My eyes have really been getting bad lately, but I get a treatment day after tomorrow. If it works, I’m in on this challenge! I miss my Japanese reading.
July 1st!
Summer Challenge time!
Today I read the next chapter of Teasing Master Takagi-san, and also finished volume 2 of Kawazuya, which was 6 chapters. It was quite a fun read in the end - really low text density so it was nice and light to read while I’ve been having a super busy week.
I’m back for more this summer!
I did pretty good in spring, 50 days total. It got a lot easier to want to read every day after I got through the first Yotsuba volume. It really made a difference slogging through the beginning and getting familiar with informal dialogue, along with binge watching Japanese From Zero, and Cure Dolly for grammar points. Those two channels really made a difference in my comprehension over the last month.
My plan for July is to get through Yotsuba volume 2.
We’ll see if my ability to post updates improves as well.
2 July | Study Log
Title | Type | Natively | Progress | |
世にも奇妙な商品カタログ 1 | light novel | 23 | 39% → 48% | |
悪役令嬢おじさん1 | manga | 28 | 22% → 39% | |
紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 1 | manga | 29 | 38% () | |
ダンジョン飯9 | manga | 30 | 32% () |
- Half a chapter of カタログ, a bit difficult but loads of new words to grab at some point. Lots of snowy, icey words, which fits my current temperature state
- Chapter of 悪役令嬢
Title | Type | Read | ||
ふしぎ駄菓子屋 | prose | 109 → 110/148pgs |
Day one! Small read to start off with because I was exhausted today
Title | Progress | Length | Type | |
コンビニ人間 (29) | 52 → 62 | 147 | 小説 | |
東方茨歌仙 ~Wild and Horned Hermit 1 (30?) | 59 → 87 (Ch3) | 146 | マンガ | |
ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実 大地の章 | 1:30 → 3:00 | ゲーム | ||
イジらないで、長瀞さん (マガポケ) | Ch 153 | 30 | マンガ |
Happy start of the summer challenge!!
Yoinking this nifty template idea to make my updates a little easier to write I’m going to be trying to keep my reading time spread out for a while, trying to chip away slowly at projects vs focusing solely on one big thing for at least a little bit.
Some talk about how I play/record my games
Beat the 3rd dungeon and nabbed another ことわり today while I was doing my listening time. This game is pretty text light, so it’s not a huge problem for me to idly play it while I’m listening to a streamer, or something like that.
Another chapter from touhou manga as well, thankfully this one was easier than the last one… I don’t need more explanations of cold fusion thank you very much (although, we still got some nice 怨霊 and 輪廻 talk, can’t be taking it too easy on me now ) Also snuck in a little bit of コンビニ人間 before bed. Both of these are for working on bingo squares, and they’re both fairly short, so should wrap them up pretty quickly as long as I don’t forget about them
If you google sentences from the exercises you will come across a Chinese website that has the bulk of it transcribed, which means you can use Yomitan or ChatGPT more easily to get clarity. I can see if I can find it…? Though I may not be allowed to link to it here due to copyright…
July 1
PMD DX: rescued Gardevoir from Murky Cave, beat Suicune at Northwind Field, recruited Articuno and unlocked Silver Trench.
I started this morning, not with よつばと!as I mentioned yesterday, but with works from a collection of free stories I came across on Natively.
You can download pdfs of these or read them on the host website, Tadoku, which is linked on the page.
青い and ありますか? were both way too easy for me, but the first taught me some culturalisms, like how blue isn’t always blue… and the latter helped to further see the differences between は and が. Sometimes seeing them in such simple contexts goes a long way. Or maybe just reading more in general…
Structurally, つみっこ had nothing that made me uncomfortable. It had nothing that I hadn’t seen before, apart from vocabulary. I did notice an instance of the passive, but thanks to having read Cinderella yesterday, I was able to spot the conjugated form and understand it. Listed at Level 10, it was a very simple and comfortable read for me. It was also interesting and culturally informative.
I’ll probably chip away at the 100+ stories before going into manga. I’ve been listening to the Japanese Duolingo stories, too, as listening practice, and also to expose myself to those spoken colloquialisms that I’m sure I’ll come across when I start manga.
I’m gaining confidence already, and maybe by the time the challenge is over, I’ll try playing Pokemon Red or Silver in Japanese again.
Oh, right. I made a Natively account to better keep track of the books and stories I read.
Book | Pages | |
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 3 | 177 - 195 (end) |
Grumbles in needing to change all my links
Happy reading though everyone! Let’s build healthy habbits!
Today: p. 141-151 of よつばと! Vol. 3.
