Advanced extra credit: put aside all manners,
And context and try to write something as if you were speaking to a native and trying to sound like a native. Doesn’t matter if you sound like pirate, that’s ok here.
Not to nit-pick, but I don’t feel this is is all that dissimilar from the main Japanese Sentence a Day Challenge thread, which doesn’t have any content restriction really, so people arguably are trying to talk like a native, no?
Since that thread is already at 700 posts, it seems somewhat counterproductive to split the posting across two locations.
Like @Joeni pointed out, this is the exact same challenge = write any kind of sentence per day. There’s is really no need to have 2 identical threads and the other one is already an established thread for this sort of thing, so please just post there.
When a thread, reaches a certain level of replies and responses, it’s pretty be hard to summarize it all after 100+ replies. Henceforth as the conversation continues… after 100+ replies it should be closed and another started, for congruity. This topic is similar yet different, so agree to disagree. Also if you are a moderator please message me in private about posting issues etc. I find it a little rude and completely disturbs the continuity of the thread making it all irrelevant, before it even begins, and henceforth without even realizing it you crushed my thread before it even had a chance to begin. You can make amends by removing your comments then I will remove mine, and then pinning my topic, and simply responding “good thread” as a show of support for my new thread, pin should be for 1 week, to stimulate thread growth. @Joeni@ekg
If you are not mods please send comments like this to my inbox, and please keep the replies here as actual participations to the activity at hand. Criticism not thoughtful and unwelcome thank you.
I fail to see how this is relevant for a ‘sentence a day challenge’ which hardly needs any summation.
Tell that to people who frequent one of the threads that gets 100 posts in a day. Tell that to people who maintain study logs. Tell that to book groups or shared progress leaderboards. Your comment here shows you haven’t sampled much of the content here on the forums.
I attempted, in the politest way, to point out that this threat (whether you agree or not) is extremely similar to an existing thread. Since this was your first post and you joined within the last month, I thought perhaps you weren’t aware. We try to be helpful like that, where we can, on this forum
I’m not sure if this is intended as facetious, but I shan’t be doing this.
This forum doesn’t have a private messaging system, thus all comment is in the public view. You’ll find that members of this forum will, in general, attempt to give feedback and advise.
I wish you luck on your language learning journey.
I’m not sure how much experience you have with online forums, but it’s generally considered bad form or spam to post identical threads to existing ones as this undermines the ongoing discussions and just creates confusion. Therefore, before creating new threads, please make use of the search function and see what ongoing discussions already exist. Good luck with your studies.
If you have any questions, check out this thread; but if this doesn’t answer your questions, feel free to create a thread, or email The Wanikani staff.
Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you around!
(My appologies for again disrupting the continuity of this thread, but since it’s the first time you’ve posted, it’s a custom…)
Ok ty leebo so much for participating! Really appreciate it, and ty so much. After 10 troll replies you are the first person to actually participate! Ty for you! Oh and nice sentence btw! It’s easy to sound like a perfectly grammatical japanese robot. But that’s not how we talk here so ty again, and your sentence is another wonderful example of how JP people actually talk! =D
Trolling [noun] [U] [UK: /trəʊ.lɪŋ/ /trɒl.ɪŋ/ US: /troʊ.lɪŋ/] The act of leaving an insulting message on the internet in order to annoy someone
I would counter that providing feedback and constructive criticism is not trolling. Asking people to provide reparations for imagined impact to a threads potential popularity might be though.
And bursting into an existing forum as a new user, laying down rules which are to be obeyed without question (despite contradicting existing rules, or even being impossible), isn’t trolling?