japanese speaker in italki and zoom.
After my first lesson she said this
My ego afer reading this:
But in all honesty I wasn’t that great. I was just happy I was able to communicate with somebody without feeling awkwardness and long pauses. A great experience.
I also talked with native japanese speaker and zoom I found funny memes about different prefectures through them.
I also took N3 this july.

My advice on reset

Don’t reset, especially if you don’t have lifetime or you had a break for a year or two. It’s not worth it.
all you progess fades away.

You could refresh your memory with self study script and that’s what I did.

The scripts I used

Double Check - I love this script and I was very liberal with it.
This was essential for me not hating wanikani.
Back2Back - Another great one. I loved doing reviews fast and this enabled me to do just that and there is a setting called lightning mode which immediately skips the correct answer and go to the next review.
Also I hid my item level up reviews. Becuase I hated seeing something that was supposed to be a burn go back to master. This allowed to me to not worry about the reviews as they all are the same to me now.

What this experience has thought me

I learned that I love learning languages. I’m pretty excited to learn a new language and I keep restraining myself from not going fully into it.
I learned about how mneumonics is really effective for me.
I learned about srs and I implement it for my school studies

Where Am I now?

I’m not fluent at all. I can speak but in a limited range.
I am not scared of reading and it is not a mountainous task anymore.
I can watch animes and movies as long as I have japanese subtitles.
The second I lose the subtitles I’m no different from a deer in a headlight.
But I’m proud of where I’m at now and I don’t have any big regrets.

Any regrets?

Other than learning grammar kind of late I wouldn’t change anything.

What’s Next?

I need to reduce my japanese studying to a certain extent. For me studying japanese was an escape from studying for school.So I need to focus on school hence I will be just immersing and doing quartet for 1 year-ish. And might get back to formal study after 1 year.
I also really want to learn tagalog :philippines:.It has been a long term wish of mine.
But I have to reach a level in japanese where I don’t have to think much and just become second naturish, if attainable.

Thank You

Mom : For everything, for supporting me through this journey, for unconditionally loving me and for being there for me when I needed it the most. You are the best.
Koichi and wanikani team members and staff and tofugu staff: For creating this great application, community and articles. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Thousandjp: My first accountability partner I met in Bunpro. He helped me a lot in guiding me through the beginner stage.
Belthazaar and Bloop: My first Absolute beginner book club experience and they helped it make it the best.
Akashelia: For creating the quartet thread and your study log. I took a lot of inspiration from it(Books). Looking forward to your level 60 post.
Araigoshi & Potatodancer: I also follow your study logs and 0/0 level up buddies. Looking forward to the level 60 posts.
Casual quartet study group: For providing a space for the next path of my journey.
Wanikani Community: I genuinely think I wouldn’t have reached level 60 without the community. The community is great. It inspires and motivates me to branch out and do other things outside wanikani. I have read many level 60 posts and follow many studyloggers(Reb(Detailed Immersion to the hour is crazy-I’m very lazy),Trunklayer(Purr-severant cat :cat2:),Raindrop(Best storyteller and learns Russian), Taiyousea(So clean and neat and that excel sheet), Rumade(How do you manage both,You are tough :muscle: - Love the occasional food,travel and crafts),Ahrina(One of the most 綺麗 study logs here), Midnight Blue(Your Level 60 post resonated with me), Syztedts(Does daily log’s HOW), Soggy’s(Creator of quartet Casual study group), Potatodancer’s(Best Rambler), Akashelia’s(Love the natively collection :books:), Araigoshi(I took a lot of inspiration for my goals from here :spiral_notepad:) , Weeping weeb(Best Themed study log creator and studies german :de: too), Polv (How do you manage chinese :exploding_head:?) ,l_l-(Absolute Tank))
And a lot more people who have helped me clear my doubts, motivated me and just watched my journey. I thank the wanikani community in 2024 and the community in my beginning year for bearing me(I used to write in caps for every first letter of the word- I dont know what I was thinking at that time.).