New vocab:
後半 : こうはん: latter half, second half
余裕: よゆう: surplus, remaining time
盆明け: ぼんあけ: end of Obon
連休: れんきゅう: consecutive holidays
わたあめ: cotton candy
ならない: shouldn’t you/we…?
おわび: apology
誘う: さそう: to invite
敵: てき: opponent, adversary
やっつける: to beat, to attack (an enemy)
I am annoyed that it takes me so very long to read ten pages with full understanding, but I’m trying to relax and enjoy it.
I’m feeling quite wistful this month, as I was in Japan last year at this time, and I’m sad that I’m not there again! Yotsuba brings me back to my homestay, where I got to spend time with some small kids who were just as cute and troublesome as she is.
1st july
Title | Type | Natively | Progress | |
東京トイボックス | manga | 24? | none | |
ブレイブリーデフォルト | game | N/A | none | |
all that remains: a life in death | eng book | N/A | pg 117-129 | |
aDoAJG | grammar | N/A | pg 39-41 | |
余命3000文字 | short story | N/A | complete | |
走れメロス | short story | 32 | complete |
no nhk article
July 2nd | Home post
4000 characters from Island today. Really having fun with it!
In addition, I read a little from a text book. It’s strange how I can read 4000 characters (10 pages in a normal book) from a VN and have fun with it, but in a text book I have had enough after just one page. That really shows how important it is to read something you like!
July 1
Read 1 ハイキュー!! chapter (I’m on Volume 9 at the moment) and a decent amount of 美しい彼 (74% → 86%). Should finish both of those this week.
July 2nd
Some more classical Japanese. Kind of limited by the number of Anki cards it is reasonable to add in a given day.
望月光の古文教室 古典文法編 | L28? | p. 30-35・3% | |
これで古典がよくわかる | L28? | p. 122-124・1% |
Home post // July 2
・本好きの下剋上 17 (3,5% → 11,5%) | 15 639 ch. (22475/195530)
Got to read a bit more today than yesterday :3 The chapters in the Honzuki books are so long, I’m falling asleep from tiredness before I can complete one.
I’m not used to tracking the amount of characters, so that’s interesting.
Haha, I forgot I must click box in calendar, I’m too out of it, lmao
Lookups (13)
Word | Reading | Meaning |
尊ぶ | とうとぶ | 敬って大切にする。あがめる。たっとぶ |
拘る | こだわる | ひとつのことについて強く思い入れたり、執着したりすること |
歓待 | かんたい | warn welcome, friendly reception, hospitality |
扮する | ふんする | to dress up as, to disguise oneself as, to play the role of |
無体 | むたい | by force, outrageous, unreasonable |
解す | げす | to understand, to comprehend |
富豪 | ふごう | wealthy person, millionaire |
紙片 | しへん | 紙きれ。piece (scrap, bit, strip) of paper |
自ずと | おのずと | 物事の性質や成り行きに従って自然にそうなるさま。 ひとりでに。自然に。おのずから。 |
元の木阿弥 | もとのもくあみ | ending up right back where one started |
大店 | おおだな | large store |
趣旨 | しゅし | meaning, point (e.g. of a statement); goal, intent |
廃れる | すたれる | to go out of style, to become obsolete |
Day 2!
Wanted to compare how my speed was today, but I don’t have a good count because I hit the first ending of Chaos;Head! And once that happened it gave me this big auto advancing text section (overall a little too fast for me still cause some of the text was a little flowery) that the texthooker didn’t handle so well and was spitting out a lot of garbage. So I also dunno how much I read, maybe around 10k total? A little light so far today cause I got distracted and joined a friend for Splatoon, haha. I’ll do more later.
Last night I added in a chapter of ダンダダン. It’s wacky fun and a pretty light read (this was literally only chapter 2 so far).
For interesting new words I mined: 蜃気楼 (しんきろう, mirage)
Today I encountered オノマトペ地獄
7月02日 | Home post
A short read today, only 1026 characters from LOOPERS — finished Chapter 3. I’m enjoying the medium, it feels easier to keep reading than with a standard prose book. Regarding the story, I’m still not sure about it, I’m waiting to see how it develops.
Home Post | Study Log | 07月02日
Resource | Pages | Completion (%) |
Granny Girl Hinata Vol.2 | 0/178 → 21/178 | 11% |
Frieren Vol.2 | 22/200 | 11% |
Hooray I’ll catch up with this and the bear book this week then I can start on my other books
Book | Pages | |
スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり 4 | 91 - 114 |
Smoking was pretty cute. It’s a bit weird though because I’ve lost my enthusiasm for this series it seems. Like now it’s just a manga to me rather than a manga I like. I’m looking forward to finishing it, but for the sake of decreasing my currently reading pile and not out of love. It’s odd.