The worst feeling ever

I missed two radicals by accident two days ago. I reviewed them couple times but I still need to wait 24 hours just for those 2 before I can move on to Kanji


You can always do the lessons that unlocked from the other 24 radicals in the meanwhile :slight_smile:


Hi! Welcome to WK!

Another option if you are really prone to typo mistakes is to use Override userscript here. However, please keep in mind that this is a very tempting script and you should be strict about yourself when using it.

Or, be curious and check the other levels manually :slight_smile:


Sorry if I got it wrong but it doesn’t sound like you guru-ed those radicals just yet :sweat_smile: for that you’ll have to review a radical 4 times and get it to the “guru” status, and right after that all kanji from that level that contain the unlocked radical will appear in your lesson tab. No need to wait just for two :wink:

I think they have, the first two levels are twice as fast as the other levels. The intervals are 2h, 4h, 12h, 24h for level 1 and 2.

True, but why do they have to wait to move on to kanji then? It doesn’t make sense :see_no_evil:

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Ah that’s what you meant. Yea I expect that they should have some lessons. Seems a bit strange if they didn’t.

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They have lessons, that’s why I wrote that on my post. 24 radicals were guru’d, 2 on apprentice. They probably have a generous amount of lessons to do already.


What I suggest doing is adding a user synonym to ALL the radicals by using the word “pass” and using that as the answer to all of them.

Lets face it not all the radicals are real, most have fictitious names and they are of no benefit whatsoever when they become a mockery.

That said you should probably research radicals by other means.

Passing them off in reviews unlocks the Kanji quicker which is what you really want to learn. Radicals are important but only if they are correct. By doing it this way you can still see the radical makeup of the Kanji and just imagine some sort of pattern or story in your head to memorise them and it will work just as well.

I understand the way this site works isn’t for everyone, and maybe this strategy is good for you. But, you are suggesting to a new user (in response to their first ever post) that they should ignore one of the core features they will be paying for if they sign up for a subscription. That being, (in part at least) the site’s radicals/names feeding an intricate set of mnemonics and stories which snowball as you advance.

While you are suggesting people ignore all of that content, could you point out its purpose so they can make an informed decision?


This is not true. Plenty of high level people have expressed how WK’s radicals allow them to practice writing in a much better way, compared to the “real” radicals.

The radical system isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean it has no point being there. It does have a point.

Please don’t “skip” radicals.


The purpose of this entire website is to learn kanji by “mnemonics”. Without learning the radical names WK provides, mnemonics would be impossible to remember. The purpose of the radicals here is not to be “correct” or anything of the sort, but rather to aid in kanji memorization. :thinking:

If one wanted to learn without mnemonics as you suggest, it might be more useful to consider using an anki deck for the kanji (for free), rather than paying a sum of money every month/year just for the privilege of using WK as an SRS platform.


Mnemonics aren’t the one and only selling point of WK. I honestly don’t use the mnemonics, but pay for the timed and gamified srs system. From previous study and Heisig I already have my own mnemonics for the meanings and prefer to use them.

That said, I would never suggest that a beginner skips the mnemonics for radicals and kanji.


It is not impossible to learn by ignoring radicals. I ignore them all the time and am doing fairly well since March to learn a lot more Kanji that I did not know previously. It also gave me the knowledge to pass JLPT N4 in July.

I would strongly suggest and endorse that if people skip the radicals they can still proceed at a good pace or faster pace than learning the fictitious radicals.

Hey I have passed JLPT N4 all by NOT learning the radicals and by simply adding “pass” as a synonym to all of them.

I skip them all the time and am doing just fine. I can write better without learning them. I can remember Kanji better without learning the fictitious ones. Bothering with all that sort of garbage would only set my education back.

What I do instead is use a number of other sources to learn the “real” radicals" stroke order and what they are called. I then do the lessons here, ignoring all radicals and looking to identify the pattern in them.

Now I personally do not have the patience for their BS stories in the Kanji. It does my head in big time so I just ignore them. What i do for example is with Kanji like ćŒ” which consists of a bow next to the Kanji for long is keep it simple. I think pulling something long is stretching. Easy to remember. (before anyone says the radical is a bow, yes it is but you need to pull it to fire the arrow). The sound is easy to remember because it shares it with the previous Kanji 長 for long.

I keep it simple. That way I can still use this site, see the radical makeup while ignoring the fictitious names, come up with my own personal thoughts that enable me to remember it and simply keep learning.

To me the reading mnemonics are just absurd, ludicrous and downright odd. As I said it does my head in big time to even look at such insanity that I simply ignore all that garbage.

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The OP seemed to just be venting about having to wait. Please stop trying to bias their view of the radicals or mnemonics before they’ve had time to give them a chance. After they’ve tried them they can make an informed decision on how to use (or not use) them going forward.


Perhaps there’s a misunderstanding here, I didn’t say one could not learn the kanji without learning the radical names, but the mnemonics which are there to aid with kanji memorization.

The system is tailored to be easiest for beginners and to guide them through the process from start to finish. Mnemonic memorization isn’t for everyone, I digress on that point, but as others have said, before you give such advice to a newcomer who doesn’t fully understand the consequences of what you suggest, you should also explain how the system was designed to work, and let them make their own choice :ok_hand: Explain to them what the consequences are of doing it your way so they have a clear understanding of what they would gain and lose. It’s more ethical imo.

If they’re using WK, there’s a good chance they came for the mnemonic system anyway. When there are so many other alternatives for rote kanji memorization, in my mind at least half of what I pay for WK goes towards all the trouble the team spent to make mnemonic systems.


I think I have said before but the mnemoics are far too childish, immature and idiotic for me to even pay attention to. When I did look at them it does my head in. It is impossible for me to learn like this.

What the site does for me is provide a system of reviews and the large font and display of the Kanji with a clear pattern where you can identify the “authentic” radicals makes it easy to remember. Basically for layout and format of the Kanji did it for me with the reviews to reinforce it.

There are absolutely no consequences at all for doing it the way I am saying. One could research the correct names of the radicals and when they are presented with the Kanji they can use their own imagination to think of things that will trigger their memory.


Everything you’ve said is simply your opinion. If you don’t like the radicals and mnemonics, that’s all fine and good. I’d wager a guess that there’s a fair number of people (myself included) that eventually do stop using the mnemonics.

However, being able to break kanji into a handful of simpler components, “legitimate” or not, is a huge help in distinguishing between similar kanji, and scaffolding in the long run.

Sure, maybe not. For you, anyway. But not everybody is created equal. Many people here have tried studying through anki, heisig, or any other kanji studying methods which didn’t work, but WaniKani did. It’s not fair to say there are no consequences to skipping WaniKani’s most unique selling point. Sure, SRS is great. There are lots of SRS systems, though. WaniKani has systematically organized the kanji it teaches by simplicity of these “made up” radicals and then creates mnemonics for you using said radicals, which then carry to the kanji and vocab. There’s also literally no consequence from not skipping radicals. They’re fairly easy to remember, and can actually be quite beneficial to many people.

But hey, you’ve got the almighty JLPT N4, so what do I know. :man_shrugging:t3:

@Sirius_San, keep it up! It’s a tough journey with lots of ups and downs, but ultimately very rewarding and an absolute blast. Sorry your first post ever has started such a flame war. Don’t let this influence your opinion of the forums! People like this are few and far between.
Welcome to WaniKani :blush:


Shapes must be childish too. :wink:

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