Is There cake



Congratulations on reaching the final step of the mountain :tada: You can be really proud of your long journey :teapot:

Please serve yourself with a delicious, warm cup of tea (or any beverage you like) :coffee:

And whatever you do afterwards, I wish you the best! :maple_leaf:


Congratulations! :tada:
And thank you fur meowntioning me, I’meownoured! love2

Quite understandable. You’ve made a truly impurrtant achievemeownt and deserve some nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaice rest! comfy
Still, may this be not the end of your journey, but just an another impurrtant waypoint! Best of luck with your studies! wricat

Also, please don’t furget about this commeownity! You are an impurrtant meowmber of it and I really hope to see you here meowny meowre times! trunky_rolling


Yaaay, you did it!! Congratulations!! Looking forward to continuing grammar study together!


おめでとうございます!!! :tada: :tada: :tada:
Congratulations on reaching level 60!!!


I love your post. Amazing journey and … CONGRATS!!!


Looking forward to seeing you around the Quartet threads!!!


Wow I’m honored by the mentions, thanks a lot!
It was really fun watching you go full speed for the last levels!
Congrats!! I’ll be joining you anytime now :grin:


Congrats :tada:

For Chinese, actually I have tried a few times without a significant progress (and there might be some old posts in the forum). And I even have had a few classes for Chinese. And I haven’t had any for Japanese yet, aside from a few iTalki sessions.

I attribute the relative success of Japanese to WaniKani, but got stuck somewhat after that, other than reading.

But then I moved again a few years ago thanks to the Community – and I tried to project the experience on to Chinese. I am mostly thankful to nihongolearner and jona.


That sounds soo familiar! :joy:


Congratulations on your achievement!!!


I had a similar start with wanting to pick up a new hobby during the pandemic, but you have far exceeded where I’ve gotten since then, congrats and enjoy your well deserved cake!


Congratulations! :partying_face: I really don’t think you can call yourself lazy after reaching Lv60 though :sweat_smile:


Congrats on level 60!
Great post!

You provided a different perspective for me, showing that ‘going fast’ doesn’t have to be ‘going crazy’, but can just be a different style/preference for how to approach studying. Personally, I’ve been taking things a lot slower, partly because I went fast at the beginning and got burnt out for a while, then came back and reset. After resetting, I decided to go as slow as I wanted, because I needed to get back that good feeling of enjoying learning Japanese again, that I had first experienced when I started out (learning Hiragna/Katakana in just a couple of days was a mind-blower).

But when you wrote your suggestion not to reset, I thought, “Huh?!” Then I kept reading and your reasons made sense given your personal context.

I’m still going to stick to going slow-ish, but now your post helped reduce my overall aversion to ‘going fast’ again. I might branch out and try something like that at some point. :slight_smile:


Congratulations! :star2:
I can only imagine how satisfying it has to be reaching lvl60. I hope I will get there too some day :grin:

Really impressive that you were able to come back after one year.


I don’t think these reasons are childish. If anything it takes growing up to realize what you want from learning a language in the first place. Whether that be communication or just the challenge of it.

As someone who read homestuck in the past, Kanaya voice is a legitimate problem to be corrected. It’s fine and okay to have style problems with what you wrote in the past.

Big congrats and thank you to moms everywhere. I know I’d never be able to thank mine enough.


YAY! :tada: :partying_face:

It’s nice seeing someone else who also didn’t decide to reset. I remember a few months ago where you felt like a super high level 先輩 and now I’m actually really close.

Maybe I’ll see you in the casual quartet thread? I’m supposed to be making a new home there after 60…

I’m sleep deprived writing this and don’t really want to go into a rant but like, knowledge is knowledge. Nobody is stupid for wanting to learn knowledge. It’s important to be nice to others…so I would frown upon you saying “I want to learn Japanese so I can go to Japan and hurt people” but like…who would do that lol.

