📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲


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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-28 :gun: Persona 3 Reload :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 4/23 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 2h00m

More Persona today, in terms of the in-game calendar, I didn’t progress too much, but this included the first day that I was let off the rails to go explore, so lots of place exploratory text.

Something I might have missed, but in the “what other people did”, it seemed to imply some people made it to level 15 of Tartarus on 4/22, but that’s the first “free entry” day for Tartarus and it kicked me out at level 5 to explain the teleporter mechanic, so I don’t see how they did it. So not sure if I misunderstood something about the menu of other people’s actions, or of the dialogue kicking me out, or if there was some way to re-enter at that point.


Feb 27th!

Quite a big read today! 10 pages of the Orange Light Novel, finishing chapter 6.
Only 1 more chapter in this volume now. :slight_smile:

Feb 28th!
6 pages of the Orange Light Novel today.

(Home Post)


29 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:thought_balloon: 妄想テレパシー1 manga 25 0pg → 50pg
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 38% (no change)
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 24% (no change)
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 84% (no change)
  • Started a new casual read from off my physical shelf, 妄想テレパシー1. Funny, it’s a 4-koma I think I can handle… I really like the way they use colour for the ‘imagination’ segments. I’ve had this one for years, so nice to be able to read it very casually. (Don’t really recommend this one for beginners, no furigana and loads of handwriting, but if you have vocab down it’s surprisingly pretty chill)

Home post

Feb 28

  • :desert: BASARA chapter 8
    Last chapter of the volume, but there’s still the atogaki, which I’ll probably read tomorrow.

Maybe from people playing on new game plus? I also noticed some funny stuff like that when I played Persona 5, where people were doing things that weren’t possible for me time-wise, and I think that was from new game plus.


26th - 29th feb

home post

didn’t think i’d end up taking up as long as a break as i did but here we are i guess :sweat_smile: spent the past couple of days in bed trying to get better (turns out shingles on the face sucks) and found it very difficult to concentrate on any real reading at all, i did some poking around on pixiv and wikipedia but that’s about it. debated whether or not to count the days as done in the context of the challenge but i’m gonna go with no. on the other hand my listening practice is doing great :+1:

gonna lurk in the thread as i usually do in the off month and then come back to it in april! probably still won’t have finished ouran by then but we’ll see. nice job everybody who made it to the end! :sunny:


Feb 29, Thu of Week 9 of Q1 2024

  • NARUTO Vol.24 end, Ch.213-217

  • DIJG : さ

  • ぼぎわんが来る (39-42%)

Words of the day
  • ()() = bruise
  • 不妊(ふにん) = infertility; sterility
  • 陣痛促進剤(じんつうそくしんざい) = labor-inducing drug. 陣痛(じんつう) is labor pain, as well as, uterine contractions.
  • 井戸端会議(いどばたかいぎ) = housewives’ gossip. A little conference at well’s side (井戸端(いどばた) = 井戸(いど)(はた))
  • シーチキン(.) = “Sea Chicken”, a genericized canned マグロ brand
  • 早蕨(さわらび) = freshly budded (わらび) :shamrock:


Home post

LAST DAY OF THE (official) CHALLENGE! The last three days were very light reading with Dr. Dru’s stories because things are starting to become hectic! Today was episode 2_04. I’m so glad I was able complete a 2 month streak of reading everyday in another language. Mostly Japanese with just one or two days of reading only in Spanish. I’ll be editing my home post for a summary to reflect this.

I probably won’t continue this for March because well… Real life is getting in the way. I still plan to read in another language everyday, but I likely won’t have time to share updates here. I’ll just be ticking away on my study log instead. Maybe sharing interesting things I encounter every now and then there!

Also just to say that I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s progress and I’ve been really motivated by everyone who’s been posting here everyday! :slight_smile: Best of luck to everyone who’s planning to continue this through March!


