📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

2024-02-08 – 2024-02-13

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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-13 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん4 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 29-34.5
:page_facing_up: 20 pages
:hourglass: 50m
2024-02-12 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん4 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 28
:page_facing_up: 20 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 10m
2024-02-11 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん4 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 27
:page_facing_up: 18 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 10m
2024-02-10 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん4 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 26
:page_facing_up: 20 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 10m
2024-02-09 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部4 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 15-16
:page_facing_up: 53 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 40m
2024-02-08 :books: 本好きの下剋上 第一部 兵士の娘1 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 13
:page_facing_up: 17 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 30m

So I’ve been away for the weekend, which means I haven’t posted any updates on this thread in a while. I have been reading though! On the 8th, I read some more of the 本好きの下剋上 VN, then on the 9th, I read some of the 本好き manga again (it’s been a while, but I have it physically, so I took it with me for the trip… But then I only ended up reading it on the outbound plane). The next three days were a chapter each of ひなたちゃん, basically just for the purpose of keeping this challenge going, and finally, now that I’m home today, I finished out volume 4.

Hinata Volume 4 Comment

I did not expect Sakuya’s back story to be what it was. Honestly, volume 3 led me thinking it was going to be much darker.


14 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 0% → 30%
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 30% (no change)
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 15% (no change)
  • Two chapters of Dungeon Meshi last night and this morning to stay on track. (I realised you can tell what chapters the anime will cover next based on the episode previews, since they just name them)

Home post

Episodes 19 - 21 of Sakura and Suzuki. Almost halfway through my third series on Satorireader! It has a total of 43 episodes.

New words:
  • 得意技 「とくいわざ」signature move
  • 観光「かんこう」 sightseeing (learned this as kenbutsu in WK Level 10/11)
  • N-いるみたいだね it seems like (something in the form of a noun or sentence clause)
  • V-てある to have already done (something in the form of verb)
  • おく to do something in advance
  • いよいよ at last, finally, beyond doubt
  • そろそろ soon, momentarily, before long

:japanese_ogre: February 12 :beans:

:cat: Book Pages
:snowman_with_snow: 季節を愉しむ366日 Feb 13
:clinking_glasses: More Delightful Doujin 55ish pages

:japanese_ogre: February 13 :beans:

Grumbles in forgetting to update for a day

I also could have sworn I read JoJo on Sunday, not Saturday?? PS. Lol, misnumbered the past few days.

Seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about stars (13) and lovebirds (14).

I had thought this delightful doujin :clinking_glasses: would arrive with the other but it did not! I’m just happy it arrived though. The listing says 56 pages, but that includes the cover pretty often, so I’m just going to count 55. It’s a join effort doujin with 2 artists sharing their takes on the same prompt. It’s great. Also a little maddening. The first artist is fine and uses language that’s frankly on my level. The second was more advanced. Luckily it was less philosophical than some of their other works, but pleassssse… I’m paying for spice not poetry.

I had a bit of extra time at work and thought I could knock out a chapter of Stake :vampire: but not Ouran :cherry_blossom:. I was right with like a minute to spare.

Midnight Drastic :wine_glass: I picked up again because before bed is the perfect time for spice and also because I want to decrease my now reading pile. 9 books is ridiculous and if I knock out Midnight :wine_glass: and Stake :vampire: , then hopefully I can get back into the swing of Ouran :cherry_blossom: although I have a feeling that I will probably consume Smoking 4 :smoking: before finishing Ouran :cherry_blossom: … Now that I think about it, there’s high odds that I’ll start switching back and forth between something spicy and JoJo for my pre-bed reading :thinking: Oh well. Problems for future me.


Feb. 13

I read another two chapters of チョコっとちょこちゃん vol 1. Halfway finished!

Edit: I also read 15 pages of the preview for the first volume of 学園アリス to see if it was remotely within my skill level.


Home post

Feb 13

  • :dagger: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 chapter 7
  • :desert: BASARA ~half of chapter 2

So many unknown words today.


Feb 13

Home post

同じ夢 page 30 31 32


I read two level one books.