Learning a language is a neat skill and it’s mildly interesting when you can pull out random facts. Even to a crowd of people who don’t know Japanese, they’d probably be impressed just with hearing that Japan likes smashing kanji together to create new words and learning something simple like 花火. I used to read a dictionary every day for a few years because I wanted to boost my English vocabulary. People called me all sorts of names because I was the kid who actually read a big book during the 30 minutes of silent reading time we had in school every day. But I learned funny words like rabble-rouser and nincompoop. It’s perfectly fine to do things because you enjoy them.


Thank you!! And I do love tea(to the point of an unhealthy obsession- we dont talk about that :joy:), I also did have tea with the cake. It’s so good.

Thank’s so meowch and I will never furget this commeownity.
Not when the commeownity is full of amazing people and cats.

Thanks!! Can’t wait to finally go all in quartet and immersion with you guys.

Thank you! Hopefully see you in level 60 in due time. :smile:

Thank you for reading the post!! and can’t wait to be around in quartet threads.

Thanks for watching and supporting me and being my inspiration.
Can’t wait to see you in level 60 and I will be checking out your natively and bookmeter collection for my next plan :smiling_imp:

Thank you!
I forgot about nihongolearner :person_facepalming:. I followed his study logs and he/she was a machine. I think an actual polyglot.

Everybody who I knew had a similar experience

Thanks so Much

I’m proud of myself for sticking through it.
But I’m very privileged to be in a position where I don’t have any major responsibilites. I consider myself lucky.
Everybody has a different journey. Even though my wanikani level is 60, My speaking and listening is not level 60 and writing doesn’t exist.
You are already level 30. That’s a milestone in itself. 50% done.
Congratulations :tada:

Thank you!! I’m lazy in the sense I can’t bring myself to log or track my studies.
I don’t know how you guys do it.

Thanks so much!! Yea, Not resetting was a decision that was easy for me to make as all the stars aligned to not reset. But I can see why it is hard for other’s to not reset and feel a guilt of not remembering the past levels.
Go at any pace you like as long as you don’t burnout or see studying the language as a chore.

Thanks so much!! It is really satisfying to reach level 60. Better , to make a level 60 post. I hope you will get here too.
I wanted to come back to wanikani since I joined the hostel but maybe that year break was essential for me not burning out.

That’s true. I don’t think it as a bad thing. I just think me studying the language at the very beginning came from a point of envy or jealousy of other people and I wanted to be like them.
Which turned into admiration now. It’s essential, some emotions are needed for a point in my life. I am glad I sticked through this journey to grow as person in many ways.

Thank you and I agree with you on never being able to thank enough. She does so much for me and my sister.

Thank you!! I remember you being a lot of levels behind me and then you started going at demon speed. It felt like a fire burning below me. Your presence enabled me to go fast.
See you in the quartet thread and can’t wait for you to be in level 60


I kind of had a similar experience for reading books everywhere or whenever I had free time. But others just ignored me, which I liked. The library teacher gave me special access(just a key to shelf with big books) to a shelf when I was younger. I felt like “Matilda” from Roald Dahl for a while.

I wish somebody told me this when I was younger.
Because I loved reading wimpy kids, dork diaries, enid blyton’s and roald dahl’s book when I was in 8th and 9th grade. But my father said i should stop reading these kind of books and start reading books with more “substance” or “information” or “I’m too old for it”. Which made me slowly give up on reading books. But at the time I was in hostel, Since there was no electronics , I got back into it again. I have a big shelf at home with all my books now. I still love reading the books I said above.


congratulations!!! i’m pretty new to wanikani and i didn’t realize there was a forum community that was so tight-knit. i’ll probably start looking around here more often now it seems like a great place. good luck with your future language learning!


In case you haven’t discovered it yet, try Lapsang Souchong tea - it has a very smoky flavor (which I find to be delicious, especially with a little bit of milk or cream).

Oh, and congratulations on level 60!


Congrats!! :clap::clap::clap::clap: I hope the cake was good :muscle: :birthday: