Are any of the plugins for typos still working? I absolutely love WaniKani but this sole thing is ruining it for me. I seem to be very clumsy typing. Sure, I could be more careful and double check… but in the midst of a 100-200 review session it is hard to do consistently.
It also completely eliminates any chance for me to complete reviews on the go on my phone (but plugins wouldn’t be a thing there…).
I would really appreciate it! I got to level 8 in a few months and so far I’ve been enjoying the progress but when this is a daily grind, a frustration like this has been a source of a lot of fruistration and slow downs…
You can actually use plugins on mobile in the browser. Personally I use firefox (on android) which offers extensions that allow you to use it just like on a desktop. It even works when you install WK as a Progressive Web App. Then it feels similar to a normal app.
(I also set up sync for my extensions so they’d work on both PC and mobile without needing to manually sync)
(to install it as a PWA, just click the 3 dots menu of the browser and then “add to home screen” or “install” or whatever similar thing the browser might say, since they use different labels)
I don’t know if there is a similar option for iOS.