Feb 14

虐殺器官 3% - 4%

Four pages today. Took a while because there were a couple sentences I struggled to comprehend (and a ton of military vocab lol)


14th feb

another ouran chapter, just one left in the volume now (plus a side story). little break between story arcs featuring a mischievous little タヌキ cos why not. also finished vol 1 of No. 6 and though the last chapter was considerably messier than the first two i’ll keep reading! also featured a page or so of a character reading from macbeth, somehow marking my second ‘shakespeare in japanese’ in a week :sweat_smile: more pages in the bakumatsu book, would have been more but i got sidetracked reading the wikipedia pages for huis ten bosch and nagasaki holland village

today’s nhk articles were this one and this one, plus the entries on せい and せめて in aDoIJG

words that stood out

越中褌(えっちゅうふんどし) - string loincloth
名案(めいあん) - good idea

No. 6:
切開(せっかい) - incision, operation, section
渾身(こんしん) - putting in all one’s efforts, using one’s whole body
全快祝(ぜんかいいわ)い - celebration of complete recovery from illness


Feb 14, Wed of Week 7 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.7 [204-207/258]

  • ぼぎわんが来る (7-10%)

  • DIJG : お~, をはじめ(として)

お and を are fated to be interspersed.

Words of the day
  • トタン屋根(やね) = a galvanized sheet iron roof. Different from another common 途端(とたん). (And there is 塗炭(とたん).)
  • 余白(よはく) = blank space, e.g. of a paper. (あま)った空白(くうはく).
  • つわり = morning sickness. Kanji form is 悪阻(つわり).
  • 一式(いっしき) = a complete set
  • 臨月(りんげつ) = final month of pregnancy. Say, a critical boundary (臨界(りんかい)).
  • 新居(しんきょ) = new home
  • 大理石(だいりせき) = marble stone
  • 着工(ちゃっこう) = starting of the construction. Completing is 竣工(しゅんこう).

Book highlights

モンロー主義 = Monroe Doctrine - Wikipedia
パン=アメリカ会議 = Pan-American Conference - Wikipedia
門戸開放政策 = Open Door Policy - Wikipedia

露土戦争 = Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) - Wikipedia
サンステファノ条約 = Treaty of San Stefano - Wikipedia
レーニン = Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia
ナロードニキ = Narodniks - Wikipedia
プレハーノフ = Georgi Plekhanov - Wikipedia
ボリシェヴィキ = Bolsheviks - Wikipedia
メンシェヴィキ = Mensheviks - Wikipedia

アボリジニー = Aboriginal Australians - Wikipedia
ベルリン会議 = Berlin Conference - Wikipedia. There are also other conferences, particularly Congress of Berlin - Wikipedia regarding 露土戦争.
アフリカ分割 = Scramble for Africa - Wikipedia


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 14 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

ひでり狐 :sunny: :fox_face:
Chapter: 2/4

Next story!

After a long drought the villagers pray to the gods for rain and after many donations at the shrine rain arrives. A villager discovers that a fox keeps eating the tasty donations so he sets it upon himself to guard the shrine… but ends up eating the donations himself.

Words Found Baking in the Sun

鎮守「ちんじゅ」ー Local Shinto deity
雨乞い「あまごい」ー Praying for rain; rainmaking
工夫「くふう」ー Devising a way; contriving; working out; thinking up of


Home Thread // February 14th, 2024

Name Progress State Finished
The King’s Birthday 2/7 chapters (29%) Currently reading
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

Same as yesterday: One chapter from the King’s birthday, all four NHK Easy articles from today. Nothing too exiting, I’d say, except that I was kinda in the news today :wink:


February 13th!
3 pages of the Orange light novel today.

February 14th!
Orange light novel again today - I read 8 pages, finishing off Chapter 5.

(Home Post)


This week I’m still reading every day. Fujiki consulting services at 1 episode per day, and clearing my backlog. I finished Reading Road yesterday and 小さな森のオオカミちゃん 2 today!


Feb 14

One chapter of Komi-san and a funny forward foeward (as it was called in the book) to a writing craft non-fiction book. Not sure the foeward was useful to read in any way, but it was entertainingly written at least. :sweat_smile:


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:heavy_heart_exclamation: Sakura and Suzuki on Satori Reader, ep. 30 to 32.


:frog: かえるくん、東京を救う (Super Frog saves Tokyo), short story by Haruki Murakami, 2 pages.

Smooth progress in my readings, I can’t see the end already, but I’ll be there eventually.


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 14 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VII (10% → 12%)

Only read a bit after waking up, prioritized listening today.



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-14 :wind_face: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん 1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 12-13
:page_facing_up: 11 pages
:hourglass: 5m
:guitar: 気になってる人が
:green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 1pt2
:page_facing_up: 12 pages
:hourglass: 10m

A quick day today, just caught up with both the ABBC and BBC that I missed while away.


:japanese_ogre: February 14 :beans:

Seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about Nirvana Day, which I had a lot of trouble understanding tbh

Midnight Drastic :wine_glass: was good but I was falling asleep so I kept accidently cat-napping until I finished the chapter around 4am. Just 2 left out of 6. I kinda want to finish it today but I really should do some chores…