I’ve been doing Wanikani for 2 years and am only at level 25. I’m slow. A lot of kanji I may have burned early on could easily be a problem for me now. I’d love to be able to review all my burns and bring them out of retirement on a case by case basis. What a neat feature, amirite?!
There is a solution!
You’re capable of un-burning items through vanilla WK features if you so wish.
If not, then there is also the Burn Manager script. It allows you to review, resurrect, or retire burned items.
There is also the [Userscript] Self-Study Quiz. You can custom make review quizzes that only use items of your choosing. You can set it to only review burned items.
The self-study script, combined with the Additional Filters is great in general. You can put extra time in your leeches, or to re-review items you got wrong in your latest review sessions, and many other things. It’s an extremely versatile tool. ^^
Always good to leave feedback of WK features you’d like, but at least you can already achieve your desired results right now.
The Self-Study Quiz script seems like a good way to achieve the same results, but I do agree that allowing a user-initiated review of burned items (with an easy option to restore them to active queues) would be a nice built-in feature.
I personally love this script, which provides a little app on your dashboard that reviews random burned items. When I have no review items, I usually do a few of those.
This looks excellent, but I’m new at the use of scripts. Is it only applicable for web use, and not for the app on my mobile device?
I personally don’t use any of the third party phone apps for WK (there is no official one), so I don’t know which apps have what features. I know some tried to incorporate some popular script functions? Can anyone confirm?
If you have an Android phone, you can run scripts like you can on the PC. If you download FireFox, and then install ViolentMonkey through the add-ons page, you can install scripts like you would on PC, so you’d only have to follow the instructions posted with the scripts.
I don’t think everything works perfectly, and I’ve not tried something like burn manager or self-study on phone myself, so I can’t promise it’ll work. But with an Android phone you can at least give it a go. ^^
This guide helps a bit with the scripts on Firefox, although it is quite an old guide. At least I know that the mentioned scripts work.
Yeah, I used that guide to get some scripts going. ^^
I recently put all my burned items into anki
Are you saying that once I get a burned item, I won’t be able to review it anymore??? Then I’ll forget it!
Maybe start using KameSame, link it up with your Wanikani account and go through only your burned items. That way you’re testing words you should know really well, but from the other way around, typing the Japanese when prompted by English words. That’ll make for extra reinforcement of words you’re already familiar with.
The staff has discussed allowing people to demote items not just to Apprentice I but to lessons. I think that will pretty much be a game changer to fix this problem.
Saw an item you forgot? Search => Demote to lessons => Boom, learn it again.
The idea is that if you still know the item after four months, you will probably know it forever. Furthermore, WaniKani is a sort of stepping stone for learning to read Japanese, so you will be exposed to your burned kanji quite often if you start reading at some point. This is also why there are so many reading groups on this forum.
Okay… I hope you’re right!
tl;dr Zombie turtles!
I know on my android I just use the Tampermonkey addon for the Firefox browser (which is the same thing I use on my desktop Chrome and Firefox) and although some scripts don’t fully fit the smaller screen properly (that is just the script not being designed to encompass smaller screens since they don’t resize properly for smaller browser windows on my desktop as well) all of the scripts that I run on my desktop work (as far as I can tell) on my phone.
I would love a %-based “random burn” feature where you could set a percentage of your reviews to be random items from your burn pile.
A tad off topic but I’d also love an option after entering a wrong answer to change it (for typos etc). iKnow (aaaah! ) allows you to correct wrong answers. It’s really handy. I know there is a script for this; however, I’m not one for scripts as numerous google searches have said Tampermonkey is a tad dodgy.
FYI you can set Tampermonkey to only run on WaniKani with Chrome settings if you want to use it but minimize risk.
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