:japanese_ogre: February 27 :beans:

:cat: Book Pages
:snowman_with_snow: 季節を愉しむ366日 Feb 28
:horse_racing: STEEL BALL RUN 1 91 - 123

:japanese_ogre: February 28 :beans:

:cat: Book Pages
:snowman_with_snow: 季節を愉しむ366日 Feb 29
:horse_racing: STEEL BALL RUN 1 124 - 154

Seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about the sort of moon that’s only a sliver and I guess like there’s a harvest moon in the fall, this one’s a sort of spring moon? 三日月. It’s definitely not what’s in the sky rn though.

Chapter 4 of SBR :horse_racing: was interesting. I’m not attached to the characters (yet?) but it was a good chapter.

Seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about the leap day of course.

Also I am very geniunely confused. I thought I read SBR both the 28th and 29th but I definitely read the whole chapter in one day so idk. Gonna finish the vol tonight. Found the missing chapter lol


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 29 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

正覚坊 :turtle: :sake:

Next story! This one doesn’t have any chapters, so I read the whole thing.

It’s about fishing and drinking lots of sake.

Word Found in the Swamp

真菰「まこも」ー (Manchurian) Wild rice



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-29 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部4 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: 5 Chapters
:open_book: 15-19 + Bonus
:page_facing_up: 109 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h20m

Last official challenge day today, and I finished up the manga section of 本好きの下剋上第一部4, with just the bonus short story left. This is the series I bought physically a few months back, so it was a bit slower from the lack of easy lookups, but it’s definitely a lot smoother than it used to be.

Good practice too, since Rakuten shadowbanned my account for buying from outside Japan I guess, so I’m back to bookwalker for novels after I finish up セーラー服と機関銃 I guess, which will also make lookups more of a pain.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月29日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 37/41
:desert_island: ISLAND 6.2k 230.000 char 0 new word (reread)
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 3 chapters 152/272

Started up ISLAND to take some screenshots for the VN book club and… ended up playing for a bit :slight_smile:
Was very pleasantly surprised, I remember struggling so much when I first tried it last summer, now I could just read all sentences at normal speed with minimal look ups and no machine translation. Also, very fun to see things under a different light, when it’s a re-read. Noticing a lot of hints about future events.

Wait what :scream:


They wiggity what


I can’t login because it says my password (saved in my password manager) is wrong. I can’t reset it to what’s in my password manager as it says that’s already the password. I can’t set it to a new one because it just errors out telling me I need to fill out form fields that aren’t there.


Have you cleared your cache? Restarted the browser? Tried a different browser? Restarted the computer? Last possibility is to wait a few hours/a few days, sometimes companies break their own websites.

I thought I should ask, although I assume you probably knew all that and have already tried it. Here’s to hoping it is just something weird going on. :crossed_fingers:


Yeah, done all the standard stuff. Even tried to contact support but I didn’t remember the address I’d used when signing up so they told me they couldn’t help. (Also probably the most unusual Japanese practice I’ve had so far lol)


That’s sucks. I’d still try again in a few days. Maybe try to log in with a VPN on too, not sure that would make a difference, but doesn’t hurt to try, right?


Yeah, I could probably get a new account with a VPN/different CC/different email, but I’d rather just deal with someone less hostile to my business. (I think it didn’t help their fraud stuff that I signed up twice in quick succession as I accidentally linked my first attempt at creating an account to a Kobo IE account and then it wouldn’t sell me any books on Rakuten Books or Kobo JP)


Home Thread // February 29th, 2024

Name Progress State Finished
Markus’ Ascent (Part 1) 22/22 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 29th Feb, 2024
The King’s Birthday 7/7 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 19th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

AHAHAHA (hysterical laughter) I completed the first part of Markus’ Ascent today, and because of the leap year, even before the challenge officially ends :laughing:; two more chapters from Markus Ascent, the final two chapters weren’t part of the actual story; also read two NHK articles today, not the best way to end the month, but I’ll take it hehe


Damn, I should probably note that down somewhere… And rip all my books asap


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:revolving_hearts: 花野井くんと恋の病 vol. 2, 5 pages.

I was lazy tonight as I had already read 6 volumes of a new (awesome) manga in english all afternoon and evening, but then I realized it was the last day of the official challenge and I didn’t want to end on nothing, even if I want to keep on reading every day in march. In a result, I read 5 little pages. Fortunately, it was enough for a good news for both characters^^