The BookWalker Freebies Thread

Original topic by @curiousjp :

BookWalker is an ebook store that offers online reading through the web, has an iOS application (which also allows you to pay for purchases using Apple’s in-app-purchasing mechanism), and lets you do your account creation in English (through the English language ‘global’ storefront.) I like it, although I haven’t used much else.

Like many ebook stores it offers free books from time to time - these tend to fall into two categories:

  • 期間限定きかんげんてい価格かかく: limited time pricing, which includes limited time discounts to zero yen; and
  • 期間限定きかんげんてい 無料むりょうためばん: limited time free trial versions, which are eventually removed from your account.

This thread will focus on the 期間限定価格 as I’m generally not fast enough to get through the お試し版 before they expire. I posted a bit about this in @Radish8’s Resources for Starting to Read Japanese Content thread, but thought it might be good to have a thread of its own as a companion to @Airdramon’s Currently Free Kindle Books on Amazon Japan thread.

Revised comments, 21 August 2020 -

  • At any one time there are hundreds of zero yen 期間限定価格 on BookWalker, far too many for me to make sense of here.
  • I have written a python script that crawls BookWalker, and compares its findings with a (different) crawl of MangaUpdates to fuzzily match series titles that are tagged as “Award-Winning” or that enjoy user ratings of 7.5 or higher.
  • I will try to post here weekly. The MangaUpdates data will get updated about once a month, or as I remember.
  • I would welcome feedback on whether this format works well or whether this should just be an online spreadsheet.

Misc. useful bookwalker lore tips:


I know there are not many using BookLive but they usually have the same books for free. So the list should mostly be accurate for BookLive, too!

At least I just recently “bought” Chihayafuru 1-3 and Flying Witch 1-2 (when it was available a few months backs and it’s also available for free at the moment) on BookLive for free. I’m also putting Mushishi 1-3 in my cart right this moment, thanks for the list!


It’s quite baffling how close BookLive and BookWalker look to one another, even though they seem to be backed by entirely different companies. Are those Tsutaya points it rewards for purchases??

Thanks also for posting this - I signed up and they gave me a 50% off coupon I used to finally buy the omnibus edition of 日本人の知らない日本語, and it seems like they’re willing to sell me なぜ?どうして?科学のお話 2年生, which on BookWalker is limited to domestic sales only. Yay!


And probaby every other major site. I just looked up about 15 random currently free mangas from BookWalker and chcked Honto, eBookJapan and Amazon and they all had them for free, too. As well as those on the list in the OP.

Thank you, I really appreciate this. I get the emails from Bookwalker but usually don’t have the time to trawl through them. It’s a lot easier just looking at your list!


135 new items today (mostly 分冊版ぶんさつばん, or separated volumes - the Kiss manga label seems to call these プチキス, or “petite kisses”), but not much that I or the database of adapted titles recognised.



Just wanted to say thank you for this thread. It‘s really nice to see all the new free things :+1:


81 new items today.


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48 new items. If you like Chiruran: Shinsengumi Requiem, you’re in for a treat.


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89 new items. Quite a lot here that’s been translated / has an English wikipedia page / etc.



I see 鬼灯の冷徹 !! :eyes:

I went ahead and grabbed a couple titles! Thank you so much for making this thread. I’m new to Bookwalker and can’t really navigate it yet haha

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88 new items. Today we have a lot of work celebrating the life of mangaka Shotaro Ishinomori (active 1954-1998, Tezuka student, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Cyborg 009, etc) - but not a lot else.

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There are so many of these things to sort through… agh


The lunar new year brings many free volumes themed around funerals and disability (including charming guide dog manga Happy!) but not much that I otherwise recognised.


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31 January 2020

In case anyone is wondering what else I’ve been working on lately, I’ve recently finished a program that takes the stroke order data from KanjiVG and uses it to generate custom handwriting worksheets. 道 犬 察 spits out an SVG ready for printing:


this looks pretty useful. And as always, thaks for the collection of free mangas

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A large amount of Crayon Shin-Chan available today, which should be nostalgic for anyone who learned their first grammar points from Wayne Lammers’ Japanese the Manga Way book.


Obsessively checking this thread has paid off :partying_face:

EDIT: O man, those furigana are so tiny, they might as well not exist :sweat_smile:



I might’ve gone a little overboard with this batch…


I don‘t think so XD my largest purchase of free mangas was more then 80 at once.